Weekly Horoscope: October 18-24, 2021

By Brianna Navarre

On October 17, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: October 18-24, 2021

This Friday marks our grand entrance into Spooky Season2 (otherwise known as Scorpio season). If your home still lacks the terrifying trimmings of Halloween, there’s still time to deck the haunted halls and carve a pumpkin or two! But Friday’s a few days away, and there’s more good news before then, namely the end of Mercury retrograde on Monday!

Fortunately for us, this Mercury retrograde is the very last one of the year, so we need not fear for another until mid-January. (I’ll refrain from discussing the dreaded Venus retrograde in December. We’ll cross that bridge when we reach it.) But wait, there’s more!

Dear Luna will be in full form on Wednesday for the full moon in Aries. However, being in Aries, we risk a little emotional explosiveness. So, speak your truth, but take care not to yell as you do so.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Having Mercury retrograde grade in your sector of one-on-one’s and relationships is no easy task, Aries. So, if you’re in a relationship that weathered this retrograde of retrogrades, pat yourself on the back and call up CBS because you are a Survivor! For your trouble, Mercury—now direct—will linger in this sector, gifting you with an irresistible charm. In conjunction with this Wednesday’s full moon in your sign and appearance sector, you’re sure to turn heads.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


I hope Mercury retrograde hasn’t completely demolished your routines, Taurus. Having Mercury retrograde in your habit zone for the last few weeks probably hasn’t been the easiest. Fortunately, with the planet doing direct this week, you’re being given to opportunity to clean house—literally, figuratively, and on multiple fronts. To aid the cause, the full moon in Aries drops into your sector of unconscious desires and emotions, prompting a bit of self-reflection. If your reality is currently unsatisfying, recreate it.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The retrograde trickster planet has been skipping through your pleasure and creativity zone for the last few weeks, Gemini. While you’re usually one for games, your artistic exploits are nothing to play with, and Mercury has been doing just that. Fortunately, you may be beginning this week with a wealth of new ideas as Mercury rights himself from his retrograded status. Paired with the full moon’s turn into your friendship sector on Wednesday, you’re sure to have a ball this week.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Surviving the family feuds of the last few weeks must have been a feat, Cancer. While Mercury retrograde was sitting unceremoniously in your family and home sector, your home base may have felt less welcoming than usual. Fortunately, on Monday, Mercury goes direct in that same sector, smoothing over any disputes that may have occurred. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


It’s only up from here for you, Leo! After weeks of what may have been multiple communication faux pas’, Mercury in Libra returns to direct motion, signaling a return to your charming, conversational self. As the planet remains in your communication zone, this may be the perfect time to talk through those touchy subjects that you’ve been tip-toeing around throughout the retrograde. Given the peacemaking-making nature of Libra, you may be surprised at how painless they’ll be. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Your credit cards heave a sigh of relief as Mercury goes direct on Monday, Virgo. During the retrograde trickster planet’s stay in your finance zone, you may have suffered from a touch a shopaholism, but don’t fret! It happens to the best of us. You’ll now begin to get your financial life back on track. In fact, with the new moon in Aries shining a light on your investments and collaborations sector, you may even find yourself with a wholly unexpected cash flow. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.


Mercury retrograde notwithstanding, have you enjoyed the spoils of your season, Libra? Fortunately, chatty Mercury emerges from his retrograde in your sign, so the last few days of the Libra sun should be a little brighter. As we tumble into Scorpio season on Friday, your focus may begin to stray from your appearance to your finances. Over the next four weeks, the sun will shine through your value and possessions zone, raising questions regarding what really matters to you.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


It’s nearly your time to shine, Scorpio! The sun dips into your sign on Friday, illuminating your appearance zone. With the retrograde over and the spotlight on you, this could be an excellent time to switch things up a bit on a couple fronts. With Wednesday’s full moon in your routine sector, you may do well to sit and consider what has and hasn’t been working for you on the day-to-day. Think of your sign’s season as a mini new year and cast out what no longer serves you!

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


The last few weeks may have seen a couple of hiccups in your network and friendships, Sagittarius. Speaking before thinking isn’t the Sagittarian ethos. Coupled with Mercury retrograde, your social life might’ve been rough, so don’t be afraid to begin that apology tour. Fortunately, since Mercury is in Libra and you are annoyingly endearing, I’m sure any platonic spats will soon be water under the bridge.  

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


All has not been quiet on the career front — has it, Capricorn? Over the last few weeks, Mercury retrograde may have been wreaking havoc at work. Lost contracts? Miscommunications? Unsent emails? You have the retrograde trickster planet to thank for that. Fortunately, this all comes to an end on Monday when the planet goes direct. In conjunction with the full moon in Aries in your family sector, you may find that your work/life balance actually finds some balance, so release that sigh you’ve been holding in. You’re finally catching a break. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Have you been looking for an opportunity to speak up, Aquarius? Well. Look no further! This Wednesday’s full moon in Aries falls right into your communication sector, inspiring you to say what’s real. However, you might take care to keep your cool during this time. The truth may set you free, but you need not tee others off as you speak it. Mercury retrograde may be over, but miscommunication can happen at any time!

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


To say this Mercury retrograde has been a little intense for you would be an understatement — wouldn’t it, Pisces? The big bad (and retrograde) trickster planet has been stinking up your intimacy sector for the last few weeks, triggering major transformations and (possibly) more than a few breakdowns. Fortunately, you’re being freed (sort of) from this emotional chaos on Monday when the planet resumes its direct motion. Now, emotions may continue to run high, as Mercury remains in that sector until November. But you’ll no longer have to fear falling to pieces.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos courtesy of Karolina Grabowska and Vlad Chețan on Pexels.

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