Weekly Horoscope: November 30 – December 6, 2020

This week ends November on a chatty note when the full moon is in Gemini on Monday. It’s also a lunar eclipse, making it the perfect time to communicate with loved ones or take a short trip. However, postpone making any major decisions until later.
Then, December starts off with Mercury (planet of communication) entering fiery Sagittarius on Tuesday. For the next three weeks, our thoughts and words will be fast as we get caught up in all the holiday and winter chaos. While this can be a great time of discovery, adventure, and growth, this could also be very overwhelming for many people (looking at you, water signs), so don’t be afraid to take a time-out.
Finally, the week ends on a dreamy note with a trine between Venus (planet of love) in Scorpio and Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces on Saturday. This sensual aspect creates the perfect opportunity to snuggle up with someone by the fire. Watch out, however, because your judgment may not be the best.
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week
Thefull moon is happening in your communicationzone—meaning you might need to have a couple“full disclosure”conversations. Over the weekend, Aries, Venus trines Neptune. It’s the perfect time to hang out at home.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
This week, the full moon is making youwantto shine, Taurus. In fact, it may even make you want to treat yourself. Mercury moves in your private sector—which makes you want toput your guard up.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
The full moon in yoursign is giving you tons of confidence! Use this timeto help others (especially your partner) feel as good as you do.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
The eclipse is bringing out your feels, Cancer! It’s best to listen to those emotions. And those feels willget even worse as the week goes on when Mercury enters Sagittariuson Tuesday.
Read your fullCancer weekly horoscope.
Have some fun this week, Leo. The eclipse is happening in yourfriendshipzone. Over the week, you’ll get more of a chance to express yourself thanks to Mercury’s move intoSagittarius.
Read yourfull Leo weekly horoscope.
There may be an issue at work. But thankfully, Virgo, with the eclipsethis week, you’ll hav ethe strength to be flexible with new changes. Over the week, youmight be inundated with family calls as Mercury moves into yourfamily sector.
Read yourfull Virgo weekly horoscope.
Oh Libra, things are lightening up this week! The eclipseis asking you to share fun ideaswhileMercury bringsan easy way to sharethose thoughts. And overthe weekend, try to lay low.
Read yourfull Libra weekly horoscope.
Being a Scorpio means you need time to release things. Thanks toeclipse, now is the perfect opportunityto let go of an old relationship. Mercury is moving into your finance sector, so watch out for Black Friday.
Read your full Scorpioweekly horoscope.
On Monday, the eclipse is happening in yourpartnership zone, Sagittarius. Can yousay, “Love in the air?”Additionally, Mercury enters your sign—giving you the total confidenceto tell that specialsomeonehow youfeel.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Being a Capricorn means youdon’t like to take resting periods. But with the lunar eclipsein a rough sector of yourchart, you’re bound to feel drained. Take it easy this week and attempt to practice self-care.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Mercury moves into your social zone this week—making you moreaware of the social dynamics happening around you.Over the weekend, Aquarius, you’ll get an intuitive.nudge around something that has to do with friends.
Readyour full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Mercury will be in yourcareer zone over the next couple weeks; it’s time to show coworkers whose boss, Pisces! Lastly, spend the weekend in bliss.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
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