Weekly Horoscope : January 10-16, 2022

How’s everyone’s 2022 going? Broken any resolutions yet? The week opens with a sweet sextile between the sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces, adding a mystical flair to an otherwise business-oriented season. What are your professional dreams? This week is the one to really fire up your manifestations, as Neptune taps into the dreamy side of things.
But as the collective basks in the novelty of the new year, I, as your weekly astro-weatherwoman, must warn you all that Mercury, the trickster planet, begins its first retrograde of the year starting on Friday, upping the retrograde planet tally. But you all know the drill. Practice careful communication — especially with friends and those in your network — and be on the lookout for technological troubles. And in three weeks, the retrograde will be but a bad dream.

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Consider being a touch kinder to your friends over the next few weeks, Aries. On Friday, Mercury in Aquarius goes retrograde in your network sector. As a result, the risk of silly spats with friends may increase during the planet of communication’s retrograde period. Or perhaps, you may simply withdraw from socializing for a bit. Either way, take time during Mercury retrograde to meditate on your connections. What does it mean to be a good friend? Are you one?
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Mercury retrograde in Aquarius slams into your career sector on Friday, Taurus, turning your professional life a little topsy-turvy. Over the next few weeks, be sure to double-check those emails and take care with what and how you communicate at work. If you’re considering changing jobs, maybe hold back on that for the time being, as the job search process is sure to be troublesome at this time. Instead, contemplate rather than act on your next steps on your career path, as retrogrades favor reflection.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
You’re adventurous in nature, but maybe slow your roll a little, Gemini. Friday’s Mercury retrograde dips into your sector of higher education and travel. For those of you in school or otherwise continuing your education, be on the lookout for any troubles there in the form of forgotten assignments, failed submissions, and subject misunderstandings. If you were considering a vacation in the coming weeks, reconsider. The retrograde is sure to bring a little chaos to any long-distance journeys.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
Strange things are afoot, Cancer. This Friday, Mercury in Aquarius goes retrograde in your sector of intimacy and shared resources. Do you feel that your relationships have been 50/50? Are you or your partner being closed off? Regardless of the responses to these questions, now is the time to really sit with your inner feelings. Love can only grow where there is honesty and openness, and those are impossible if healing isn’t done. If you’re struggling emotionally, try to spend the next few weeks parsing through any hurt.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
If your boo begins to act up this week, just know that it isn’t your fault, Leo. On Friday Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde in your romance sector, increasing the chances of lover’s quarrels over the next few weeks. Communication breakdowns are likely, especially with Venus’ continued retrograde in Capricorn. For our single Lions, entering a new commitment isn’t recommended. But if you wish to carry on, just know that you were warned.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Duty calls, Virgo! This week, you have the dubious honor of Mercury going retrograde in your routine sector. You may be a creature of habit, but Mercury retrograde is asking that you cast a critical eye on these habits. Are you working harder or smarter each day? If it’s the former, something’s gotta give, and this messy transit is sure to bring it. Make the most of it by going with the flow, however difficult that may be.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
The creative block will be strong for the next few weeks, Libra. Starting on Friday, Mercury in Aquarius will be retrograde in your pleasure and hobby sector, creating a creative block of sorts. Your usual wealth of artistic energy may not flow easily, but don’t fret! Sometimes we need to plan more than act, and retrograde periods certainly favor contemplation. So, rather than starting on that next big project, visualize it, and the end of Mercury retrograde will bless you.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Try a little tenderness on the home front, Scorpio. Trouble may be afoot in your domestic zone, as Mercury in Aquarius goes retrograde on Friday in that very sector, increasing opportunities for family disagreements or even mishaps at home over the next few weeks. Our loved ones aren’t always loveable, but they are ours. Remember that no one wins when the family feuds.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Invest a little in your home this week, Sagittarius. The sun and Neptune sextile via your sectors of finances and family, respectively, emphasizing the connection between your casa and cash. Furthermore, Friday’s Mercury retrograde slams right into your communication sector. Careful communication is not a Sagittarian commandment, but it may be worth looking into for the next few weeks. Opportunities for communication faux pas’ will be many and possibly disastrous, so try to think before speaking or simply limit your words. Don’t get caught slipping!
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
You’re all about business and the Benjamin’s, Capricorn, but these two may not be about you over the next few weeks. On Friday, Mercury in Aquarius goes retrograde in your finance sector, putting more pressure on your bottom line. Mercury retrograde is known for causing mishaps, so increasing your investments isn’t recommended at this time. You may even find your current ones dipping a bit. But don’t fret! Setbacks set us up for greatness.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Take a deep breath, Aquarius. Mercury in your sign retrogrades on Friday. Mercury retrograde isn’t the easiest time, least of when it lands in your appearance sector. Try not to sweat any bad first impressions for the next few weeks because, to be honest, charm may not be on your side. Combined with Venus’ continued retrograde in your hidden and unconscious sector, you may tend toward being a little hard on yourself, so treat these retrogrades as a grace period.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
You’ve been a little in your head, Pisces, with Mercury in Aquarius sitting in your unconscious and hidden sector. On Friday, when the planet of communication goes retrograde, you’ll be pulled further into your inner world. Life over the next three weeks may feel a little lonely, as introspection isn’t exactly a group activity. However, by the time the planet goes direct next month, you’ll have emerged a completely new person.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.
Photos Courtesy of Volker Meyer and Samuel Walker on Pexels.