Weekly Horoscope: May 10 – 16, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On May 9, 2021

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: May 10 – 16, 2021

New week, there’s a new moon. We kick off this week with the new moon in lovely, steady Taurus—which can help us manifest our dreams. That’s especially true when it comes to material things. However, remember to keep your desires realistic. Your dreams won’t manifest overnight, so you’re going to have to put in the work this lunar cycle. Be patient.

Mercury (planet of communication) in Gemini trines Saturn (planet of foundation) in Aquarius on Wednesday, making everyone extra charming. This a great day for building friendships. Anything started today can be long-lasting and very engaging. Go ahead and put yourself out there!

Finally, Thursday brings a major shift when Jupiter (planet of abundance) leaves unique Aquarius for imaginative Pisces. While Jupiter won’t be in Pisces for too long, the planet of luck and success encourages you to be positive and open-minded as you follow our heart. Jupiter in Pisces can help dreams become realities. What you’re working toward during the Taurus new moon gets a boost now.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


The new moon illuminates your house of money and value, Aries. At this point, you may become obsessed with money, so be careful what you’re wishing for. Over the weekend, it’ll be the best time to talk about any friendship issues.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


The new moon is in your sign on Tuesday—giving you some personal power and energy for the future. And all thanks to Jupiter entering Pisces this week, you’ll find that your dreams are closer than you once thought.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The new moon lights up your privacy zone, Gemini—asking you to discover more of your hidden talents. Mercury and Saturn make a trine this week that asks you to grow your mental horizons. Starting to learn a new topic or starting a new project might be a good idea.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Your wish is likely to come true this week, Cancer. The new moon helps manifest anything you want, as long as you put in the hard work to get it. Mercury and Saturn make a connection that urges you to let go of something from your past. It’s time!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Time to get serious, Leo. The new moon asks you where you’re going in the next five years. Thankfully, with Mercury and Saturn pairing up, your current network might help you get just the career opportunity that you need.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Now that summer is here, it’s time to broaden perspectives, Virgo. Use this time to take a summer class or explore a new talent. The new moon is encouraging you to do this!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


The new moon brightens your intimacy zone this week, Libra. It might be time to try something new in the bedroom—spice things up! Mercury and Saturn connect on Wednesday, asking you to express yourself in new ways.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Thanks to the new moon, you might see a new romance come to light, Scorpio. It’s an ideal time to turn a new chapter with your partner, sign contracts (like marriage contracts), or recommit in your relationship.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


It’s time to start a new routine. Have you been slacking on your fitness goals, Sagittarius? Don’t you think it’s gone on long enough? Over the week, family matters might rise to the surface. Take them in stride; they will dissipate soon enough.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


This week brings a whole new level of love affair, Capricorn. If you’re not in love, you might be by the end of this week. Mercury and Saturn connect on Wednesday though, and that takes you straight back to work.

Read you full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The new moon appears in your family zone. Some home-building or familial foundations will need to take place. But this is just what you needed. Jupiter moves into Pisces, in your value zone. So, there’s plenty of luck in money matters over the next two weeks.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


It’s the start of a new dawn. You’re being lit up by the new moon in your communication zone and you’re ready to tell others how you feel. Finally, things are about to come to light. Over the weekend, Jupiter moves into your sign. You’ll be a very lucky Fish over the next two weeks!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @ameyasrealm

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