What Is the Full Moon in May 2018 and When Is It?

By Horoscope.com

On May 22, 2018

In Astrology

What Is the Full Moon in May 2018 and When Is It?

On the night of Tuesday the 29th, the full moon this May will be flooding the sign of Sagittarius with its lunar energy. Called the Flower Moon, this 2018 supermoon signifies the apex of the springtime bloom. It usually occurs between the end of April to the end of May.

In astrology, this May’s full moon is all about learning, enlightenment, and using this lunar cycle to travel to new places in your mind — and maybe even physically. In fact, its timing around Memorial Day, a big travel weekend, is perfect in that sense. The Farmer’s Almanac lunar calendar shows that on Memorial Day, the moon will be 99% full, giving your return trip a special significance.

The sign of Sagittarius is characterized by its ability to transform, learn, and create, and is actually one of the most creative zodiac signs. During the May 2018 full moon, you may find that one or more of your passion projects may finally come to a close or reach another level of completion. But being able to close the chapter on that book may take some ingenuity and require extra effort, even if you are helped along by the lunar energy, so you’ll need to put a little back into it.

Since May’s full moon in Sagittarius also opposes the Gemini sun, there could be a clash between ideas and information. Full moon phases are known to be emotional and even nostalgic, so wait to get your facts straight before starting down a whole new road, whether in love, in your work or philosophically.

Called the Flower Moon, the full moon in May suggests rebirth and new beginnings but also endings. Think of a flower that reaches the height of its bloom. As gorgeous as that bloom is, it also means that the next phase is withering then dying and eventually, in death, spreading its seed. Not to be too dark about it, but the lunar cycle basically mirrors that same cycle of life.

Check the hashtag #flowermoon on Instagram, and it also happens to be a cool tattoo idea. We love the idea of a Flower Moon tattoo featuring a flower-bedecked big, round full moon, maybe with a little shading and color. If you’re feeling inspired by the May 2018 full moon, the Sagittarius sign’s flowers are thistle and honeysuckle which could be a sweet tattoo design outlining a full moon.

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