Weekly Horoscope: October 16–22, 2023

By Mary Bergner

On October 15, 2023

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: October 16–22, 2023

It’s time to clear the toxicity from your life! With the epic pairing of Juno, the asteroid of connections, and critical Virgo starting on Tuesday, you’re starting to demand more from yourself and the people who mean the most to you. You might not reach a state of perfection, but you can for sure do better than what you’ve been settling for lately.

The radiant sun (representing our self-image) is in balanced air sign Libra all week. As it forms an important conjunction with conversational Mercury (our cosmic messenger) on Thursday, you exude major rizz. This breezy, social cosmic meetup makes it easy for you to talk to almost anyone and see things from other people’s perspectives, which works to your advantage in so many ways. This outgoing energy is perfect for slaying interviews, first dates or any situation where you’d normally be so nervous that you’d make a fool out of yourself!

Guru of gab Mercury makes the leap from charming Libra to closed-off Scorpio on Saturday, though. So you’re going to be a lot less into small talk and more into giving people the silent treatment over the weekend. Friends and fam will wonder what’s really going on in that mind of yours, but few will have the privilege of finding out. For the next couple weeks, you’re definitely going through a mysterious phase. 

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Your personal relationships have a lot of emphasis on them this week, Aries. So, be sure to take some extra time to find ways to show you care. You’re more fair and less assertive now, which makes it easier for you to solve issues with a friend or romantic partner. Seeing things from their point of view is incredibly eye-opening.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


For you, Taurus, balance in your health zone is the key to getting through the week with as few problems as possible. You love to indulge in yummy food, but right now you’ll be a lot better off eating healthier and exercising more. It might not be fun to resist a rich, calorie-filled dinner or to pass up your favorite dessert, but at the end of the day your body will thank you for resisting those tasty temptations.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


The sun’s rays are shining directly on your fifth house of fun this week, Gemini, so you will find it hard to sit through all your scheduled classes/meetings and/or do your regular chores around the house. You’re ready to forget about your humdrum daily routine and do something a lot more exciting, so why not give yourself permission to live life to the fullest? Most of your responsibilities can be put on hold just this once, right?!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


With most of the planetary attention on your natural fourth house of family this week, Cancer, you’re literally right at home focusing on issues with close family members. Spending more time with your tribe is at the top of your priority list. Additionally, being more open-minded will help you settle stressful issues that have been driving a wedge between you lately. Having a comfy, stress-free home base to chill out in is priceless.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Your attention span is short this week, and you aren’t into long-term projects. That being said, you love to learn new things, especially fascinating little facts about stuff you’re interested in. And while you might not have the patience for anything longer than a 30-second TikTok, you’re able to soak up a lot of knowledge in a very short amount of time, so don’t sell yourself short. You’d make an excellent trivia night team member, Leo!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


It’s time to get those bank accounts balanced! If you’ve been having a hard time keeping track of your spending habits, find an app that can help you out. You have order in every other area of your life, so why not this one? Sign up for a personal finance class. Or ask a parent for help. Or listen to a podcast that gives relevant money advice. Or hire a financial advisor. There are so many options, Virgo, so there’s really no reason not to have your finances in order this week.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


As the sun energizes your powerful house of self this week, Libra, you’re encouraged to make outward changes that affect you in positive ways. What have you been putting off? Altering your appearance (changing your hair color, whitening your teeth, buying new clothes/accessories, etc.) can have a very positive affect. Self-esteem is attached to feeling good both inside and out. Celebrate yourself!

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Scorpio, you have a reputation for holding onto things (especially grudges), but this week it’s time to let that baggage go. With the sun traveling through your twelfth house of the subconscious, you should be getting some very strong signs regarding what you should be getting rid of. What are you getting out of carrying around that old stuff anyway? You’ll feel so much lighter once you set it down and walk away.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You love spending time with people this week, but you could really do without all the drama. No one can blame you for wanting to take a break from friend groups or family members who are always focused on negativity, Sag. So, don’t feel bad for declining invites from these gossipy types. This is a great time to make new friends and spend time around people who don’t complicate your life.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Capricorn, the sun is lighting up your natural tenth house of career and recognition. So this week, you’re happy to be in the spotlight and finally get the rewards you deserve. You’ve been working hard, and all those long hours and personal sacrifices should finally pay off in your professional life. It’s important to be fair, though. If you had help getting to the top, give credit where credit is due. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


If your world has gotten smaller lately, it’s time to expand. Even if you think you’re being inclusive, there’s always room for one more, Aquarius. Making more connections, gathering more knowledge, and just being more open to new experiences in all areas of your life shows you that the universe has so much to offer. With cheaper, higher tech ways to explore the globe both through a screen and in person, there’s really no excuse to stay stuck in your own little space. Get out there and have some adventures!

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You can’t avoid it any longer, Pisces. Transformation is coming, and there’s no way to avoid it this week. Besides, would you really be happy if things stayed the same forever? You might be one of the only signs that can legitimately answer that questions with a “yes.” And with the sun in your regenerative eighth house, you can see the power of change. Do some research and get started reshaping your life into something truly spectacular. You won’t be sorry.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.

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