Weekly Horoscope: September 13-19, 2021

Do you all feel that light sense of ease? The sudden ability to breathe after weeks of intense hyper-focus? With Mars’ (planet of action) entrance into lovely Libra on Tuesday, Virgo is finally removing the collective from the energetic headlock in which it has had us for the last month. Though Mars in Libra is typically considered to be in fall, it softens the intensity of the planets currently in Virgo and Scorpio. However, this week isn’t all smooth sailing.
This Thursday, the sun (planet of ego) in Virgo goes into a trine with Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn. While the latter planet usually signals a bit of chaos, the more cooperative nature of the trine tempers it, simply lending intensity to our undertakings during the latter half of the week.
The waters become a little rough on Friday when Venus (planet of love) in Scorpio squares Saturn (planet of limitations) in Aquarius. If Scorpio Venus is already jealous, this transit makes it impossibly more so, with additional risks of emotional blockages and setbacks.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Feeling a little feisty, Aries? Mars, your ruling planet, charges into Libra and your sector of partnership this Tuesday. Watch out for irritation and strife in one-on-one interactions starting this week and for the next six or so. While you may thrive off of conflict, your relationships may not. However, starting on Thursday, your work life will be taking a turn for the better with the sun’s trine to Pluto. You’ve been grinding and will be finally receiving your flowers!
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
It’s time to clean house—literally. Mars rolls into Libra and your area of habits on Tuesday. Are you happy with your present schedule? Keeping up with your chores or the gym? If not, no worries! These next few weeks of Libra Mars are giving you the opportunity to overhaul your lifestyle completely. Most folks don’t even begin to re-evaluate their routines until the end of the year. Consider yourself ahead of the game, Taurus.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Let the games begin, Gemini. On Tuesday, Mars slides into Libra and your zone of fun and creativity. If you’ve been experiencing any kind of creative block, Mars is here to plow through it! Starting this week until the planet goes into Scorpio in a month-and-a-half, you’re being guided to center your joy. What makes you happy? And more importantly, are you actively pursuing it? Life’s much too short to waste it being miserable.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
This week’s focus is right in your neck of the woods, Cancer. The planet of action is settling into Libra and your sector of home, so your family is definitely on your mind. Maybe you’re choosing to redecorate your home—Libra’s Venusian energy is perfect for that—or simply trying to recalibrate your work/life balance to allocate more time to the latter. Either way, this week has you feeling impossibly more domestic than usual.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
You’re just full of ideas this week, Leo. With Mars in Libra crossing into your sector of communication and thought processes, there’s not a problem that you can’t solve. Remember to pass the mic, though! Fortunately, Thursday’s Venus trine to Pluto may bring you back down to earth as you may be too busy considering your value and values to talk. Important contemplations are likely to be at the forefront this week.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
As Mars marches into Libra, this week sprinkles your musings with a dash of luxury, Virgo. But that’s okay! The last few weeks have seen you intensely focused on your presentation—who you are and how you feel about yourself. With the planet of action shifting into Libra, you can begin to put some of your conclusions into action. If you’re so inclined, buy that pair of shoes that you’ve been drooling over for the last few weeks. You deserve it!
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
You’ll probably be feeling yourself heavily this week, Libra. Mars joins Mercury in your zone of appearance and self. You might be feeling like it’s time for a change—maybe a new hair color or if you’re feeling particularly daring, a piercing. But take care! We’re approaching Mercury retrograde, so if you’re going to make that move, try to do so earlier during Mars’ reign in Libra rather than later.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
This week may find you rolling in the deep, Scorpio. On Tuesday, Mars creeps into Libra and your sector of secrets and the unconscious. Some inner turmoil may be in the forecast for the next few weeks. But fear not! We all experience a little rain before the sunshine, and Thursday, things brighten up for a bit. The sun in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, shining a light on your dreams and aspirations. A little manifestation can get you a long way!
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
You’ve been putting in that work, Sagittarius. With the sun’s trine to Pluto in Capricorn on Thursday, your boss and coworkers will be recognizing the massive efforts that you’ve been making. Been feeling a little lacking in support? Have no fear! With Mars’ entrance into Libra and your social sector, your network will begin to grow over the next few weeks. By the end of Mars’ sojourn in Libra, your professional and social lives will have transformed completely.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Let’s face it, work has always been life for you, Capricorn, but as Mars rolls into Libra and your zone of career on Tuesday, you may be completely immersing yourself in your work. This is, of course, very admirable, but do try to temper your efforts. Burnout is nothing to toy with, but I’m sure you’re already aware of that. Fortunately, the sun’s trine to Pluto in your sign on Thursday may bring thoughts of adventure to your mind.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Mars in Libra is lighting up your sector of philosophy and travel, Aquarius. Have you been dreaming of adventure? Yearning for a new subject to throw yourself into? This is the perfect time to satisfy these appetites. However, things may get a little rocky on Friday when Venus in Scorpio goes into a square with Saturn in your sign. The former planet is in your zone of career, so try to strike a balance between your work and personal life.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
This week may be a little more on the intense side, Pisces. The collection of planets in Libra have been lurking in your zone of intimacy and transformation, and on Tuesday, Mars joins the party. Over these next few weeks, you may be itching for a change. This is understandable but take a minute to consider the repercussions of this change. It may be more permanent than you might’ve anticipated.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Photo courtesy of Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels.