Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday November 7: Venus Wants All Signs To Find Love. Are You Looking?


On November 7, 2017

In Aspect, Future, Spirit

Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday November 7: Venus Wants All Signs To Find Love. Are You Looking?

Venus moves into Scorpio, and passion surges across all signs. We’re not talking flirtation, smiles, or conversations in line at our favorite coffee shop. We’re talking “I want you now” all consuming love. And if you’re single, it may come from out of the blue, from someone you least expected? Attached? Expect your partner to be extra needy, jealous, and clingy today. It’s a good time to recalibrate your relationship, and make it your central focus if you’ve been neglecting it in favor of other pursuits? And any sex you have, whether single or attached, is likely to be out of this world awesome. Who said a Tuesday can’t be over the top? Enjoy! (Want to make tonight even more next level? Uncover your sexual aura!) 

Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!

Aries Daily Horoscope
Your relationships get a boost from Venus, and you may find everything gelling, especially after the last few months, when work and life conflicts got in the way of just enjoying each other’s company. Today, especially, Rams, make sure to be vulnerable. Opening up, even to a newish date, will make you closer than ever. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Distractions are everywhere today, thanks to the moon in your curiousity and creativity sector. Follow your whimsy where it flows—you may be making important connections. And also, remember, work isn’t the most important thing. Relationships, including fledgling ones, need some TLC today. 

What does your soul crave in 2018? Your Vedic horoscope can tell you …

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
With Venus in your sixth house, you’re finally slowing down and truly paying attention to relationships—both romantic and platonic. Venus asks you to slow down and ask yourself: What are you working for? The next few weeks are all about pleasure, so relax, indulge (a little) and just say yes, as relaxation is just what you need for balance. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
Work may be a sh*tshow today, but try not to let that break your stride. As much as you can, try to separate your own experiences from what’s going on around you. Ride above the wave and focus on your own work, and you won’t be touched by whatever drama is going down. 

What color is your aura, and where is it leading you? Ask the Chakra Tarot….

Leo Daily Horoscope
You’ve been in a bunch of conflicts in both work and home life—ranging from no big deal to all consuming—but the tide is changing this week, thanks to Venus, and you may feel those effects starting today. Now that you have a bit more time and emotional energy, you can take some deep breaths and recover. Today may be a good day to hibernate, Lions! 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your social sector today, Virgo, plans are likely to come at you in all directions. The question becomes: What do you want to do? Follow your heart, even if it does lead to your couch. But if you do want to stay home, may we suggest sharing the company with a special plus one? Tonight can be all about romance if you want it to be. 

Need an instant answer to a tough question? This Tarot deck has it.

Libra Daily Horoscope
Responsibilities come up at work, and now is the day to tackle them. You may be tempted to move some things on your to-do list to tomorrow, but, real talk: You’ve got things to do, and they’ve got to get done sooner rather than later. The good news: A big push now means an easy and fun end of the week. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Your schedule is insane, but don’t let the stress get to you. There is time for everything. And with that in mind, make sure you schedule something pleasurable during the day. Not only do you have the time, but taking time away from your work schedule can make you more efficient when it counts. 

Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
While you’re doing some deep thinking, finances—both immediate (how will I pay for the holidays?) and future (what do I want out of my life?) are taking center stage in your mind. Take the time to set up a budget and some financial systems that can help you sail into the new year debt-free. Sounds boring, but trust that it will (literally!) pay off. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Friends are more important than ever today, Caps, and today, you may see how friendship truly enhances everything in your life, including work. With that in mind, how can your friends potentially help your work life? Think about this, because if you can connect them both, you may see a big surge in both income and satisfaction. 

Where is your love life headed? Get two valuable perspectives.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
With the moon in your work sector today, you’re likely focused on wrapping up a major project. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Keep your nose to the ground, don’t despair about what you may be missing, and focus on the weekend, when you’ll finally have a chance to breathe. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
You’ve been thinking about potential trips for weeks, Fish, and now’s your chance to make a move and finally book a ticket. Venus is in your sector of adventure, which means you may find romance when you get there? Attached? If you’re going on a trip with a special someone, trust that this will be the trip of a lifetime in so many ways. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope.

Read your weekly horoscope.

Read your November horoscope. 

Art by Maria The Witch. Find her prints at Maria the Witch on Society 6. 

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