Weekly Horoscope: November 29-December 5, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On November 28, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: November 29-December 5, 2021

‘Tis finally the season! But before we break out the presents and tell Alexa to play the song of the season — yes, I am referring to the super smash hit “All I Want for Christmas Is You” — we have to get through the first 24 days of December and the rest of Sagittarius season. Beginning on Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) in Sagittarius goes into an electric sextile with Saturn (planet of limitations) in Aquarius along with the sun.

Aquarius’ normally zany energy is a little more tempered in Saturn, so this energy gives the collective the opportunity to properly harness the otherwise chaotic Sagittarian energy. The next day, Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces returns to her direct movement, de-hazing the additional confusion caused by the planet’s retrograde motion.

Most interestingly, this week closes with a solar eclipse on Saturday. Although it’s also a new moon, this isn’t the best time to manifest our desires. Instead, consider glancing backward at the year at large and simply the past. The future glimmers brightly ahead, so in true Sag spirit, release what’s been ailing you and forge ahead!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Sagittarius season has only just begun, but I’m sure you’re already knee-deep in shenanigans, Aries. The sun and Mercury continue to traipse through your travel zone, which probably has you itching for the holidays. If long distance travel is off the table, perhaps now would be the time to better familiarize yourself with your city. There’s bound to be a restaurant or mom-and-pop shop that you’ve yet to visit. Sagittarius season calls for adventure, and there’s one to be found everywhere!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


The fire seasons can be a little intense for a stubborn spirit such as yourself, Taurus. With the pair of planets in Sagittarius mucking about in your intimacy and transformation zone, it definitely can’t be easy. The last week may even have found you pushing back against a wave of unwanted change. However, the sun and Mercury’s sextiles to Saturn may temper the wave a little, allowing you a little preparation for what’s ahead. Change is difficult, but it’s even more so when we fight against it.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Love may still be on your mind, Gemini. Fortunately, the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius slip into a sextile with Saturn, tempering some of those lovey-dovey feelings that may have cropped up over the last week. Love and affection are wily creatures that, like all things, require work. And as per usual, Saturn is happy to remind us of the value of effort, but this week won’t be all doom and gloom. Saturday‘s solar eclipse in your relationship zone is sure to bring a couple realizations around how you approach romance.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The relative chaos of Sagittarius season may be a little uncomfortable for you, Cancer. I know that you’re one for stability and simplicity, but the present season is asking (or rather demanding) you to take a walk on the wild side for once. With the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius falling into your routine sector, you might consider changing your day-to-day habits. Variety is the spice of life, and Saturday’s solar eclipse is sure to shake things up — whether you like it or not.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


I’m sure you’ve been taking full advantage of the fiery vibes, Leo. With the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius and your pleasure, the rest of the season is only up from here. But before your completely lose yourself in some Bacchanal exploits, the two planets’ sextile to Saturn asks that you chill a moment before getting lost in the sauce of Sagittarius season. There’s nearly a whole month’s worth of fun to be had. No need to rush!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


What a better season than winter to turn your eyes to your home, Virgo? Sagittarius season is shining a spotlight on your domestic sector. While you’re usually much more of a worker bee, now is the time to consider your casa. The sun and Mercury in Sagittarius are bidding you to do just that. ‘Tis the season to deck the halls or deck out that drab guest room you’ve been frowning at for the last few months.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


The sun conjoins Mercury in Sagittarius and your communication sector early in the week, so it’s looking to be a chatty one, Libra. Perhaps you’ve a presentation scheduled for work or a spark of inspiration to finish writing that chapter. Either way, I’d pay a little bit more attention as to how you’re expressing yourself this week. Despite your natural grace, Sagittarian energy isn’t exactly known for its couth, so you run the risk of a verbal faux pas or two. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’ve got your mind on your money and your money on your mind, Scorpio. The duo of planets in Sagittarius — that is, the sun and Mercury — fall into your finance sector. While you can probably expect a bit of extra cash this season, this is not the week of that windfall. The two aforementioned planets go into a sextile with Saturn, implying more gradual processes where money is concerned. But fear not! If you’ve been putting the work it, it’s sure to pay off!

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


The sun and Mercury continue to slide through your sign, Sagittarius. How does it feel to be the life of the party? While you relish the shine of your season, do try to take advantage of the planets’ sextile to Saturn on Tuesday. Usually, you and Saturn get along like oil and water, but the easy-going nature of the sextile is giving you the opportunity to indulge in the spoils of your hard work this week and last week — granted you’ve done some. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Your season is only a month away, but you’re patient. Aren’t you, Capricorn? Unlike the rest of the zodiac — save Aquarius — you’re unperturbed by the Saturn sextiles occurring on Tuesday. Understanding limitations comes easily to you. This week, they’ll act as a balm to Mercury and the sun’s rays shining brightly into your zone of secrets and the unconscious, which I’m sure hasn’t been the most comfortable. Hang tight, Capricorn. The solar eclipse on Saturday is coming in hot with answers to some of your inner turmoil. You need only accept them.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Since last week, the sun and Mercury in Sagittarius have been lighting up your network sector, Aquarius, hopefully bringing new and old friends to the forefront. But now, with these same two planets going into a sextile with Saturn, you’re being called to trim away the fat so to speak. Your value of friendship is well-known, but are these friendships serving you well? There’s no need to make any immediate changes, but ponder this over the next week.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in your sign, Pisces, imbuing a bit of whimsy in an otherwise business-like placement. Since the planets sit in your sectors of network and self, respectively, you’re sure to turn (and intrigue) a few heads and possibly gain a couple new contacts in the process. To sweeten the deal further, Neptune also goes direct on Wednesday, reducing the double dose of confusion that you’re sure to have been feeling over the last few months.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos Courtesy of Pavel Danilyuk and Mengliu Di on Pexels.

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