Weekly Horoscope: July 14–21, 2024

The summer’s zooming by, isn’t it? So, be sure to soak up the universe’s positive energy and take advantage of every second of this week’s cosmic contributions!
And guess what—there’s never been a better time to carpe diem than during Monday’s conjunction between Mars (our planetary power player) and Uranus (promoter of all things new and a little strange) in steady Taurus. If there has ever been an aspect that screams, get out of your comfort zone, this is it! Embracing spontaneity and taking risks (calculated ones if the other kind make you too nervous) lead you to live life to the fullest.
On Saturday, Mars enters smart, inquisitive Gemini, encouraging you to look at problems from every possible angle. You know, there’s more than one way to do things, right? So use this mentally active transit to indulge your curious mind to find solutions, then follow them up with actions.
On Sunday, a big full moon (representing your desires) in motivated Capricorn cheers you on to some of your biggest successes of the summer. You should receive recognition for all your hard work very soon, but this lunation is more about owning it. You know you’ve worked hard and that you deserve every good thing that’s headed your way. #Slay
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Aries, your money house is on high alert, so be on the lookout for unexpected expenses/windfalls or other changes to your financial situation. The impulsive nature of this week’s planetary energy can spark innovative ideas and opportunities for financial growth. Exploring unconventional ways to increase your income pays off big time.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
If you feel a sudden urge to break free from your usual style and experiment with a new look, go for it, Taurus! With your approach to life becoming a little more spontaneous and unpredictable this week, it’s time to follow your impulses. Isn’t it exciting to be this carefree for a change?
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
How do you feel about experiencing a psychological/spiritual awakening, Gemini? With your dreams intensifying this week, your overactive subconscious provides vivid visions of a whole other world of possibilities. Don’t try to rationalize any of it. By paying attention to these fleeting messages, you gain valuable insight into another realm.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
When you experience sudden changes in your social circle, it’s a chance to grow in new directions. You might find yourself drawn to new and unconventional people—or you might have to face a situation in an existing friendship that you never saw coming. Be open to these shifts, Cancer, because they could lead you to deeper and more authentic connections.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
Don’t play it safe at work this week, Leo! Your willingness to step outside your comfort zone to embrace technological advancements, take on leadership roles or take risks that could lead to more money/responsibility will definitely be rewarded. Get ready to level up!
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Embrace your inner rebel! If you’ve been playing around with unconventional beliefs and philosophies, this is your sign to try them out IRL. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with questioning the status quo, Virgo. Broadening your perspectives and expanding your worldview is freeing AF.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
You’re in your personal power and transformation era, Libra. The chance for rebirth and renewal is very real, especially in the areas of your life related to sex or money. Isn’t it time you liberated yourself from your fears? Shake off those shadows and start looking on the bright side.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
We get it, Scorpio. As a fixed sign, the word change can make you roll your eyes big time. However, this week you’ve got a desire for freedom and independence that leads you to explore alternatives to your usual way of doing things. Whether this newfound unconventional approach is a one-shot deal or a trend you’re going to continue to embrace, you’re headed in the right direction.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
There are bound to be some unexpected changes in your routine this week, but don’t let an unforeseen personal event or sudden change in your work environment ruin your vibe. When you embrace flexibility and become adaptable to the changes taking place around you, Sag, you learn and grow. Breaking free from monotonous routines is your reward.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
Finding new ways to stand out from the crowd is one of your favorite pastimes this week. The innovative energy around you ignites a spark of inspiration and originality as you feel compelled to experiment with new artistic mediums, start a new hobby or approach existing projects with a fresh perspective. Let go of your practicality and let your imagination run wild.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Unexpected changes at home keep you on your toes this week, Aquarius. The possibility of family members moving in/out, renovations/DIY projects starting or ending or shifts in family dynamics all make it necessary for you to stay flexible and adaptable. This is also a great time to install tech upgrades like a new alarm system, faster wifi, new gaming systems, etc.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
You get a communication upgrade this week as your conversations get more energetic, spontaneous and even a bit risqué. As you feel free to speak your mind more often, you float into the realm of challenging conventional thinking. Expressing your unique ideas with passion and conviction is so freeing! It’s time to quench that thirst for new knowledge and information that you’ve been longing for, Pisces.