Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 29:Conflicts Arise. How Will You Handle Them?


On November 29, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, November 29:Conflicts Arise. How Will You Handle Them?

An Aries moon primes our ambition, while a quincunx between Mars and Chiron holds us back. What this means? Expect delays, setbacks, and drama across signs. What you deal with today may be annoying, but you can get on top of things. Here, how to win the day according to your zodiac sign for Wednesday, November 29. 

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Woah, why are you looking for a fight? Today is a tense day, with planetary forces creating a push-pull vibe around you. You want love, company, and people to socialize with, but when they’re with you, you get annoyed that they aren’t behaving exactly the way you want. The more aware you are of this behavior (and the more you indulge in chill activities like yoga) the better you’ll be. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
You’re feeling disaffected and pulled in all directions, but settle down, Bulls, because you have some major work to do. Whether it’s in your work or personal life, there’s a problem that’s not going away. It needs to be dealt with head on, and it needs to be dealt with by you. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Conflict is brewing, and while there’s no way to avoid it, here’s a hint: Avoid passive-aggressive behavior. Althought it may feel momentarily satisfying, you might need a fight where both of you raise your voices and raise your convictions, to clear the air. Remember that a fight is not a failure. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your career sector, all eyes (and all the pressure) is on you. Stress may push you to make spontaneous decisions. Take deep breaths and remember that deliberation can be great. Take all the time you need.

Leo Daily Horoscope
On the surface, life looks great, Leo! But conflicts are brewing. You’re burning the candle on both ends, and people in your life want you to make your priorities clear. Expect a conflict, and you may have to shift around your schedule to keep a relationship. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Money is on your mind, and you may find someone in your life hasn’t been entirely straight with you when it comes to bills, payments, or their full financial picture. A bit of independent sleuthing may be on your agenda, but don’t confront just yet. Everything will become more clear in time. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
It’s time to take a look at your calendar. You’re feeling indecision, and that’s all coming from the fact you may have made a ton of commitments without first doing a gut check and asking yourself honestly what you want. Do a full assessment and then make decisions. Remember, it’s okay to cancel.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You may find yourself stumbling in your romantic life, feeling like you’ve lost some self confidence or mojo. In order to get it back, take a step out of the situation and find a place where you excel. You need to remember just how valued and loved you are, and that love comes from many places.  

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Today is about balance. You’re working hard on a project, but it’s time to expand your personal life. You tend to keep a close inner circle, but remember that meeting for a drink or coffee isn’t an invitation to marriage! The more you learn how to casually connect, the better you’ll be. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Communication is everything today, and it’s up to you to shift an unhealthy pattern in your life to one more healthy. There’s someone in your life who you’ve maintained an unhealthy relationship with for far too long, mostly because you don’t speak the truth to them. That changes today.  

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
You’re feeling restless AF. You’re mired in some annoying work situations, and you want to throw everything out the window and run away. Hold off! This annoying transit will run its course. In the meantime, how you’re feeling is a sign from the universe you’re overdue for a vacation. So … where are ya planning on going?

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You’re mad, Pisces! But why? You’re feeling tense in a lot of social situations, and anger is bubbling up—but the anger you feel may have a lot more to do with yourself than other people. Self reflection wins the day. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope. 

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Read your November horoscope. 

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Art by Dorian Legret. Follow his Instagram here. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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