Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 6: Your Past Has a Message for You


On December 6, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Future

Your Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, December 6: Your Past Has a Message for You

When Mercury in retrograde aligns with Saturn today, you may find something that you thought you’d checked off your to-do list come back. At first, it my feel like whatever this is is coming back to haunt you, but it truly isn’t—and this time, you can approach the situation with a different (and better) strategy, using experience as your guide. All signs may feel productive and focused, and if you get past the way things “should” have been, you may find yourself quite pleased with the way things are. Here, your daily horoscope for Wednesday, December 6. 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
Partnerships are a focus today, and you may find someone who you’ve been combative with in the past is an ally today. It’s okay to confide in them a little bit, you may find you had more in common than you thought. You’ve felt tightly wound the past few days, making last minute plans to socialize this evening will do wonders for your outlook on life.

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
You’re still in full do-over mood, but realize the lessons in whatever you’re doing—nothing done is wasted. And on that note, back up your files, Taurus! Mercury is still in retrograde, and it’s all about the details today.

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Mars is in your romance and creativity sector, and it’s a good time to come up to a creative solution or new way of seeing a problem. Attached Geminis may find that a particular issue has been dragging down their relationship. It’s not going away, but from now until January is  prime time to fix it—you just need a change of perspective. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Mars in your home sector is giving you a push on all things on the home front. Whether it’s preparing for the holidays, moving, or renovating, home has taken a larger share of your time and attention. While the stress and work winds down this week, it pays today to make sure every detail is triple-checked.

Leo Daily Horoscope
Everyone wants your opinion today, Lions. But do some intel before you share—what do they really want to hear from you? Playing to what people want using charm pays off today. Don’t be inauthentic, but do be savvy, and couch any criticism in plenty of compliments. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
Mars is in your finance sector, and if you can get past any money related anxiety, it’s a great time to come up with ways to truly galvanize your bank account. It may be time to take on a side hustle or ramp up some sort of business or concept. You can do it, and there couldn’t be a better time than now. 

Libra Daily Horoscope
Fiery Mars in your sign makes you a voice of authority. Take it seriously. You sometimes say what you think people will want to hear, but because your words have extra weight today, make sure whatever you say is actually something you believe. Words matter. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’re all systems go at work, and may be tempted to cut corners or go behind a supervisor’s back, all in the name of efficiency and getting things done. Hold off. While Mars is pushing you to move, Mercury in retrograde encourages you to do things the “right” way—trying shortcuts, even in the name of efficiency, will only backfire. 

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
The past is back in your life today, especially in the form of a personal connection or encounter. This encounter may be NBD—a friend unexpectedly in from out of town—or it could be loaded, like an ex reaching out after years apart. Whatever it is, know that person carries a lesson with them. It’s time to learn it this time around. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
All eyes are on you at work, even if you really wish they weren’t. Since people are focusing their attention on you, you may as well rise to the occasion. You sometimes think everything has to be 110% perfect in order to be shared or unveiled, but Mars urges you to share mid-process work—you may be surprised at just how impressive it is to others. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Friends are counting on you more than you think. You’ve been overwhelmed these past few days, and it may be tempting to shirk off on something you promise to do, especially if it’s something that’s NBD. Canceling could cause conflict. If you must, avoid insincerity and stick to honesty.

Pisces Daily Horoscope
Mars in your intimacy sector is urging you to truly partner with whoever is in your life. You have a tendency to dig in and go it alone, but you may find things much easier when you truly let your partner help you. Single? You can put on a front that you have everything together, but showing some vulnerability can be an asset with a newish person in your life. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope. 

Read your December horoscope. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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