Weekly Horoscope: March 16 – March 22, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On March 15, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: March 16 – March 22, 2020

On Monday, Mercury (planet of communication) pushes ahead into Pisces after turning direct last week. Mercury retrograde is finally over, so move ahead with plans as delays and resistance melt away.

The sun (planet of self) powers into Aries on Thursday, just before it makes a positive angle with Saturn (planet of rules). This could inspire a consideration of priorities before making new decisions and pursuing other interests.

A more dynamic focus comes into play on Friday as Mars (planet of passion) aligns with Jupiter (planet of abundance)—offering extra energy and confidence to get things done, as well as a willingness to move outside one’s comfort zone.

The big news this week is that Saturn enters Aquarius for a temporary stay of a few months, which could encourage a form of practical idealism. (And hey, if you have Saturn in Aquarius in your chart, get ready for your infamous Saturn return!)

Sunday could spark some very intense moods, including one that may inspire a willingness to do anything to accomplish a key goal.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

march 16 week horoscope

Courtesy of @holistic_astrology


With the sun moving into your sign, it’s finally time to shine. But that’s not the only exciting thing happening this week: Mars links up with Jupiter in your career zone—making it the perfect time to ask for what you want in your job. Saturn’s move into your social zone could send a more serious tone down your spine.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Mercury’s move into your social zone could see you becoming a bit more inclined to go meet people. It could also give you a more spiritual approach, as it moves into dreamy Pisces. The sun’s move into your social sector is also pushing your more social attitude, Taurus.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Mercury in the goals section of your chart sees you networking quite a bit this week, Gemini. Time to send that “catch up” email! Mars’ connection with Jupiter later in the week is pushing you to go for a new business dream even more than usual. It could be helpful to tap into that urge to connect even more than you know.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


You may have to face some fears this week regarding your personal skills, Cancer. Thursday’s excitement could help you push those boundaries. Once Saturn moves into your finance zone over the weekend, it’ll help you come up with a structured business plan.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


The sun moves through your travel zone over the next four weeks, Leo. Is it time to finally go on that road trip? Mars and Jupiter are stirring you with excitement toward the end of the week—which may actually help you pull the trigger on travel. Finally, relationships will get a good (and serious) evaluation as Saturn moves into your partnership zone.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Mercury’s been moving backward in your relationship zone, but don’t worry, Virgo: Things are finally starting to feel normal between you and bae this week! As the sun moves into a more intense zone this week, your finances will start to take a hit. Saturn is moving into an inspiring zone in your chart this week that could help bring your dreams to a reality.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Today, Libra, the sun is moving into a zone that highlights your love life. Over the next four weeks, you may be even more inclined to get closer to your special someone. Around the house, you might find yourself eager to start cleaning thanks to a couple planetary energies this week.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Mercury is moving into your leisure zone this week—meaning it’s the best time to get together with others! Even more than that, if you’ve been putting effort in a new skill, this is the best time to put your efforts forward. The sun is also moving into your fun, lifestyle zone over the next couple weeks. It should bring some lighthearted energy, perfect for you, Scorpio.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


The sun is moving into your leisure zone—one of your favorites! For the next couple weeks, you’ll do well to engage in sports or activities with other people. On a romantic level, you could see a relationship developing. The Mars and Jupiter are making a connection on Friday that could bring something extra exciting to an existing opportunity. Jump on it, Sagittarius.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Mars and Jupiter are connecting this week, which brings bigcash opportunities for you if you’re proactive and bold. The sun is also moving into your home zone this week. Being a Capricorn, you don’t normally enjoy slowing down. But because of the change in energy, it might be worth it to make time for self-care.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


With the sun moving through your communication zone, your social nature are coming out this week! This could be great for family or friends getting together, but it can also be a perfect time for networking. Later in the week, with the Mars-Jupiter tie, your spirituality will be lit up. It could be a great time to seek out a spiritual coach or therapist.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Being a Pisces, you’re always up for connecting with others, but you’re not always ready to head out into the social world… But with Mercury moving into your sign, you’re ready to tap into your friend group again. The sun highlights your money zone as it moves into Aries this week—are you ready to start splurging? Treat yourself, but try not to go overboard. It’ll be easier over the next four weeks!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @holistic_astrology

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