Weekly Horoscope: March 13–19, 2023

By Mary Bergner

On March 12, 2023

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: March 13–19, 2023

Buckle up because this week’s ride is jammed with planetary traffic that will have you in and out of your feels with lightning speed. First up is Tuesday’s stressful square between feisty Mars (the planetary enforcer) in flaky Gemini and ethereal Neptune (the cosmic dreamer) in evasive Pisces that causes general confusion and could lead to distracted mistakes that cost you big. If you don’t keep your eyes on the road during this sketchy transit, you’ll end up someplace you really don’t want to be.

Honestly, there’s too much happening on Thursday to get into it all. Let’s just say that between fabulous Venus (the goddess of love) moving into pleasure-seeking Taurus and then a square between Venus and reflective Pluto (the galactic transformer), your heart says go. Still, your head says stop, causing confusion, headaches, and regrettable choices. Ugh. And when you add on the emotional conjunction between logical Mercury (our cosmic conveyor of information) and Neptune in idealistic Pisces that happens late in the day, sleep can’t come fast enough. No shade from us for going to bed early and escaping into a fantasy-filled dream world!  

Things get real pretty quickly when communicative Mercury enters the powerful fire sign Aries on Saturday and basically leaves you without a filter. However, be aware that when you say exactly what’s on your mind, the reactions are going to be mixed. Depending on the situation and who you’re hanging out with, your bold and tactless words will either get you in trouble or bring encouragement from your admirers. Note: the best way to act will probably land you somewhere in the middle.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


It’s no secret that you aren’t always very good at regulating your speed, Aries, but this week your fast, erratic moves can get you into more trouble than usual. Work on controlling your actions and finding a middle ground. Moving from one extreme or another isn’t good for you or the people you care about, and resisting posted rules and regulations will land you in a lot of hot water. 

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Your ruler Venus is dominating your first house this week, Taurus, basically giving you the keys to your own happiness. Pretty much everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure you have what you want, so it’s in your best interest to figure out exactly what that is. Love can be confusing at times, but things get very clear over the weekend. You’re a very patient sign, so if you have to wait a while to make sparks fly, you’re okay with that. 

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


You’re smart, Gemini, and you don’t like being confused. Yes, you’re guilty of giving in to the occasional distraction, but you’re usually able to keep your thoughts clear through the fog. This week’s chaos hits a little differently, though, so you might find yourself lost despite trying hard to stay on track. Taking a midweek breather from your heavy responsibilities should help you regain the strength you need to finish what you’ve already started.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


We’ll be honest and let you know that the first part of the week is a struggle to maintain your emotional stability, Cancer. When things start to go off the rails, your first instinct is to get defensive, and if those tactics don’t work, you’re quick to retreat. You find your voice over the weekend, though. When you come out of your shell, your claws are out. Someone who underestimates you early in the week will definitely end up regretting it. It’s only a matter of time before you show what you’re truly capable of.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


No one ever accused you of trying to stay away from drama, so when chaos ensues this week, you’re right in the middle of it. Trying to work through your issues dead-on is admirable, but even you will probably need to take a little break from everything happening now. Remember, Leo, that taking care of yourself allows you to better take care of everyone else.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Keeping a level head is one of your biggest challenges this week, Virgo, but we think you’re up to the task. You don’t usually let emotions get in the way of logic, but a person or situation has a way of getting to you that will really test you at some point. Stay strong. Eat good food and get plenty of exercise and sleep. You don’t have to let the universe throw you under the bus. Outrun it!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Your lovely leader Venus brings beauty to your life this week, but she can also deliver some soul-crushing blows at the same time. Love really does hurt, but you’re stronger than what it’s dishing out now. Focus on what’s good and try to block out what’s bad. And Libra, listen to someone speaking the truth over the weekend. What they’re saying might be hard to hear but hearing it — really hearing it — is for your own good.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Emotional ambiguity is like your kryptonite, so you’re not loving the confusing vibes that Venus is throwing at you this week. Should I, or shouldn’t I? That’s the question you keep asking yourself over and over. The best thing to do is gather the facts like the true investigator that you are and then come to a logical conclusion. You’ll get the honest and undeniable answers you were looking for over the weekend. Hopefully, you made the right choice, Scorpio.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You love to go fast, so you aren’t thrilled when things come to a complete stop this week. If a project you were working on stalls out or plans fall through, start working on another strategy. You’ve always got a trick up your sleeve, Sag, so if the universe thinks it can keep you down with its petty little obstacles, it’s dead wrong. It might take you a minute to get things back on track, but when you do, they’ll be better than ever. Your fiery “no quit in me” attitude is everything.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You rarely see obstacles as something you can’t get over, Capricorn, so when things get in your way this week, it isn’t a matter of if you can move them. It’s a matter of when. Love is a distraction now but in the best way possible. While your career and other responsibilities typically come first, you’re willing to move them down the priority list if a good romantic opportunity comes along. Take that last-minute vacation despite the chaos that’s happening. You can deal with it all when you get back.

 Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


You don’t like emotional messiness, Aquarius, but somehow you find yourself in the middle of a complicated entanglement this week. Hmmm, how did that happen? You’re too smart to just fall into situations like these, so is it possible you wanted this all along? You’ll probably blurt out your true intentions over the weekend, but few people will care. It’s just you being your usual quirky self, and the only judgment you’re going to get comes from within.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’d love nothing better than to float above all of the confusion and chaos this week, but unfortunately, you’re probably going to have to address it at some point. Luckily, that looming date with reality probably won’t come until over the weekend sometime, which leaves you several days to stay lost in your idealistic dreamland. You’re not stupid, so you know the enormity of what might happen if you procrastinate, but taking a break just a liiiiittle longer will help you deal with things eventually. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead Photo Courtesy of Polina Kovaleva on Pexels.

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