Weekly Horoscope: November 8-14, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On November 7, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: November 8-14, 2021

November trudges on, and now three planets sit in psychological Scorpio. If the vibe has already felt overwhelming, prepare yourself for more heat. On Wednesday, Mercury (planet of communication) in Scorpio conjoins Mars (planet of action) in the same sign, possibly instigating exchanges that end up more passionate than intended. After all, Scorpionic energy isn’t the politest, so be on the lookout for sharp words and tension. However, Mars’ work is far from over.

On that same day, the planet of action begins a square with Saturn in Aquarius. If you find yourself feeling a little more listless this week, blame it on Wednesday’s astro-weather. We’re all sure to be feeling a little out of sorts. 

Fortunately, Friday brings us a sweet trine between the sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. If you’ve felt your creative energy to be on the fritz, this weekend is an ideal period to return to your art and/or hobbies, as Neptune offers a well of inspiration.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


This week’s heavy Scorpionic energy will be hitting you full force, Aries. With the sun, Mercury, and Mars in that mighty sign and your sector of personal transformation. If you’ve been feeling stagnant, Scorpio season is asking that you take a long, hard look at what may be causing your dissatisfaction. After some contemplation, you may find that the issue is internal rather than external. In the midst of your soul-searching, try to be kind to yourself. Change doesn’t happen in a day. 

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Trouble in paradise, Taurus? Mars has been in Scorpio and your relationship sector for about a new now. With Mercury conjoining Mars on Wednesday, those of you in relationships may see disagreements materializing out of what seems to be thin air, but don’t let it sweat you! ‘Tis simply the astro-weather stirring up trouble. Next week will find you and your boo in a sweeter (and calmer) place.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Have you been taking care of your health, Gemini? The wealth of Scorpionic energy this month has been loitering in your sector of health and routine sector, inspiring some drastic changes in your day-to-day. Your body is a temple, and it’s high time that you start treating it that way! Fortunately, Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn square via your sectors of health and philosophy may have you taking these issues more seriously. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You’re generally a homebody, Cancer, and that’s totally valid. But this week’s energy asks that you let your hair down a bit. The sun, Mercury, and Mars continue to populate your pleasure and creativity sector. Paired with lovely Venus in Capricorn in your romance zone, now may be the time to consider letting yourself fall into a fling or two if you’re presently unattached. It’s nearly cuffing season, and winter can feel especially long without a cuddle buddy!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Perhaps now is the time to take a life from Cancer and pay more attention to the home front, Leo. Wednesday’s skies see settling Mars and Mercury in Scorpio meeting in a conjunction and your domestic zone, heating things up where your family is concerned. Have you all been dancing around a problem at home? Or avoiding family altogether? If the answer is “yes,” expect these issues to come to a head this week. 

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Your tolerance for nonsense is pretty low, Virgo. However, you may find your nerves a little more frayed than usual this week, especially with the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Scorpio and your communication zone on Wednesday. While people may test your patience, it’s important that you not take the bait, as your words may come out a little — or a lot — harsher than intended, so cool it. Your loved ones will appreciate your temperance.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.


Cash rules everything around you, Libra. The slew of planets in Scorpio continues to poke around in your money sector, keeping your eyes on the (financial) prize. Wednesday, in particular, may see a major change in your finances with Mercury and Mars joining in a conjunction. However, there is also a bit of square action between the planet of action and Saturn, so perhaps, don’t make any life-changing choices just yet. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


We continue our stroll (speed run?) through your season, Scorpio, but you’re doing fine, aren’t you? As the sun, Mercury, and Mars are idling in your appearance zone, you are definitely being seen. Keeping this in mind, take care not to come off aggressively, especially with Mercury and Mars conjoining on Wednesday. Your words may have more power than anticipated, so tone it down a little if you can.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Similar to Libra, you’re focusing on the concept of value, especially with Venus in Capricorn sitting in your finance zone, Sagittarius. However, unlike your airy predecessor, these musings are more than surface level. With the mass of planets in Scorpio planets in your unconscious sector — not to mention the Mercury-Mars conjunction on Wednesday — your thoughts are erring on the profound side. While you may be feeling a little uncomfortable with the intensity of it all, know that a little discomfort now will do you well in the future. 

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


It’s rare that you speak carelessly, Capricorn. After all, you’re no Sagittarius. However, this week’s astro-weather casts a spotlight on communication with Wednesday’s Mercury-Mars conjunction. With this short transit occurring in your network zone, you’ll need to watch out for disagreements within your friend groups, as the Martian energy could blow them way out of proportion. Logic is your modus operandi, but it may be in your best interest to consider the emotional side of things.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Being the workaholic of the zodiac is usually Capricorn’s lane, but you’ve been angling for that position over the last few weeks, Aquarius. The sun, Mercury, and Mars continue their dance through your career zone, and your coworkers and even boss are responding to this energy. Perhaps you’re finally being listened to or getting some shine for your efforts. However, it’d behoove you to watch what you say this week. Mars conjoins Mercury and square Saturn on Wednesday, possibly instigating some reckless words in the workplace. You’re a star right now, Aquarius. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


As per usual, your head is in the clouds. Whereas the rest of us are focused on terrestrial pursuits, you’re focused on your life’s greater philosophy. Are you happy with where you’re at? Your beliefs and educational pursuits? Scorpio season is the time for profound change and shedding your skin. As a water sign, you are a fluid character and should never begrudge yourself for wanting to switch things up. A new world awaits you, Pisces. You need only open the door.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos Courtesy of Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.

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