Weekly Horoscopes: October 12 – 18, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On October 11, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscopes: October 12 – 18, 2020

As if this month couldn’t get any spookier, we have—cue dramatic music—Mercury (planet of communication) turning retrograde on Tuesday. Good news: It’s the final Mercury retrograde of the year. Bad news: It’s retrograding in Scorpio, meaning that this one will be a little more intense than others as we deal with past emotional wounds.

It also doesn’t help that the sun (planet of self) opposes Mars (planet of passion) the same day, creating plenty of opportunities for disagreement and hostility.

Scared yet? If not, you might be when the sun squares Pluto (planet of power) on Thursday, adding an identity crisis and self-destructive behaviors to the negatively charged atmosphere.

Fortunately, Friday brings some much-needed reflection with a new moon in Libra, giving us some diplomatic energy to salvage our relationships during Mercury’s retrograde. Remember to seek balance be happy.

The week ends on a sour note, as the sun squares Saturn (planet of foundation) on Sunday, bringing more delays and challenges. Try not to lose hope. The month isn’t over yet.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign


Friday is a great time to get your flirt on as the new moon asks you to get on a new page with your current flame. Sunday sees a bit of tension though, Aries, as the sun squares Saturn. Get ready for some surprises in your plans with others!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Mercury is turning retrograde in your partnership zone, Taurus. There may be more miscommunications over the week than normal—so, just be kind and patient. Additionally, the weekend sees the sun-Saturn square and it could make you overlook an important detail.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Mercury is turning retrograde in the section of your chart that covers daily routines, Gemini. Your schedule and plans are about to be turned upside down! As you go through the week, it’s best to take any advice you get from friends.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The new moon is blossoming in your domestic sector—making it the perfect time to bring any domestic affairs to life. Just be sure to create a “safe space” at home when the sun and Saturn go head to head. Arguments or passive-aggressive anger is bound to happen,Cancer!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Mercury is moving backwards soon, which means you might not want to go ahead and buy anything and everything that you see.  The new moon is appearing in your communication zone, Leo, so instead of saying something you’ll regret, it’s best to try to communicate in a new way.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Mercury is one of your ruling planets, so when it turns retrograde, you feel it on a deep level. More than that, Virgo, this Mercury retrograde is happening in your communication zone. So, get ready for some mishaps in the way that things are said. Best to keep things light.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


The new moon is happening in your first house this week! You know what that means? A brand new start for a brand new you! The only glitch is that sun-Saturn square over the weekend, which could see you getting into tussles you’re not ready for.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Mercury is turning retrograde in your sign, Scorpio—making your already intense nature more blunt and to the point. Sunday brings some romance to the table as the sun and Saturn make a square. It’s time to get more personal than you’re used to.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Your privacy zones are being activated as Mercury turns retrograde in this part of your chart. Try to watch what you say, because before you know it, you could be sharing your own secrets! Over the weekend, it’s time to start on projects, Sagittarius.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You’ll tap into your already brutally honest nature, Capricorn. While Mercury retrograde could make you a little too honest for your own good, Friday’s new moon will help you be honest on a more emotional level. Finally, Sunday is the perfect day to make a move on a special someone.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The new moon is hitting your expansion house. Is it time to learn something new, Aquarius? Getting into a new class or a on a new adventure is key this week. Lastly, over the weekend, you’ll be primed to share your personal skeletons.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Oh, Pisces. It’s time to feel the air and lean into Mercury retrograde. It might make planning things a little difficult, but this retrograde is about reconfiguring your beliefs. What are the things that hold you back in life? What do you really want? Now is the best time to approach these topics.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz

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