Weekly Horoscope: March 14-20, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On March 13, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: March 14-20, 2022

Blink and you’ve missed Pisces season. I know I have! The beginning of the week sees a few minor transits, making for a fair astro-weather. However, things heat up later in the week. Friday finds the full moon in Virgo, which — I might say — is a fine way to end the astrological year. It’s giving very much “out with the old and in with the new” energy, so spend this full moon doing a bit of pre-emptive spring cleaning on a physical and spiritual level.

This week Venus (planet of love) in Aquarius squares Uranus (planet of radical change) in Taurus. We should be on the lookout for sudden shifts in our relationships — for better or worse. 

The week ends with a beginning, as the sun leaves its watery Pisces for Aries. So, welcome to the Astrological New Year! All those resolutions that fell to the wayside two weeks after January 1? Pick them up! Don’t throw away your shot at a great year!

Courtesy of Andre Furtado on Pexels

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


‘Tis the season, Aries. Well — your season, anyway, starting Sunday. Pisces season may have had you deep in your feels, as the sun fell into your unconscious zone. It may have been an emotionally turbulent few weeks. But now the clouds have gone, and you can focus on doing what you do best: letting loose. Relish the fresh energy coming your way, and enjoy the vitality that the astrological New Year brings.  

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Beware of coming off as a little erratic in the workplace this week, Taurus. With Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in your sign, a disconnect between your self-perception and professional persona is likely. It’s never a good idea to let your worksona slip, and doing so this week could have a less-than-ideal fallout. So, keep your head down, and focus on securing that bag!

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


With this week’s full moon in Virgo, your home is your focus, Gemini. While you’re no hoarder, it’s possible that things have piled up around the house. With Virgo’s tidying energy, you may find a little energy to do a little pre-sing spring cleaning. Your house is your palace, and it should reflect that fact. So, try to do a little dusting if you can.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


It’s approaching time to turn up the heat, Cancer. On Sunday, the sun slips from your adventure zone into your career one. Have you been avoiding hard work? Aries season is here to demand that you pull up your bootstraps and do what you need to do. Now, this certainly won’t be easy, but nothing worth doing is.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


This week, Venus in your sister sign squares Uranus in Taurus. Leo, with your romance and career sectors at play, there’s sure to be a little tension between yourself and your partner. Perhaps your workaholism has them feeling neglected. Even for our single Water-Bearers, the energy between yourself and your crush seems a little off. But don’t fret. Flowers and chocolate go a long way.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Get ready to feel the feels, Virgo. This week find the full moon in your sign, so emotionally, you’re right at home. Now, emotionality isn’t exactly your thing, but we all need a good purge every so often. And what better time to let it all out than the tail-end of watery Pisces season? But worry not, your sign is an orderly one, so hysterics are unlikely.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Much like your zodiac precursor, Virgo, you’re up for an emotional purge this week, Libra. Though, unlike Virgo, it may feel a little less controlled. Friday’s full moon arrives in your unconscious and hidden zone, so any emotions that may come to the surface are definitely doing so begrudgingly. They may even be painful, but you’ll be entering Aries season with an emotional clean slate.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


How are things in the romance department, Scorpio? If you’ve been experiencing a love drought over the last few months, don’t fret! This week, Uranus in your sister sign, Taurus, squares Venus in Aquarius, so expect some sudden changes where your love life is concerned whether you’re single or attached. Now, this might seem a little frightening, but remember that what’s meant to be will be. 

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Thursday’s Venus-Uranus square is occurring smack-dab in your communication and day-to-day sectors, Sagittarius. But even before then, the transit’s energy may be felt, so it’s best to take care throughout the week. So, before you react or respond, take a beat and think about how your words may be received. Sometimes, it’s better to hold your tongue than risk a disagreement. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


It’s rare that your sign needs to be warned to show a little restraint. So, forgive me if I relish this moment, but this week, Capricorn, you’d do well to take financial care. Uranus, the planet of shocking change, is squaring Venus via your finance zone on Saturday, so there’s definitely a risk of a major fiscal shift. You’d do well to show some caution where your spending is concerned.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Venus continues its sojourn in your sign, but it’s not smooth sailing this week, Aquarius. You see, the planet of love squares the planet of shock —your ruling planet — on Saturday. With the two planets playing in your sectors of self and home, there’s a possibility for a disconnect between yourself and the fam. And with two stubborn signs at play, neither of you is willing to back down. 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Alas, Pisces season is coming to an end. Hopefully, you’ve sufficiently basked in the confusing and spiritual vibes of your birth season because Aries is up, and the energy will seem like night and day. But for the moment, it might be best to focus on Thursday’s full moon in Virgo. This lunation falls in your romance section, so it’s an excellent time to reflect upon your romantic endeavors and relations over the past year. What has and hasn’t worked? 

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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