Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 5: Emotions Rule the Day. Do You Trust Yours?

The moon in Cancer ups our emotions, as Chiron uncovers our truths. Prepare to be uncomfortable. Prepare to be surprised. Prepare to see other people’s sides. All signs may be tempted to go on the defensive, but as much as possible, try to see another person’s perspective. This is a tough time for everyone, and it’s best to remember: It’s not all about you. Be sure to give yourself plenty of TLC today. Here, what else to expect on Tuesday, December 5th, 2017.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
With a Cancer moon in your family sector, expect for family issues to come up. Like it or not, you’re seen as a leader, and it’s time to step up and give help where it’s needed. But that’s not to say you should be a doormat. Honesty goes a long way today, especially with the people you love. If you’ve been in an unhealthy pattern, today is the time to change it.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
An issue comes up today you thought had been solved. Consider it a do-over. With the moon in your communications sector, you have the skills, charm, and know how to handle it, but proactivity is essential for the day.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Merury in retrograde aligns with Saturn, and that spells trouble for you, Gemini. Expect to spend the majority of the day troubleshooting an issue from the past. It’s all about the details, and may require you to smooth over some hurt feelings. You got this.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon in your sign leads to all sorts of emotions. It’s time to cut yourself a break, Cancer! You may be mulling over an issue from your past. Friends and family tell you to let it go, but listen to your gut. This is one time where it may pay to go back to it.
Leo Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your privacy sector and frustrations pulled up by Chiron, laying low and doing nothing is the best course of action, Leo. Right now, raw emotions are guiding you, and it’s best to act with prudence in whatever you’re dealing with. For right now, feel the hurt and let things sort themselves out later this week. You’ll have a much better handle by then.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your social sector, but all social encounters come with a sense of obligation. Networking is the name of the game today, Virgo. Be your usual charming self and if everything feels a little quid pro quo, know that it’s just the current alignment of the stars. Relationships will feel much more genuine closer to the holidays.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Today is a great day to tie up loose ends, Libra. You’re poised to make big professional shifts in the upcoming year ahead, but in order to do so, you have to make sure all ducks are in a row now. You may be mired down in annoying details, but remember that it’s worth it.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your spirit sector, and you may be seriously thinking of a huge change. While moving/finding a new job/going through a breakup can all manifest external change, remember that change comes from within. Spending extra time meditating or writing about your dreams can help you shift from the inside.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Mercury in retrograde in your sign means nothing is certain. Instead of bemoaning that fact, revel in it. Life is all about changes, and it’s time to finally focus on what is instead of what could have been. Go with the flow.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
The moon in your partnership sector makes you focus on romance. Chiron may add an undertone of nostalgia or yearning, as you wonder what could have been or play the “what if” game. Indulge a little bit. Instead of sitting with your thoughts, talk with someone else about them. You may see that life you imagined is better off in your imagination only.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Conversations have a serious component to them, Aquarius, and even relationships you thought were light are tinged with some undertones. You don’t deal well with subtext. Be direct if you’re feeling frustrated by mixed messages.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling optimistic, Pisces, and Chiron isn’t necessarily affecting you the same as other signs. You’re a great shoulder to lean on today, and being an emotional sounding board is an important task for you today. Your friends will return the favor later.
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