Your August 25-27 Love Horoscope: You're out of Your Comfort Zone—Yesss!

By Virginia Mason

On August 25, 2017

In Date, Love, Spirit

Your August 25-27 Love Horoscope: You're out of Your Comfort Zone—Yesss!

The eclipses are done, and the sun has entered Virgo, grounding us in the details and helping us make sense of what the heck just happened. For this last weekend of the month, Venus is moving from Cancer into Leo. With Venus in play mode, love is feeling less serious and more fun. And with the moon in Scorpio, expect intense passion and ample opportunity to express it. With great passion comes great sex but also increased potential for impulsive behavior and conflict. Enjoy this post-eclipse passion reward, but don’t let it get the best of you. Give yourself a beat to think before you act, then have fun!

Find out how the planets’ positions at your precise birth day, time, and place influence your personality and life circumstances.

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope
Uranus in Aries trines Mars, squares Venus, and opposes the moon. You’re feeling confident and grounded this week. Your mind is clear, and you’re able to express yourself accurately. But the more attention you focus on tension in your love life and on that restlessness you’re feeling, the less fun you’ll be having. You may find it hard to keep these thoughts from overwhelming you, and you’re likely going to want to give in to your impulsive, aggressive tendencies. Just wait. You’re feeling the nagging desire for love and comfort, but right now, you’re better off embracing your passion and sexuality. Your patience will be tested, but by Sunday, you’ll be feeling calmer.

Love Lesson: Balance what isn’t working right now with an appreciation for what is.

Passion Prediction: 

Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope
As Venus spends its last day hanging out in Cancer, expect to be feeling a little underwhelmed by love. You’ve been wanting the secure partnership thing this past month, and while you haven’t stopped wanting that, it hasn’t been living up to your expectations. Maybe the problem isn’t with love, but with all the expectations you have for it. As Venus moves into Leo on Saturday, you’ll be asked to lighten up, and you will…in time. You’re bound to resist and feel a bit uncomfortable about the change at first, but once you give in to Leo’s fiery ways, then you’re likely to enjoy the uptick in energy and confidence it brings you. No more dragging your feet. If you want things to be a certain way, it’s time to make them happen

Love Lesson: Unmet expectations are the source of most discomfort in love…and life. Let your intentions evolve.

Passion Prediction: 

Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope
You love a good talk, have a million and one projects going on, and lots of thoughts in your head. Sometimes this leaves you scattered and keeps you from building long-term relationships, but for you, meeting people is easy. And it’ll be even easier this weekend when the sun conjuncts Mercury and trines Uranus. So, go out and have some fun. Any people pleasing tendencies will subside as your attention shifts to your own enjoyment. This is an excellent time to express your boundaries and be clear on what you want. Anyone who can’t respect that isn’t for you. Embrace the strength you feel right now, and don’t be afraid to be assertive. As with everything, as long as you’re doing it from a place of love, all will be okay.

Love Lesson: If you have to sacrifice your boundaries to keep a relationship going, it’s probably not a relationship worth having.

Passion Prediction: 

Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope
Venus is in Cancer for one more day. This will leave you feeling moody and needy on Friday as it squares the moon. By Saturday, as Venus leaves Cancer, you’ll be feeling less pressure around any relationship, and the Scorpio moon will allow you to harness your intuition in a way that you haven’t felt in awhile. This is especially true on Sunday, so whatever happens this weekend, trust yourself. You’ll be feeling more sexual and open to casual encounters. This may take you by surprise, but again, just trust yourself. Your desires may be unexpected, but you’ll know whether they’re something you want to act on or not. You are the boss of you, and you don’t need anyone else’s approval to enjoy what you enjoy.

Love Lesson: There’s no rulebook for love. Trust yourself, and stay true. The rest will follow.

Passion Prediction: 

Leo Weekend Love Horoscope
While the sun has left your sign, Venus is joining Mars in Leo. As they creep closer together, our sex and love lives become increasingly aligned, and with both of these aspects in Leo, all things romance are aligned with your beliefs, values, and goals. Your playful confidence is what people want, and with this weekend’s Scorpio moon amping up the sex factor, you’re likely to feel the passion. If you initiate anything this weekend—whether it’s asking someone on a date or rolling over in the morning to kiss your partner—chances are you’ll be well received. Venus and Mars are staying in Leo through September 4, so enjoy the extra sexy energy your radiating until then!

Love Lesson: It’s not so much that there’s a purpose as there’s a path. Our lovers are a part of this, and there comes a time when we all have to face where we are and decide who we want to be and who we want to be with.

Passion Prediction: 

Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope
Happy birthday, Virgo babies! The sun is with you and all of us. Your Virgo ways are inspiring everyone right now, and because of this, you’ll find it easier to relate to people. Your ruling planet of Mercury is still retrograde, but this weekend it conjuncts the sun. Expect increased clarity—especially on Saturday. As the mental obstacles disappear, you’ll be reminded of your spiritual side. You’ll understand that everything’s okay. That there’s an abundance of joy and beauty in this world, and with this blissful state of mind, you’ll be able to connect to any partner in a whole new way. Turn off the mind. Turn off the talking. Feel your way through this time. See where it leads—and enjoy the journey.

Love Lesson: Talking about things can get in the way of doing things. Let the doing lead you where you’re going.

Passion Prediction: 

Libra Weekend Love Horoscope
The moon passes through Libra on Friday, aspecting both Venus and Mars. You’ll be feeling eh on love but brimming with sexual passion. This sexual empowerment continues throughout the weekend. Have fun with it, but be careful not to lose yourself in it. You’re accustomed to being even keeled and disciplined, but this weekend’s energies will bring out your adventurous side that wants to flirt with risk. What happens this weekend may not fit neatly into whatever plans you laid out for yourself, but we all need time to let loose and let wild. So be safe, but feel free to do the things you wouldn’t normally do. Step outside your comfort zone. It’s bound to teach you something new.

Love Lesson: Planning will only get you so far. Unbridled living—and loving—leads you the rest of the way.

Passion Prediction:   

Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope
Hello Scorpio moon! You’ve been hanging out on the sidelines a bit lately and absorbing everyone else’s energy, issues, and love challenges; but now, the moon is in you, and all watery goodness is aligned. Your intuitive, passionate self will feel right at home with this moon energy. Unfortunately this energy doesn’t exactly compliment the energy coming in from Venus and Mars. The result is amped-up passion without much direction, causing the fiery sparks to be expressed through impulsive, impatient action. This energy creates extremes in your relationships. Heightened emotions and sexuality can lead to some exciting physical fun … but also a fair amount of conflict. You may find yourself picking fights, especially on Sunday. Enjoy the comfort you feel amongst emotional extremes, but remember not to take everything you feel so seriously. A few deep breaths (or kisses) go a long way.

Love Lesson: Pick your battles.

Passion Prediction: 

Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope
Your ruling planet of Jupiter conjuncts the moon on Friday and sextiles Saturn in Sagittarius all weekend. Make use of this by breaking out of the habits, behaviors, and routines you’ve set for yourself. Are you quick to dismiss partnership? Or are you quick to dive into it? Whatever’s common for you, try the opposite. See what it feels like. But avoid impulsive decisions—weigh your options first, as decisions you make this weekend will likely come from a place of emotional whims rather than any commitments you’ve made to the future you. Take care of yourself by slowing down. Ask yourself what you’re likely to want tomorrow and the next day, not just right now, and teach yourself something new by playing with different ways of doing things.

Love Lesson: We repeat our patterns again and again until they teach us what we need to know, so we may choose differently.

Passion Prediction: 

Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 
As Saturn and Pluto challenge Venus and Mars, love isn’t quite on your side, but this will change by Saturday, with the Scorpio moon. Scorpio and Capricorn are opposites in many ways, but they both appreciate loyalty. They understand the big picture and share a common ability to endure tough times. This is because they both love deeply. And this weekend, your emotional, vulnerable side—not often on display—is right at the surface, ready to be noticed, admired, and cherished. Often, your loving nature can go unnoticed because you tend to be stoic. But I see you, and this weekend, so will others. Scorpio brings out your softer more expressive side, leaving you with the ability to turn any negative impressions into positive ones.

Love Lesson: Like everyone, you’re many things. While you want people to see that in you, don’t forget to also see it in them.

Passion Prediction: 

Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 
Uranus trines Mars, Mercury, and the sun. This is a time for enjoying the physical, mental side of things. Affection and emotional fulfillment elude you right now, but sexually, things are heating up. You’re feeling the desire to flirt and connect, but your sensual side is at odds with the intense, demanding energy of the Scorpio moon. You may feel frustrated with the general emotional passion in the air, but that’s because your passion is more intellectual. You desire a meeting of minds. Someone you can have a long, deep conversation with. That’s what turns you on, and right now, the conversation alone might be enough. But if it leads to something more, then even better. Opt for one-on-one socializing rather than groups, and choose somewhere quiet that allows for conversation and then some.

Love Lesson: Sometimes nothing is sexier than an excellent conversation.

Passion Prediction: 

Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 
Neptune in Pisces trines the Scorpio moon. This aspect brings all the water elements together and leaves you feeling super connected to the astral plane. You’ll be floating freely through all your experiences. Your thinking mind will be silenced. It’s a great time for sex that takes you someplace higher. This blissful state allows for incredible spiritual experience, especially on Sunday, but it’s not a great time for making any practical decisions. If your partner wants to talk, kindly ask them to be patient with you and wait until you’re ready to have the conversation. You may be off in your own world this weekend, but if they can come meet you up there, then you’re bound to experience some pretty transformative, open, and honest love.

Love Lesson: People experience life through different lenses. Remember that because you and your partner are seeing something different, you both have something to show each other.

Passion Prediction: 

Virginia is a Brooklyn-based Reiki Master and psychic healer dedicated to expanding people’s understanding of what’s possible. She offers private readings, coaching, healing, and more through her company,

Read last week’s horoscope here!

Got more questions for the Universe? These amazing astrologers are here for you. 

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Sail through the last week of the month with help from your sign with these tips:  
A Sexy Solar Eclipse Mantra for Your Sign 
How to Clear Your Negative Energy with the Solar Eclipse and a Crystal

How to Stop Mercury in Retrograde From Ruining Your Life 
Your August Love Horoscope: Are You Ready To Get Real? 
Your August 2017 Horoscope: How Will the Solar Eclipse Affect You? 

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