Your Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 5: Chiron Turns Direct, Turning Up Secrets. What Will it Reveal to You?


On December 4, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Future

Your Daily Horoscope for Monday, December 5: Chiron Turns Direct, Turning Up Secrets. What Will it Reveal to You?

With the moon shifting from Gemini to Cancer, all signs find themselves focusing on home and may be preoccupied with holiday travel plans. With Mercury remaining in retrograde until December 22, it’s a smart idea to get all your travel plans squared away ASAP. But this gentle moon this afternoon is exactly what signs need, especially after yesterday’s emotional super moon. Here, what else to expect today, Monday, December 4.

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Aries Daily Horoscope
Chiron makes you feel all the feels, and you may find yourself dwelling on an incident that happened weeks, months, or even years in the past. Feel the feelings, mourn them, and find a ritual to help you move on. (Psst: Try a ritual with candle magic!)

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Chiron may cause an issue or disagreement with a friend. While there may be a conflict that gets loud, know that this fight will only bring you closer—and it was absolutely time for the two of you to hash things out. Some distance is good in the early part of the week before you come together. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
Stop overthinking and take action, Gemini! Chiron is urging you to do something. Vulnerabilities aren’t excuses. You tend to shy around doing things that scare you, but that can be a less powerful move than feeling the fear and doing it anyway. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
With the moon in your sign mid-afternoon, you’re feeling on sure footing and are ready to confidently step in the direction of your dreams and ambitions. You’re going to overcome a lot in the next few weeks, but you’re ready for the challnge. 

Leo Daily Horoscope
Chiron digs up emotions, and while you’re knee-jerk reaction is to ignore the feelings in favor of forward motion, it may be smarter to just directly address the hurt and anger, which can give you the resolve you need to move forward and move on. Remember: You’ve got this (even if you don’t think you do) 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re rolling up your sleeves and getting to work, but it feels good, Virgo. You’re accomplishing a lot of things and may feel like your reputation is skyrocketing, but that’s only the result of all your hard work from the rest of the year. It’s time to take stock of your accomplishments and admire the view a bit. After all, appreciating how far you’ve come can help you find the motivation to keep on going.  

Libra Daily Horoscope
Chiron cranks up your confidence, and you feel ready for anything life throws at you. Today is a great day to fully enjoy your life, but also to be aware that career responsibilities are creeping up, and your tendency of pushing things off until tomorrow may be hurting you. Get things done today and feel so much less stressed. 

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
It was a tough weekend, Scorpio, and you may still be reeling from an argument you had. Chiron only makes things more confusing. You may feel tempted to go it alone, but don’t. It pays to remember: Even the best relationships and circumstances have conflict—the more you recognize and appreciate this, the better going forward.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Chiron brings personal truths to the surface—either about you or about someone else. Take these revelations in stride. Chances are, they’re not the surprise you initially think they are. This revelation urges you to dig deeper in all your interactions going forward. Skimming the surface only goes so far. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Disagreements may occur today, especially at work. Stand your ground, but it’s also key to play detective. Chiron may be telling you something through conflict, and if this is a recurring issue, it could be a sign that something just isn’t the right fit. 

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
You’ve been feeling taken advantage of in a certain situation for months, if not longer, but that stops today. Chiron encourages you to speak up and say no to situations that are no longer serving you, and you may be surprised at just how incredibly gratifying saying “no” can be.  

Pisces Daily Horoscope
An unexpected and positive surprise is coming your way, courtesy of Chiron. Maybe someone from your past is finally returning a message or you’re getting a call from someone you flirted with months ago—whatever it is, follow the path where it leads as it’s appearance now suggests the time is right to connect in a way it wasn’t before. 

Read yesterday’s horoscope. 

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Read your November horoscope. 

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Want more info to tap into the power of your Zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
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