Weekly Horoscope: September 19–25, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On September 18, 2022

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: September 19–25, 2022

There are very few coincidences this week, as the universe dishes out some incredibly direct and deliberate energy that requires you to stay on full alert. Starting with a surprise-inducing trine between Venus (the appreciative goddess) and Uranus (master of change via insight) on Monday that sends shockwaves through your life in the very best way. Were you prepared for this? No. But you can definitely get into these impromptu changes if you keep an open mind.

On Thursday, the sun (our cosmic “sense of self” advisor) enters balanced Libra, and we celebrate the Fall Equinox, which is a great time to figure out what might be missing from your life and find ways to get it. Your personality becomes more peaceful and willing to compromise over the coming month, which makes you excellent at negotiating for what you want (and deserve).

Mercury (the universal thought dictator) retrograde backs up into organized Virgo on Friday. So any messiness, tardiness, postponements, etc., you encounter can cause some very real anxiety. If anyone thinks you’re overreacting, they’re wrong. Although emotions aren’t the center of this logic-based transit, don’t let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel.

Sunday is actually a great time to push the emotional reset button, as a new moon (our sensitive mother figure) in influential, charming Libra helps you see your close personal relationships for what they truly are. If they need some work, you’re here for it. If they can’t be repaired, it might be time to let go. You’re very good at weighing the pros and cons now, which allows you to make clear decisions and move on without regret.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


The universe is dealing with you in a very direct way this week, and although you might not like everything it’s dishing out, you can certainly appreciate its no-BS approach. You’d much rather have bad news and obstacles delivered to your front door where you can deal with them directly than deal with any shady sh*t. Look for much-needed balance to return in the areas of your life where it’s needed most, Aries. Hint: As the sun enters your seventh house, the focus will be on relationship issues.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your cosmic to-do list expands this week, but the increased workload is actually welcome by most logical earth signs like you who are looking for a challenge, Taurus. Mercury retrograde tries to throw some inconvenient obstacles in your way starting on Friday, but because Mercury is partnered with fellow earth sign Virgo, things remain relatively orderly for you. If you’re plagued by travel glitches and computer/phone malfunctions, remember there’s always a logical way out. Keep it simple.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


What’s on your mind? This week is great for expressing the unique theories and thoughts that are increasing your brain activity and have you sounding like you’re a card-carrying Mensa member, you genius! Act on any bright ideas you have early in the week. However, Gemini, before your smart leader Mercury gets turned around on Friday and you have a hard time thinking straight for the next several weeks. This retrograde cycle highlighting your roots and family zone has you rethinking things close to home. It’s always a good idea to resolve inner conflicts first.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


When you dare pop out of your shell early this week and look around, things won’t seem so bad. If opportunities cross your path that seem genuine and/or profitable, it might be time to consider making changes. The sun’s appearance in your fourth house later in the week puts the focus on home, Cancer, which is exactly where you like it to be. For the next month, work on keeping or creating balance and fairness, especially in a close relationship (most likely with a spouse/partner or parent/child dynamic).

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You’re an active fire sign, so you’re happy to get lots of things going this week, but your fixed nature can hold you back from experiencing all that the universe has to offer. If we could give you one word of advice, it would be to try not to make it all about yourself. At least for now, Leo. The sun moving into balanced Libra in your house of relativity means your main objective should be finding a way to compromise and work together rather than just looking for ways to stand out on your own.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


We’re not gonna lie — there are some changeups coming early in the week that could really throw you off balance. But then the sun partners with Libra, the literal symbol of equilibrium, later in the week, it helps you get things (especially finances/possessions as the sun passes through your second house of money) back on track. Then, of course, your leader Mercury goes retrograde in your first house on Friday, reminding you to watch how you’re projecting yourself. If a lot of people take their cues from you, remaining calm through the chaos will help steady them as well.  

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


There is a lot of heavy planetary traffic this week, but the most important cosmic maneuver for you to pay attention to is the sun changing lanes into your charming sign, Libra. Everything up until then is just foreplay to the big event! With this amazing solar energy fully supporting you, you have excellent negotiating skills (not to mention that you project a level of attractiveness that honestly makes you seem like a supreme being). Getting your way should not be a problem in the coming month; if it is, you’re definitely not taking advantage of the divine gifts the universe has bestowed on you. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


The diplomatic Libra energy surrounding you this week is a sign to work on your negotiating skills/willingness to compromise, Scorpio. As a fixed sign, you love to think that you’re right most (all?) of the time. Whether or not that’s actually the case, your stubbornness is hurting your (personal and professional) relationships. With your twelfth house of intuition and spirituality deeply affected by this week’s solar and lunar transits, there’s a strong universal enticement to look inward and follow your psychic perceptions/third eye’s visions.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


For most of the week, you’re pumped to see what’s going to happen next, but there might be a few moments when you hold back and question your future moves. And when that happens, it’s important to trust your instincts, Sagittarius. Yes, you can be daredevil and quite audacious at times, but your shocking moves are often a result of your enthusiasm and not a product of your neglect. And yes, there’s a huge difference! Check in with your subconscious from time to time to make sure you’re on the right side of the moral line.  

 Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You’re definitely down with the social status check that the universe is dishing out this week, Capricorn. Being wrapped up in so much charming, attractive Libran energy lights up your tenth house and drives you to become a major trendsetter and viral influencer. You’re your own hype person, and you’re very good at it. If you don’t already have a job in PR, this is a good time to look into self-promotion as a side hustle! Climbing the social ladder is important to you as well, and you can’t wait to take your place among the rich, powerful and beautiful crowd.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Your power planet stirs things up in the best possible way during its encounter with Venus early in the week, which sets the tone for you to dive into the rest of the days with your mind wide open. Like, when is it not, right?! The major Libran planetary influences help you stay fair and balanced, especially where your major relationships are concerned. As always, you seek freedom in both your personal and professional lives, but you acknowledge and embrace the benefits of working as part of a cohesive team. Partnering with someone with a similar intelligence level and vision makes you virtually unstoppable, Aquarius.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Your indecisiveness goes up a notch while you’re surrounded by so much open-minded Libran energy this week, Pisces, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking time to consider all of your options or even changing your mind once in a while. The challenge comes when you give in to negative thinking and the tendency to second guess yourself. With so much self-indulgent Libra potency highlighting your eighth house of purpose and confidence, you should stand firm in your decisions and ability to make wise choices.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of H. Emre on Pexels.

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