Weekly Horoscope: March 9 – March 15, 2020

This week begins with a full moon in Virgo that could intensify emotions and bring buried issues out into the open. We may be more critical than usual and perhaps prone to making judgments that, if voiced, could have a negative impact on a friendship or partnership. Waiting a day or so to express your feelings might help foster wiser choices.
Mercury retrograde has been plaguing our lives for long enough! The talkative planet, Mercury, finally turns direct on Monday, so any delays may begin to melt away.
Midweek, the sun (planet of self) and Jupiter (planet of abundance) create a sweet aspect that can boost optimism and encourage an exploration of new possibilities. And any social events should be delightful experiences.
A positive tie between Mars (planet of passion) and Neptune (planet of illusion) on Saturday can encourage some alone time or relishing cultural activities. Anything related to spirituality, yoga, meditation, dreams, and metaphysical matters can be enthralling. They can also help us better tackle any issues we may be dealing with.
How Your Zodiac Sign Will Be Affected This Week
Thanks to the full moon on Monday, you may feel a little sensitive to someone’s comments. It may be best to lighten your schedule so you’re not stressed to begin with. By mid-week Aries, you’ll feel back to your normal competitive self. Over the weekend, you may be inspired by some lucrative ideas.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
This week sees some romance in the air, Taurus! The full moon floats through your house of partnership. Mid-week, the sun-Jupiter aspect calls to travel with a friend. Lastly, over the weekend your calendar could fill up pretty quickly. Embrace it as you may have an interesting meetup with someone new.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
The full moon calls up some fiery feelings that may lead to intense criticism. Keep it light, Gemini. The aspect between the sun and Jupiter may ask you work together with someone to accomplish a common goal. Ultimately, you may want to keep a pragmatic mind this weekend.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
You may be prone to overthinking, Cancer. That can alsolead to being overly critical. So, make sure you go easy on both yourself and others this week. You’ve got a host of planets in your social house, which makes this week a great time to get yourself out of the house and be with other people.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
Being a Leo, you bring all the drama—but this week, drama is coming to your wallet. The full moon traveling through your finance zone may make you feel an urge to spend. Over the week, you’ll see many opportunities for success. But there may be too much for you to handle by yourself. Ask the advice of others to help you out.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
With the full moon in Virgo and Mercury turning direct in your lifestyle zone, things are just working out for you this week. Finally, if you’re falling in love, you might want to assume that this other person is feeling the same way.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.
The full moon sits in your spiritual zone on Monday, so prepare to feel totally drained. If you have a lot to do this week, try to push it off as long as possible. We know you’re eager Libra, but it’s best now for you to recharge. Over the weekend, try to dip into some holistic experiences such as yoga or home-cooked meals.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Things are getting crazy this week, Scorpio. The full moon travels through your social zone which may bring surprise feelings and interesting encounters to the surface. Critical friends may jump on the opportunity to say their piece. Just try to take everything with a grain of salt—especially since Mercury is just now turning direct.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
You might be stepping into the spotlight this week, Sagittarius. Just make it for the right reasons. Mercury moves direct in your sector of communication—which is great for you! You still may want to wait on moving ahead with plans, however. Mars and Neptune tangle up in your finance zone over the weekend, so be careful with spending.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
The moon is affecting your communication, which is better to just accept. We know you like things planned out perfectly, Capricorn. But this week, know that things may not be smooth and just wait it out until the moon’s waves are over. Mercury turns direct in your money zone, which should help clear up any blocks in paperwork.
Read your full weekly horoscope.
Mercury is turning direct in your sign, Aquarius. Thankfully! Just wait a bit for the shadow period energy to pass. Regarding finances, the full moon is touching your money zone. With an urge to spend, you may want to spend on things that will help you thrive, such as a massage.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
With so much planetary action going on in your social zones, you’re bound to have a booked calendar. The full moon skips through your relationship zone, Pisces. So, try not to be too sensitive or nit-picky with bae. Or if you’re single, over the weekend, the Mars and Neptune meetup could bring about a new love interest.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
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