Weekly Horoscope: October 10–15, 2022

By Mary Bergner

On October 9, 2022

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: October 10–15, 2022

When you scroll through everybody’s social media posts, do you feel like everyone is living their best life except you? Yeah, same. But guess what? This week’s mediocre universal energy hits us with lukewarm vibes and lets us know that sometimes “just getting by” is all you’re up for – and that’s totally OK!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are far from magical, with talkative Mercury (our universal messenger) pairing up with people-pleasing Libra being perhaps the most defining planetary partnership. Finding yourself in constant “yes” mode can be annoying and tiring as you perform tasks and run errands that you really don’t want to do. You’ll have to remind yourself often that there are limits and boundaries to your relationships that don’t include you trying to be all things to all people.

We should also point out Tuesday’s square between Mars (the planetary disciplinarian) and Neptune (the cosmic dream weaver) for promoting patience as difficult things come to light. If you feel you’ve been kept in the dark about important topics and are having trouble trusting others, you aren’t alone. Finding a way past this dismal feeling that you’re being deceived won’t be easy, but you will be able to move on from it eventually.

Thursday’s trine between lovely Venus (goddess of love) and serious Saturn (taskmaster extraordinaire) finally starts to let in some light. The next several days will be good for relationship rebuilding. Learning to trust again is a biggie now, especially after some of the things that went down earlier in the week. Maybe life isn’t all peaches and cream, but you’ll definitely take “average” over catastrophic.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You’re used to moving through life at a fast pace, but this week’s energy insists that you let off the gas and take it down a few gears. Luckily quick-thinking Mercury is paired with diplomatic Libra in your house of partnerships this week, Aries, so you should be able to talk yourself into doing whatever it takes to stay within the speed limit, especially where your close personal relationships are concerned. 

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’re one of the more patient signs, Taurus, which helps you bide your time this week until something amazing comes along. Just keep headed in your chosen direction, focused on your goals, and happy not to be caught up in the drama that comes with more exciting times. And with messenger Mercury in your sixth house of the mundane, nothing spectacular happens regarding communication – which, again, is totally OK with you!  

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Your curiosity often gets the best of you. As your mentally active ruler Mercury drifts through your playful, childlike zone this week, you won’t have an easy time waiting for what you want. Your immaturity shows in a lot of ways this week, Gemini, which doesn’t work in your favor when you’re trying to get a job or make a good impression on a crush. Being patient is hard, but it’s best to hold off when it comes to important stuff if possible. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Balanced Libra meets up with smart thinker Mercury in your home and family zone this week and helps you create and keep a calming, comfy vibe going in your most sacred space. Peaceful energy is exactly what you want when it comes to the place where you spend more time than anywhere else (or would, if given the choice). So you’re perfectly fine with the universe not making any big waves. Excitement is overrated, Cancer.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You’re one of the signs most disappointed by this week’s lackluster energy, Leo. You love to shine brightly, and a lot of the planetary movements seem like they were designed to dim your light. That’s not exactly the case because where there’s a will, there’s a way, but you will definitely have a little harder time finding your audience. And with mentally-scattered Mercury partnered with indecisive Libra in your communication zone, overthinking can be one of your biggest downfalls. Ugh. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Remember – there probably won’t be any huge crises or unexpected drama (good or bad) to deal with this week, but that doesn’t mean you don’t still have some business to tend to. Of course, you do, because no matter what the stars are up to, you’re still a strait-laced, detail-driven Virgo, right?! And with knowledge-seeking Mercury in your house of money, you’ll want to keep an eye on your finances. Major shakeups and amazing opportunities don’t materialize, but it’s still good to pay attention.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Things look more hopeful for you than most, as your fair-minded sign controls most Mercurial behavior and actions starting early this week. You’re able to see both sides of every story, which puts you in the middle of various personal and professional situations. Keep a level head, Libra. As a promoter of verbal/mental balance, you have a lot of responsibility to maintain peace amongst the people.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Your advantage during this week of “meh” is that you intuitively know the way out. Meaning: With deep-thinking Mercury wedged firmly into your psychic zone, your instincts are dead-on and can help guide you in a direction that leads you away from mischievous behavior and will keep you out of trouble. Do you always listen to that little voice that tries to tell you right from wrong? No. But this week, it will serve you well to trust your subconscious perceptions and stay out of danger, Scorpio.  

 Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You prefer to be out and about and living an exciting life, so you don’t appreciate the dullness of the week putting out your natural fire. However, Sagittarius, you have your own unique ways of coping with lackluster days that still have you smiling through the averageness. And with Mercury in your social zone, you get complimentary DMs/texts reminding you that you’re still a hottie whose inner flame is going to burn with or without the universe’s support.  

 Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Capricorn, you’re naturally very good at keeping your head down and sticking to a plan, so you can really thrive under this week’s even energy. And also working completely in your favor, smart Mercury moves into your tenth house of ambition and career, enabling you to put all your energy into the things that matter to you most. Your abilities to think rationally and reason clearly are what put you on the fast track to success while others wallow in the ordinary.

 Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


You love to be unique and different, which might be tough this week, as you feel like the universe is trying to stop you from being your true, authentic self. Of course, that’s not true, but you do love to indulge in all kinds of conspiracy theories! That being said, try to be patient as normalcy swirls around you. You’ll get your chance to be weird again, Aquarius. Maybe not today or tomorrow. But soon.

 Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’re not the least bit phased or upset by the lack of drama this week. As Libra influences communicative Mercury in your house of truth and the higher mind, you are happy to work toward a peaceful existence with those close to you and faraway strangers you’ve never met. Your introverted nature matches perfectly with the calm, soothing energy that this planetary combo produces, Pisces. Lay low and work on solving the world’s problems under a cozy blanket while drinking a cup of your favorite tea.

 Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead Photo Courtesy of Pexels.

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