Weekly Horoscope: May 17-23, 2021

This week marks the beginning of Gemini season, but before we talk about the Twins, the sun in Taurus still has to get the last word in. That is especially true when it makes a trine Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn on Monday. This is a positive aspect for most, reaffirming that you’re traveling down the right path. You have to keep going forward.
The sun enters clever Gemini on Thursday, officially starting the season of the Twins. For the next four weeks, communication and versatility will be our top priorities, making us more social than before. This is an ideal time to learn and have enlightening conversations and plenty of laughs. Just be mindful of what you say this month.
That’s especially true when Mercury (planet of communication) in Gemini squares Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces on Saturday, potentially creating some serious misunderstandings. While it might be tempting to rush into action, don’t do anything on impulse. Wait until you get clarity on a situation before you act… or else you might do something you’ll regret later.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Being an Aries, you’re always ready to put yourself out there. This week, you’ll want to do that in your career. More money may be on the way should you do so. With the sun moving into Gemini this week, it’s also time to use your words more.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
When Venus and Saturn make a connection, you’ll easily make a good impression at work or on a date. Allow yourself to shine, but make sure you’re still modest. Gemini season, as the sun moves into the sign of The Twins, will allow you to be more flexible with others, Taurus.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Thanks to the Saturn-Venus connection, you’re in deep curiosity mode. This week is filled with planets in your sign—making it that much easier to learn from your more childish sides.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
Cancer, it’s time to bring people together in order to get what you want. Link up with those around you. On Thursday, the sun moves into your privacy zone. Don’t cut yourself off from the world.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
Thanks to the Pluto-sun connection, you’ll make great impressions at work this week. What’s better is that the universe is spinning in your favor. Whatever you need, Leo, your manifestations are at full peak this week.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
You’ll finally be able to say how you feel, Virgo. The sun-Pluto connection is opening up your self-expression. Another thing the planets are spelling out for you is not to be such a workaholic. You’re going above and beyond—and it’s getting in the way of relationships.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.
Libras are known for their great aesthetic and style tastes. That inner creativity is unleashed this week as the Venus-Saturn connection appears in your chart. It’s also a great time to learn new things, Libra, as the Gemini sun is activating your knowledge.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
The week begins with the sun-Pluto connection encouraging you to share your ideas. This is a sensitive time for you, Scorpio—your words have greater influence now than they’ve ever had.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Being a Sagittarius means that you’re quite ambitious. Those out-of-the-box dreams you’ve been holding on to are finally starting to manifest themselves here. And thanks to the sun in Gemini, your relationships are going to see the better of it.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
The sun and Pluto are making a connection that reinforces your self-confidence. Self-esteem is huge this week and must be worked on for you—and you only. Show yourself some love, Capricorn.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Romance is in the air, Aquarius. Venus and Saturn are indicating that love is blooming between you and another person. It may be someone completely new or it could simply represent a new chapter in your relationship with someone else.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
The sun moves through your family zone, Pisces. It’s time now to focus on your childhood. How did you grow up? Where are your siblings? Perhaps looking back at the past will help you look forward into the future.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Lead photo courtesy of @becca_reitz