Welcome to the New Horoscope.com

By Horoscope.com

On February 17, 2017

In Astrology, Horoscope

Welcome to the New Horoscope.com

I’m proud to announce the launch of a newly designed Horoscope.com today. The site has evolved in recent years into the largest provider of horoscope readings in the world. And so it was time to modernize the way in which we present that information to you, our readers.

Improving the mobile experience was our top priority. We’ve scrapped the menu based interface in favor of a responsive design. This empowers you to experience the website on a phone just like on a desktop computer. It also speeds up the mobile page load time by eliminating a redirect from the desktop version to the mobile one. So, more speed and functionality.

Old and new Mobile Horoscope.com

Decluttering the site was another high priority. Features have been added over time and we wanted to find a way to maintain all of this content and present it in a way that lets you find what you’re looking for when you want it. Many of you grew reliant on the full site map that was published in the footer of every page. We’ve removed the site map from the footer but made a cleaner version of it accessible from the ‘Site Map’ link in the footer and the ‘More’ link accessible under the Horoscopes tab.

You will now receive more intelligent content suggestions based on your favorite site content and your zodiac sign. And we’ve reduced the number of ads we place on each page. This will focus your attention on the content and load pages more quickly for you.

Beautiful design was another guiding principle for the new Horoscope.com. We started with a new color scheme and logo that better captures the fun, modern and hip brand that Horoscope.com is evolving into. We also collaborated with cutting edge designers and illustrators to improve the site’s iconography, illustrations, photos and graphics.

Comparing old and new logo

There’s more to come in the next few months. We’ll leverage our improved content management system and site to produce content that you can relate to and a community you can connect with.

I know change can be upsetting. I invite you to share your feedback with me by writing to josh at horoscope-inc dot com. I promise to answer each and every one of your questions and comments. And if you’re having trouble finding one of your favorite tarot readings, horoscopes, astrology games or quizzes, please do check out the Site Map link at the bottom of the page or the improved search functionality in the top right of the page.

This redesign would not have been possible without the contribution of so many people. Melody Sy led the design efforts with help from Allyson Appen on the UX side. Their ability to envision a more beautiful experience for our users while pushing the brand forward was impressive. Andy Koswara, Kanwal Ahuja and Fred Ciurana did yeoman’s work on the development side. Cerelle Centeno brought everything together when we needed it most and pushed the refreshed site across the finish line. Katherine Reseburg, Narayana Montufar and Jessica Abel lent their editorial expertise and deep understanding of users to the process. The support of our CEO, Warren Heffelfinger, was unrelenting especially during some of our most challenging times. And the crack team of artists and designers we assembled were vital in reinventing the site’s visual experience. Siolo Thompson and Allison Supron deserve special mention.

We’re dedicated to delivering you the best horoscopes, tarot readings and games that entertain and help you understand their lives in a new and positive way. We’ll leverage the beauty and organization of the redesigned Horoscope.com to continue innovating around this valuable medium.

– Josh Jaffe, General Manager, Horoscope.com Inc.

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