Weekly Horoscope for March 4 to March 11: Jupiter Goes Retrograde. Should Your Sign Panic?

By Horoscope.com

On March 4, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Weekly Horoscope for March 4 to March 11: Jupiter Goes Retrograde. Should Your Sign Panic?

The beginning of the week is a great one for communication, where, after fits, starts, and mixed messages, you finally feel like you’re on the same page as the other people in your life. Conversation feels easy, ideas are flowing, and everything is going your way. Right? Sort of … but, as always, you can never get too comfortable, and the only thing constant, across all signs, and across all planets, is change. You’ll feel this on Thursday, March tenth, when Jupiter turns retrograde, where it will remain until July. The shift may feel sudden, and you may feel like you have a new perspective to see problems. The shift also may be jarring, and you may wish everything could just return to normal. This is the new normal. This weekend can be intense. Embrace it. Here, what all star signs can expect: Your weekly horoscope for March 4 to March 11. 

Want a sneak peek into 2018? Find out what to expect right now with your 2018 premium horoscope! 

Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Mercury and Venus enter your sign, and you’re feeling expressive and communicative. You want to share with others, and are also happy to lend your knowledge and expertise to someone else. You also may be prone to impulsive moves; think before you act, and think twice before you say yes. Expect excitement this weekend, which could veer into a dangerous or uncomfortable zone. If something doesn’t “feel” right, even if it seems fine on paper, it probably isn’t. Your gut knows best. 

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
Your social life has felt out of control, so a shift of the stars to a more secluded sector of your chart is a welcome change for you to analyze what exactly has gone down in the past month. You’ve shifted and grown, and may only realize how much—and what you want out of your social life—with a little introspection. Midweek, when Jupiter goes retrograde, you may feel a profound shift in a relationship with someone important. This can be a good change, but, as with any change, it brings up feelings. Finally, the weekend could be one to remember, as Mars and Uranus align. Big things are on the horizon, just in time for your birthday! 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
Start the week off slow, you have plenty of time to build. Right now, you know where you want to end up, but don’t have all the info you need to make a decision and go forward. Mercury and Venus in your social sector at the beginning of the week may cause confusion, especially as they both blur the lines between work and play. This isn’t a bad thing—networking is easy—but be careful not to get caught up in gossip, or do anything you wouldn’t want your boss to know about. When Jupiter turns retrograde, you may consider a big schedule shift or even consider moving to a new place. With any major change, take your time before you leap. 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
It’s a great work week, and Venus and Mars work together to champion all your gifts and everything you bring to the table. You may need to take a more active role in tooting your own horn. Setting up a meeting with your boss can be helpful; so can helming a meeting. It’s time people who you work with see the full range of all you do. Jupiter goes retrograde in your leisure sector; a lovely aspect that may help you reach back and channel activities you used to do as a kid. No shame! Find an outlet that inspires you. This weekend is magical—prepare to meet someone who may be very important in the months and years to come. 

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Radical change may be on the horizon, and opportunities may be coming at you from all directions, at a fast clip. Potent Pluto and the sun are guiding you toward a big life change, which could involve significant travel. You’re always brave, but admit it: You’re feeling butterflies when you think of a certain decision, right? Good. If you don’t feel scared, dram bigger. You may feel impulsive this weekend. Go with your feelings! As long as you feel positive and good about your actions, you won’t go wrong. 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
Mercury and Venus urge you to let go of ideas, schedules, and practices that no longer serve you. Meanwhile, when Jupiter goes retrograde, you may feel like you see a certain part of your life with a new perspective. It’s a good time to look back on the past year, and revisit any decisions that didn’t feel wholly authentic. It’s never too late to give yourself time to redirect. This weekend may feel like the first days of the rest of your life, and consider extending invites to newish people in your life—a wider social circle is healthy. 

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Mercury and Venus move into your sector of relating on Tuesday, giving you the skills to have some hard conversations you’ve been avoiding these past few months. You’ve been feeling pretty overextended, and this planetary shift gives you the permission to prioritize yourself, and say no where necessary. When Jovial Jupiter turns retrograde, you may experience this shift in your bank account—and it will be a positive shift! That said, you may have to jump through a few hoops, and remember: These is no such thing as free money. You’ve gotta put in the work. 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
This week is all about the work, work, work, but that isn’t a bad thing. Mercury and Venus enter your career sector on Tuesday, and it can be a great time to network, and really be proactive in choosing how you wish to get ahead. On Thursday, Jupiter goes retrograde in your sign, and you may find yourself considering a change in some area of your life. Mantra: Change is good. But change doesn’t need to be fast. This aspect is all about slow and steady moves. You don’t need to make an impulsive decision. 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Mercury and Venus enter your leisure sector, and you’re feeling psyched and upbeat about upcoming events. This could be a physical challenge, like a 10k, or an upcoming vacation. Either way, it’s not lazy or escapist to dive into planning this event. In fact, doing so makes you feel better in all aspects of your life. Jupiter, your guide planet, goes retrograde on Thursday and you will feel this shift more than most signs. It can help you tune into your intuition and inner life. The lesson: Listen, and then listen harder. Figure out where this planet wants to lead you. 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
Venus and Mercury shift to your home zone, and you’re doing improvement projects on both the physical and psychic level. You may find decluttering does wonders, or you may find setting up a standing time for a sit-down breakfast or dinner is what you need to feel more anchored. Find these rituals, and it’s okay to spend money on your home. It’s your haven. Treat it as such. When Jupiter goes retrograde, it’s a great time to reach out to old friends or acquaintances, perhaps for leads on a new professional project or asking for introductions to a new relationship potential. The weekend could be stormy; best to avoid conflict and stick with a tried and true plan.  

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
Mercury and Venus shift into your communication zone in the beginning of the week, and you may feel like you can finally move a conversation forward in a way you haven’t in the past. If you’ve received a no from someone before, this is a great week to try again. Feisty Mars in your social sector means there is never a dull moment, and just have fun—but keep your head (and your cool!) And when Jupiter goes retrograde on Thursday, it may be a good time to reconsider your life goal list and update them to who you are right now, not who you were when you were a kid. 

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
With aspects in your financial zone, you’re simultaneously feeling pressure to save and splurge. You can do both, but it may require some planning and organization. Logical Mercury can assist you in building a budget. Don’t be too strict with yourself—the best way you can actually stick to a plan is when you leave yourself some wiggle room to do what you enjoy. Did you buy yourself a birthday present? If you haven’t, consider doing so to mark another year around the sun. As Jupiter goes retrograde, you may feel yourself rebelling, teenager style. It’s good for you. Stop policing yourself, Pisces! 

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here! 

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