Weekly Horoscope: June 12–18, 2023

Weekly Horoscope: June 12–18, 2023

You might be feeling a little detached from the world early in the week, but that’s okay. Take some personal time for self-care and just do you for a while until you feel like you’re ready to reconnect.

A tense square between Mercury (our cosmic informer) in indecisive Gemini and Saturn (the serious planet) in pessimistic Pisces shows up on Thursday, surrounding you with anxiousness and a sense of impending gloom. Wait, this is what happens when you decide you’re ready to head back into the world and finally reach out to the people you’ve been ignoring?! Don’t worry; this is a short aspect. If you can make yourself think more positive thoughts, the day’s underlying theme is “you’ve probably already experienced your share of worst-case scenarios and are headed for better days.”

One of those better days is Saturday when ambitious Saturn loosens up on its restrictive vibe as it goes retrograde in intuitive Pisces. What’s been holding you back from the success you deserve? During this lofty transit, you’re free to dream big and imagine all the amazing possibilities that are yet to come! 

The universe gives a quick little end-of-the-week warning with its square between the sometimes-scandalous Gemini sun (our universal sense of self) and Neptune (the dream-promoting planet), also in hazy Pisces. The message is: Don’t believe everything you hear. There’s lots of gossip and false information floating out there on social media, so don’t be guilty of spreading it. Besides, you’ve got way better things to do, right?

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


You’re not about to let a little bit of universal angst get you down, right, Aries? Even though you feel things the same way everyone else does, it seems like you’re able to pull yourself out of a funk better than a lot of other signs. It must be your fiery nature. But whatever it is, you should feel lucky that you’re able to bounce back so quickly from the week’s dreary vibes.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You can benefit from taking some alone time early this week, Taurus, especially if you’re on the outs with someone close to you who has disappointed you in some way recently. Getting some time to yourself to regroup and reanalyze what went down can totally change your perspective for the better. Sometimes cutting ties for a little while brings you closer together in the end.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Admit it — you’re guilty of being one of the signs who likes to gossip, Gemini. And that’s okay (kind of) if you know for a fact that the info you’re spreading around is true. But, if there’s even a tiny smidgen of doubt, refrain from spilling the tea. We know it’s fun for you to be “in the know,” but the universal vibe this week hints that a lot of cosmic static is hindering a clear connection between you and the truth.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


This is a tough week for emotional signs like you, Cancer; we’re not going to lie. You do tend to be on the introverted side, but the early week vibes that lead to you staying to yourself could turn dark fairly quickly. Withdrawing because you want to is totally different than being alone because you feel like you don’t have any other choice. If you start feeling down and isolated, it’s important to remember that there are people who care about you. Reach out to them if you need to. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You’re not feeling like your outgoing self early in the week, and it’s got you bummed. There’s value in taking time for yourself to decompress and refresh, Leo, but spending time solo might feel more like a punishment than a positive thing. At least you can look forward to the dream-filled weekend pumping you back up to superstar status. Big things are happening. It might just be a while before you feel their full effect.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You’re more than happy to take some time to yourself early in the week. You have so many things to catch up on — clean your place, organize some work stuff, work out, etc. — that you probably won’t even think about the fact that you aren’t interacting socially as much as you usually do. Getting together with friends and family probably isn’t on your to-do list at all this week, Virgo, but at least try to reply to texts so people don’t worry. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


The people who rely on your for advice will be disappointed when you put your phone on do not disturb so you can focus on yourself for a little during this week. But they should be able to live without your constant attention and reassurance for at least a couple of days, right, Libra? Sure, you’ll probably have a ton of messages waiting for you when you pop back up into the real world, but you really need a break from solving other people’s problems.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You’re happy to get the chance to reconnect with yourself this week, Scorpio. As a highly self-reflective sign, you welcome time to be alone with your thoughts to contemplate the meaning of life. And you don’t mind “disappearing” for a few days, either. Being off everyone’s radar raises questions about where you are, what you’re doing, and who you might be with — which only adds to your air of mystery. And you love being an enigma.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


You’re the most likely sign to ignore messages from the universe about spending a little time on your own this week, Sagittarius. Honestly, it might come back to bite you in the ass — but then again, it might not! You’re pretty good at knowing what you need, and if there are things that prevent you from taking a little me time, then so be it. You’re not the type to take any R&R until you really need it. And even then, you might just push through anyway. Good luck with that.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Even if spending time alone sounds nice this week, it’s probably next to impossible for you to do with your busy schedule. So okay, maybe taking a couple of days off isn’t possible — but how about a couple of hours? You just need enough time to get some things straight in your head, Capricorn, and to reassure yourself that some of the problems you’ve been worrying about lately will work themselves out. While other signs need a major overall, you can make do with just a minor reset. 

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


We see you, Aquarius. You like to stir things up a little bit from time to time just to see how people react to your weirdness. If you do that this week, though, you might not like where that ball goes once you get it started rolling. Things tend to snowball quickly, and before you know it, the thing you started is so big and going so fast that you can’t stop it. That s a lot to be responsible for. Are you sure you want that on your shoulders? 

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You can’t wait to take some alone time to dream about life’s possibilities. Voted “the sign most likely to live in a fantasyland” by the universe, it’s no secret that you’re happiest when you’re left alone to sleep and daydream your way around your wildest, most romantic, and whimsical scenarios. Enjoy yourself, Pisces. This behavior is only dangerous if you can’t distinguish the incredible make-believe world you’ve got going on in your head from reality.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.

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