Weekly Horoscope: January 3-9, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On January 2, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: January 3-9, 2022

Pat yourself on the back, friends. We’ve clawed our way out of 2021 to the (somewhat) glimmering hope of 2022. Here’s to new beginnings and (hopefully) fulfilled new year’s resolutions!

A Capricorn new moon opened this new year, adding to the big Saturnian energy that’s been brewing. For those who may have forgotten, the sun, Venus (planet of love), and Pluto (planet of transformation) are currently in the sign of the Sea Goat. But back to the new moon. Though its peak was on the second, there’s definitely still time to set intentions for the next month (and year)!

Beyond Luna, Venus in Capricorn goes into a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, adding some whimsy to the ordinarily stern vibes of the season. Finally, Saturday finds the planet of love in a conjunction with the sun, shining a bit of sunlight in the darkness of Venus retrograde. The collective may find that they are in the mood for love — and given Capricorn’s influence, only the very best.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


Though the workplace doesn’t usually present many opportunities of creativity, Wednesday’s Venus-Neptune sextile will allow for a bit of ingenuity in your professional sphere, Aries. Perhaps you’ll come up with a creative solution to that problem that’s been plaguing the office for the last few weeks. Or for our Aries’ in more artsy industries, you’ll put the final touches on that masterpiece you’ve been working on. Either way, expect an engaging week at work!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


A sextile between Venus in Capricorn and your adventure zone and Neptune in Pisces and your network one is taking place on Wednesday. Now, you’re generally a pleasant person, but the astro-energy of this week is asking you to go out of your way a little more to expand your circle. Find an event or spot that you’ve yet to visit and give us your friendliest smile. You never know who you’ll happen upon. Perhaps your next BFF is only an adventure away, Taurus.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


Emotional rumination generally isn’t the Gemini way. You guys a flighty bunch and prefer not to let heavier emotions weigh y’all down, and that’s understandable. However, the hoard of planets in Capricorn continue to roost in your sector of emotional transformation and intimacy, forcing more reflection and immersion in any difficult emotions. If you’re unattached, what’s preventing you from opening up? Take advantage of Saturday’s sun-Venus conjunction, and speak your truth.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Cancer, Venus continues its transit through your romance zone, so you may be feeling a little lovey-dovey. With the planet of love’s sextile to Neptune via your philosophy and long-distance zone, it’s a good week to get out of your comfort zone and contemplate approaching relationships — both platonic and not — from a different angle. Since lovely Venus is still in retrograde, it may be best not to engage (or get engaged) but make a plan of attack for Valentine’s Day next month.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Been feeling off your A-game, Leo? Wednesday’s Venus in Capricorn sextile to Neptune in Pisces is shining a light on your sectors of routine and transformation, respectively. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider how you spend your time after work. Have you maintained a healthy work/life balance? If not, it’s time for a reckoning. You of all people know that all work and no play makes for a very dull time.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Feeling inspired, Virgo? Over the last few weeks, the sun, Venus, and Pluto have been cuddling up in your creative zone, so you may be feeling particularly inspired to finish that painting or start that novel. After all, completing projects is what you do best. However, your artistic undertakings don’t need to be a single-person job. Venus’ sextile to Neptune on Wednesday via your partnership sector encourages a bit of collaboration. 

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Break out the paint. It’s time to redecorate, Libra! Venus in Capricorn and your home sector sextiles Neptune in Pisces via your routine sector. So, now is the time to clean house — literally. Winter isn’t the season typically associated with decluttering, but who says that cleanliness must be limited to a particular season? There’s no better place to ring in the new year than an orderly home. 

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


What’s been brewing in that mysterious mind of yours, Scorpio? The Capricornian energy of the last few weeks has put a lot of emphasis on your communications and thought processes. Over the last few weeks, you’ve probably been chattier than usual to the astonishment of your friends and coworkers. Now, Venus in Capricorn’s sextile to Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday offers an opportunity to really get your creative juices flowing. With the latter in your creativity zone, there’s no limit to what you can dream up this week!

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Over the last few weeks, your hands (and attention) have been placed firmly on your wallet, Sagittarius, as the hoard of planets in Capricorn have sashayed into your finance zone. Hopefully, you’ve taken advantage of the opportunities to build your wealth, but if not, don’t fret! Saturday’s sun-Venus conjunction offers an excellent moment to budget and consider investments for the coming weeks. A little more money management can go a long way!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


On Saturday, when the sun and Venus conjoin in your sign, your regal beauty will be more apparent than ever, so take advantage of that extra shine! When is the last time that you took yourself out? Sweet Venus is still retrograde. Therefore, beginning romantic relationships may be unwise. But there’s no harm in dating yourself! So, put on your best digs, and head over to that restaurant you’ve been dying to try. Treat yourself, Capricorn! You deserve it!

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


People don’t necessarily consider winter to be the most social season of the year, but you’ve never been one for doing things the “normal” way. Have you, Aquarius? Last week, the planet of communication slid into your sign and appearance sector, putting you in a chattier mood than normal and alleviating some of those heavier Capricorn vibes. However, the sun, Venus, and Pluto in the sign of the Sea Goat continue their sojourn in your hidden sector, so while you may more conversational, these talks may take on a heavier tone this week.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Over the last few weeks, the planets in Capricorn have blessed you with a wealth of networking opportunities, Pisces. If you’ve been putting in work to stimulate them, get ready to see those seeds bloom! Saturday’s sun-moon conjunction and the days leading up to it may find you at the right place at the right time for making some important connections. Who knows, by this time next year, you may find yourself in a shiny new position, courtesy of the people you’ve met recently.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos Courtesy of Ruslan Kireev and quietbits on Pexels.

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