Weekly Horoscope: March 7-13, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On March 6, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: March 7-13, 2022

The reign of Saturn finally comes to an end this week. Last Saturday, Venus and Mars (the planets of love and action, respectively) ended their sojourn in cold Capricorn. However, before we jump for joy, keep in mind that Aquarius is also traditionally ruled by Saturn, so don’t expect a whirlwind romance during the next few weeks, but do expect to be a bit more socially active. 

Perhaps devoting yourself to a cause or even just doing a little volunteering might suit the collective, as Aquarius is a fairly humanitarian sign. 

The rest of the week brings forth a bit of mysticism as Wednesday finds Mercury (the planet of communication) pushing into Pisces. So, for the next few weeks, lean more into intuition over logic, as Mercury in the sign of the Fish doesn’t tend toward standard communication methods. But the real cherry on top comes on Sunday when the sun in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in the same sign. In short, enjoy the chill vibes!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Feeling social, Aries? There’s a party going on in your friendship sector this week with the planets of love and action camping out there. Whereas last month may have seen you focused on securing the bag, this one brings the opportunity to let your hair down and hit the town. If your circle’s been feeling a little on the smaller side, use these next few weeks to make some connections.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


While Aries is starting to let loose this week, you’re finally buckling down, Taurus. For the last few weeks, you’ve been exploring your options and generally indulging in the adventure that is life. However, with Venus and Mars now in Aquarius and your career sector, you’re wondering how to apply what you’ve learned to get ahead in the race. Given Aquarius’ social nature, it might be helpful to ask a veteran or mentor for advice.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You’re ordinarily a free spirit, Gemini, but you’ll be feeling even freer over the next few weeks. Venus’ and Mars’ shifts into Aquarius have landed the planets in your adventure zone. As a natural student of life, it’s not uncommon for you to go where your curiosity takes you, but with these planets in that sector, you’re being called to go where you never have before. The world is your oyster — take a leap of faith!

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Prepare yourself to go deep, Cancer. While Venus’ and Mars’ shift from Capricorn allows you a reprieve from romantic exploits, you’re now on the hook for more profound considerations. For the last few weeks, you got your flirt on. Now, you must focus on true intimacy, which, naturally, is a great deal more complex. Let your feelings lead the way, and all will be clear.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


While other placements bemoan the lack of romance that usually comes with Venus in Aquarius, you’re gearing up for quite the romance ride, Leo. The planets of love and action have dipped into your relationship sector. Paired with the sun in dreamy Pisces, your head is sure to be in the clouds. Additionally, with Aquarius’ platonic focus, watch for a friends-to-lovers trope playing out in your own life over the next few weeks.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


The vibes are with you this week, Virgo. The two Lover planets, Venus and Mars, have dipped into Aquarius and your routine sector. What does your average day- look like? Have you picked up any bad habits since the beginning of the year? If so, fear not! This energy is perfect for perfecting your day-to-day. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Prepare yourself for a few weeks of fun, Libra! Venus and Mars have found a new home in your pleasure sector, so good times aren’t far off. You’re being given the astrological go ahead to live life to the fullest. But don’t let yourself get too lost in the proverbial sauce. Piscean energy is slippery, so try to keep one foot on solid ground, lest you find yourself disoriented come Aries season.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Home is where the heart is, Scorpio. And for the next few weeks, your home will figure heavily on your mental, especially with Venus and Mars now in your domestic zone as of late last week. Fortunately for you, Venus softens Mars’ rough edges, so familial disagreements won’t be nearly as explosive as they could be. This energy is best spent renovating or redecorating your home.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Feel free to heave a sigh of relief, Sagittarius, as both Venus and Mars leave your finance sector. Your wallet definitely thanks the astro-weather for this fortuitous change. But with the two planets now in your communication zone, you’re probably talking a mile a minute, much to the dismay of your friends, acquaintances, and even strangers on the street! Rather than expending this chatty energy on talking some poor person’s ear off, devote yourself to reading, writing, or even exploring your area.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


The last of the (inner) planets in your sign have finally left the building, Capricorn. All things considered, it’s been quite the ride! Now, the planet of love is in your finance zone, so prepare for some (fiscal) blessings to rain down. Being the thrifty sign that you are, I hardly need to remind you to spend wisely. But on the off chance that you’re feeling luxurious, remember that Mars is there as well, and he loves to shake things up.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


All eyes are on you, Aquarius! Since Venus and Mars rolled into your sign and appearance zone last Saturday, you’ve been difficult to overlook. Random passersby probably find that you possess a certain je ne sais quoi. So, embrace it! You’re not the most appearance-oriented sign, but there’s no harm in a facial every once in a while. Venus in this sector is a blessing. Don’t let it pass you by. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


This is totally your week, Pisces! Mercury moves into your sign on Wednesday. While others may struggle with the less-than-straightforward nature of Piscean communication, you’re feeling right at home! Later in the week, you’ll even be feeling a bit more comfortable, as the sun in your sign conjuncts Neptune, your modern ruling planet, on Sunday. Creative juices will be flowing, so try to make the most of it!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos courtesy of Kampus Production and Roman Ska on Pexels.

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