10 Things You Should (and Shouldn't!) Do During a Full Moon

By Shereen Campbell

On March 19, 2021

In Astrology, Full moon

10 Things You Should (and Shouldn't!) Do During a Full Moon

Every 28-30 days, the Universe and the moon invite us to pause and ask ourselves what we’re manifesting into our lives. Since so much of what we pull to ourselves is unconscious, it might catch us a little bit by surprise. But most often, these culminations appear during each month’s full moon. We’ve rounded up some full moon rituals that are bound to help you make the most of this upcoming cosmic energy.

In astrological terms, the moon phases begin with the new moon and end with the full moon—meaning that the end of the lunar cycle is a time when the seeds of intention you planted (unconsciously or not) are starting to bloom. It’s almost as if the Universe tells us to stop, or at least slow down, for a few days to learn more about the path we are on and course correct, if necessary.

Read This Now: How to Make Moon Water for the Next Full Moon

Interestingly enough, most people are unconsciously aligned with this energy, tending to evaluate, assess, cleanse, and charge around the monthly full moon. But to become more consciously aware, and utilize the moon’s power, we’ve set you up with a couple full moon rituals. 

7 Full Moon Rituals to Perform 

How to Cleanse Your Space

A full moon is the optimal time to cleanse your space, body, and mind. The full moon tends to mark a big build up of energy—light and dark. This is why you will notice people acting a little out of sorts sometimes. By cleansing your space, and even your body, you are aiding in removing or letting go of that built up energy. You can use sage, cedar, or even lavender to smudge your home. Adding in a mantra like, “Let everything that doesn’t belong to me go,” as you cleanse, will bolster its power that much more. You can also sage yourself or take a salt bath to release any negativity.  

How to Charge Your Crystals

The light from the full moon is perfect for charging and cleansing your crystals. Many believe that by leaving their crystals under a full moon, they’ll release any lingering energy so that the next time you use them, they’ll be all clear. If you think about it, it makes complete sense. The full moon is all about bringing our intentions, emotions, and opportunities for healing to the forefront, all so they can be healed and let go. Crystals are just about form a matter so the moon light can have the same affect on them.

crystal luminosity

Courtesy of @luminosity_crystals

Read This Now: The Most Powerful Crystal for Your Zodiac Sign

Learn to Meditate

Finally, get your meditation on! The full moon is a massive amount of energy that gives us access to have some really inspiring moments of self reflection. What better way to grow in peace with this than in meditation. In astrology, the moon allows us to connect with the more intuitive and unconscious parts of ourselves if we want. You might find your meditations are deeper and more fulfilling around the time the moon is at its fullness.

Dance to Release Energy

If you’re really feeling pent up, how about dancing? You can get dressed up and go out or just dance in your PJs. The point is to get in your body for a bit and just enjoy letting it loose, allowing all the energy you feel to just go.

Let Go of Emotional Baggage

Speaking of letting things go, the full moon is the perfect time for simply letting go of anything that is not in alignment with your higher self. Sometimes we don’t realize what’s not working for us until it is taken from us or a situation comes along that forces us to look at it differently. It’s those realizations during a full moon that show us what’s worth really fighting for and what’s not. If an issue comes up that doesn’t sit right with your heart, just let it go and let it be.

the moon journal worries

Courtesy of @themoon_journal

Check Your To Do List

Remember that to-do list you made during the new moon? Well now is the time to check on your progress. Are you getting closer to your goals? Did you complete the tasks that would help you to get closer.  Take a progress check before the universe does it for you. It’s way more proactive and fun to not make the universe kick us in the butt when we aren’t pushing ourselves as hard as we should. And don’t worry if some things are no longer relevant, just cross them off or modify them. When the next new moon comes along you can make your additions.

Read This Now: 11 Things You Should (and Shouldn’t!) Do During a New Moon

Chill Out For a Bit

Energy is flying high during a full moon so another excellent way to celebrate it is to sit your butt down! Relax! Cleanse your space and body and kick back. The full moon is all about observing what comes up, situations, circumstances, people, and emotions. Sometimes we really just need to chill out to really see and understand what the universe is trying to tell us. Trust the process and know you are on the path to exactly where you need to be.

3 Things NOT to Do During a Full Moon

Starting Something New

With so much energy pulsing from the moon on a full moon and often some pertinent information we didn’t have before, we might be tempted to immediately start something new. The thing is we are at our most emotional at this point in the moon phase so starting something new might not be the right thing immediately. Take some time to brainstorm, plot, and plan. Wait until the new moon to start.

Overreact to Situations

Speaking of our emotions on 100, the full moon is definitely not the time for overreactions. That will only make whatever you’re experiencing that much more intense and might accidentally spark something you didn’t intend with another person. Sometimes people tend to go a little bonkers just because they don’t understand the nature of the moon and her messages. So since you know, go sit in a corner until you calm down and then approach whatever you need to deal with calmly.

Make Rash Decisions

Overreacting’s cousin, rash-decision-making, wants you to beware too. While you’re in the corner calming down, try not to fixate or get overly attached with any overly emotional decisions. Give the full moon a few days to fully express itself before making major decisions. Especially ones you can’t take back.

When Is the Next Full Moon?


full moon

Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz

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