Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 19: How Will Saturn Entering Capricorn Affect You?
Today, Saturn enters Capricorn, where it remains until 2020. This is a big deal, as taskmaster Saturn in organized, diligent Capricorn can help make dreams come true—if you put in the work. These two years are all about rolling up your sleeves and diving into hard work—if you work hard, you will be rewarded. Saturn doesn’t like when people take shortcuts. This is all about elbow grease. Here, how to work with Saturn and what else to expect in your daily horoscope for Tuesday, December 19.
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Aries Daily Horoscope
Saturn in Capricorn cranks up your ambition—which can be tricky. On one hand, you’re aching for more responsibility. On the other, you’re frustrated if you feel your supervisor isn’t giving it to you. You can’t get everything you want all at once, so tempering expectations today is smart.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling good about the future, Taurus, but it’s all because of the steps you’ve taken in the previous year to get here. Today can be a good day to rest on your laurels or brag about your accomplishments. #Bestnine on Insta, anyone?
Gemini Daily Horoscope
Saturn in your intimacy sector may lead to some early-on explosions in the weeks and months ahead. You’re ready for next steps, but settling can come with some growing pains. You and your partner need to be on the same page before making a major move like moving in together.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
The moon in Capricorn helps you balance more than usual today, Cancer. Capricorn helps draw you out of your shell and do what you have to do, and may make you feel a little less dreamy and more in tune with the world.
Leo Daily Horoscope
You’ve been slacking and Saturn has been noticing. Leo is good at eeking things out at the last minute, relying on a combination of charm and smarts to get done what’s needed. But Saturn wants you to truly work hard and may set up some challenges. They won’t be “fun,” but you will be rewarded.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Saturn urges you to put down roots, and as early as this week, you may feel some evidence of this. You may suddenly be ready to buy property, talk about having a child, or making a commitment beyond just a few months. Embrace it. Commitment can be magical.
Libra Daily Horoscope
The new moon still echoes in your family sector, and Saturn urges you to take family responsibilities seriously. Someone in your family may need you more than you think—now’s the time to be there for that person. Saturn urges you to make the first move, when it comes to family. Why is a certain relative always calling you, and not vice versa?
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
Saturn helps you commit to what you’re already doing, and asks you to be braver, brighter, and more creative in doing so. Today is a great day to look at a new way to solve a problem, and asks you to come up with creative solutions. Feeling stifled? It may be a good day to apologize later, rather than ask permission first, when it comes to trying something new.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Bye, Saturn! Saturn leaves your sign, where it’s pushed you hard for the past three years. You may feel a sense of relief coupled with melancholy. Saturn was a stern teacher who sometimes was infuriating (think, Professor Snape in Harry Potter) but Saturn actually gave you more than you know—something you’re just realizing today. Sit and untangle your feelings.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
The moon is in your sign, and so is Saturn. This double astrological event may make you feel overburdened, but this feeling is temporary. Right now, you’re taking on more responsibility, but it’s all for the greater good of shifting into another stage of your life. Deep breaths.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
You’re still in hibernation mode, Aquarius, and are all too aware of Saturn sneaking up behind you. Today is a day to rest, recharge, and also to commit to relationships with friends and family. Saturn will be a taskmaster with you, and you don’t need to do it alone.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
Saturn in your zone of relating may disrupt certain friendships, as you may find that people are not who you thought they were, or you may find you’ve simply “outgrown” them. These next few months could be confusing, but ultimately, you’ll emerge with more clarity.
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Cover image via BlackandtheMoon.
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