Weekly Horoscope: January 17-23, 2022

The season of the Sea-goat comes to a close on Wednesday. Now, we can sort of heave a collective sigh of relief. The season of the Water-bearer brings with it a focus on friendship and connections. ‘Tis the season that you ask not what your community can do for you but what you can do for your community!
Still, Aquarius season has a less than warm welcome with two inner planets — Mercury and Venus — still in retrograde. So, communication troubles are almost assured for the next few weeks. On a more positive note, Uranus in Taurus goes direct on Tuesday, so, expect the unexpected. This planet is synonymous will change, so be prepared for it, especially where money is concerned.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
It’s not what you know but who, Aries. ‘Tis the season to remember this, especially with the sun in Aquarius shifting into your network and connections zone. Have you been making the most effective use of those LinkedIn connects? If not, get to it. This could be a year of professional and financial transformation if you put some sustained efforts forth. You’re one for action, so get to it!
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Uranus in your sign is finally free of its retrograde, Taurus. Things may have felt a bit nebulous or impossibly slow-moving over the last five months. A general delayed feeling may have characterized your goals, but worry not! This will not be the case starting this week! Buckle up and down because Uranus is ready to kick life into gear. Considering its presence in your appearance sector, perhaps this week will find you randomly considering a change to your appearance. If so, slow your roll; Venus is still in retrograde!
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Has building wealth felt like moving through molasses over the last few months, Gemini? If so, worry not! Uranus is returning to its direct motion right in your sector of finances. Before you jump for joy, keep in mind that this planet rules change and shakeups, so sudden, unexpected windfalls are possible — but not assured. Aside from that, enjoy the sun’s presence in your adventure zone for the next few weeks!
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
It’s approaching time to turn up the heat, Cancer. On Wednesday, the sun slips from your romance zone into your intimacy and transformation one. Have you been avoiding uncomfortable feelings? Aquarius season is here to demand that you work through them. Now, with Mercury still retrograde in that same sector, this certainly won’t be easy, but Mercury retrograde is short. By the end, you may have worked through of slew of issues.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
It’s your sister sign’s season, dear Leo, so try to look a little pleased. After all, this does imply a focus on your love life, given the sun’s presence in your romance sector. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner — yes, it’s important to look ahead, even during Venus retrograde — finding a little boo may feel like a priority. However, take note of Mercury’s position in that sector as well, as what you consider smooth lines may fall flat under the retrograde’s shadow.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
You’re a fan of the day-to-day, Virgo. Chores, tidying, and the like are where you shine. This new astrological season brings a focus on this area of your life as the sun moves from Capricorn to Aquarius and your routine sector. We’re still pretty proximal to the first of the year, so starting up a new habit might be to your benefit, especially if you feel that you’ve been slacking.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
Capricorn season saw your focus primarily on your home and family, Libra. Now, Aquarius is releasing you from the chains of domesticity to take a walk on the wild side! The Aquarius sun slides into your pleasure sector on Wednesday, pushing you to have a little fun. Instead of agonizing over decisions, why not simply do? Life is short, so take a day or two to try something that sparks joy.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
How are things in the romance department, Scorpio. If you’ve been experiencing a love drought over the last few months, don’t fret! This week, Uranus in your sister sign, Taurus, resumes direct motion in your relationship sector. So, expect some sudden changes where your love life is concerned whether you’re single or attached. Now, this might seem a little frightening, but remember that what’s meant to be will be. True love always prevails!
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Chatty Cathy much? This week, the energy makes a huge shift into Aquarius and your communication sector, so you’re sure to be feeling intellectually energized. The creative juices are flowing, but try not to be led astray. As you know, Mercury in Aquarius has gone retrograde. Those bright ideas may not come across as brilliantly as you’d like. It may be better to write them down (and edit) rather than verbally presenting your thoughts, Sagittarius.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
You’re a fairly realistic sign, Capricorn. So, there’s no need for to mourn the end of your season. Still, I hope it was fun — or at least, as fun as things can for a sign such as yourself. Now, the sun shifts into your finance zone on Wednesday, so money is sure to be on your mind. Perhaps this is the month that you finally open that high interest savings account? Or set some new financial goals? Either way, you’re sure to find your wallet a little heavier by the end of the season.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Happy birthday in advance, Aquarius! Congrats on the season. As we shift from the seriousness of Capricorn to the zanier tone of your season, you may find an increasing number of eyes on you. This is, of course, natural given the presence of the sun in your appearance zone. While you bask in the increased attention, keep in mind that Mercury retrograde is dwelling there too. So, pay attention to the sort of attention that you may garnering during this time.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Aquarius season is an introspective one for you, Pisces. Most of that oddball energy falls into your subconscious and hidden sector, so it’s okay if you feel the need to fall back a little. Taking time for yourself is essential, and your loved ones will understand if you’re less available than usual. If you give yourself the necessary R&R, you can emerge renewed in a month when your season begins.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Photos Courtesy of Street Donkey and Yan Krukov on Pexels.