Weekly Horoscope: November 16 – 22, 2020

This week begins on a positive note when Venus (planet of love) in Libra squares Jupiter (planet of luck) in Capricorn on Monday, giving a small boost of good fortune to the day. While good things continue to come our way, Mercury (planet of communication) in Scorpio opposing Uranus (planet of surprises) in Taurus on Tuesday could bring some nervous energy to all that excitement. Chill. It’s going to be fine.
However, Venus in Libra squaring Saturn (planet of foundation) in Capricorn on Thursday could put a damper on all the excitement. This aspect might bring disappointment, loss, and just bad vibes. Keeping expectations low and practicing a lot of self-care is a must in order to get through the day.
Saturday brings a double whammy of conflicting energies as the sun enters Sagittarius and Venus enters Scorpio. Energies will become bold, optimistic, and honest, with feelings of wanderlust. However, relationships and finances are more possessive and intense—a complex dynamic that we’ll be dealing with for the next four weeks. Good luck!
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
This week may bring a little romance your way, Aries! On Tuesday though, Mercury and Uranus could bring tension as you’ll be a bit impatient. Relax.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
You’re bound to see a little luck on Monday. Tuesday could see you feeling a little spooked. Butlater in the week, all that will matter are relationships.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Your planet, Mercury, is creating tension as it opposes Uranus. It causes you some anxiety, as you aren’t sure what to do with different choices. The answer will come, Gemini.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
Thanks to Venus square Jupiter, you’re about to see some unexpected luck head your way, Cancer. It’s time now to spend moments with loved ones because this energy brings excitement and good times.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
Later in the week, your attitude will go from bright and sunny to dreary, as Venus squares Saturn on Thursday. You may not have that Leo shine. But this will fade as the sun enters your sector of pleasure over the weekend.
Read your full Leoweekly horoscope.
There’s something happening this week that you need help with, Virgo. Venus square Saturn on Thursday is making sure of it. Don’t get overwhelmed with changed plans or new paths. Go with the flow.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.
Your ruling planet is aligning with Jupiter, planet of luck, on Monday. Going out of your way to help others can only benefit you, Libra. But farther down the week, when that same planet squares Saturn, it’s best tokeep to yourself.
Read yourfull Libra weekly horoscope.
Success is all about being flexible, Scorpio. We know that’s not your favorite thing to do, but it will be necessary as Venus makes multiple connections this week. Disagreements at work could arise, but it’s easily squashed if you approach with caution.
Read yourfull Scorpioweekly horoscope.
Mercury opposes Uranus on Tuesday, making you realize that not everything is as it seems. But as the sun enters Sagittarius on Saturday, you’ll feel completely rejuvenated.
Read yourfull Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Right now, you’re focused on goals and work. What do you want to accomplish, Capricorn? This week is a great time to consider those things you want to happen in 2021.
Read yourfull Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Being helpful can go a long way, Aquarius. Over the weekend, it’s best toget connected with your emotions. You’ll be able to connect with others better this way.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Being a Pisces means making things extra romantic and dreamy. But on Monday, you won’t even need help with this—thanks to Venus square Jupiter.Also, love could be heading your way on Tuesday!
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
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