Weekly Horoscope for February 25 to March 4: What Will a March Full Moon Bring Up For You?

Planetary aspects make this an intense week for all signs, and in all sectors. In the first part of the week, Venus and Mercury align with Pluto, which means that nothing is as it seems and everything requires your devotion. You may be pulled in several different directions, and may have to “prove” your passion. You can do it. The second part of the week buzzes with planetary influences as well: Venus and Neptune link to Jupiter, which gives you the time, space, and energy to pursue a passion. A Thursday full moon may help spur a decision you’ve been holding back on. Finally, a tie between ethereal Neptune and the sun lends a dreamy quality to all weekend exchanges. In short, this could be a pretty magical week. Yes, you’ll be exhausted. Yes, you’ll burn the candle at both ends. But if you play your cards right, it could be a very good weekend. Your weekly horoscope for all star signs for February 26 to March 4.
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Aries Weekly Horoscope
Your intuition continues to be on point, especially as it relates to your career. You may be feeling restless, but the stars suggest holding back is best. When the time is right to leap, you’ll know. The Thursday full moon lights up your wellness sector, and it’s an excellent time to put yourself first or commit to a wellness goal. You may be caught up in what you “should” do this week, but what do you want to do? Leading with your heart will lead you down the right path.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
When Venus and Pluto align on Tuesday, your social life is cranked up, and you may find some new exciting prospects in your social circle. You may be temped to push the friendship or budding romance, but let it unfold. Think coffee dates, not a candlelit dinner. Slow and steady is the best course of action for this new friend. Friday could be a grest first date, or night to reconnect with your current partner. The key, Taurus, is to really allow yourself to “read” the energy of the evening and go from there—don’t stick to a schedule.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Your career is your focus, and it may be time to buckle down, especially if you’ve been focused on other areas of your life. At the beginning of the week, a tie between Saturn and Mercury suggest that you’ll be placed in a position of leadership, and may have to make an important decision. Having all the information is key. Don’t feel pressured before you know everything you feel you need to know. Friday, with a tie between Jupiter and Venus is a perfect night to go out, and it may be a great day to head out with work friends. Making friends with work people could help smoothe over whatever difficulties you may have faced this week.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Venus, Mars, and Pluto are pulling you into two different directions, Cancer: You want something, but you also are aware of the need to compromise with someone else in your life. It’s a delicate dance, and it’s okay to voice your opinion. You may be trying too hard to make another person happy. The sun and Neptune over the weekend may lead to some mistakes or communication issues; double check everything, especially if your plans involve travel. Finally, it’s important not to get too caught up in a relationship. A newish relationship or a current one has demanded a lot of time and attention, but remember that work and friends may need you too.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
You’re focused on a key issue this week, and Mercury and Venus push you to complete it. Your single-minded attitude may frustrate those around you, and they may have some relevant criticism or observations about the way you’re going about the project. Remember: It’s okay to ask for help. You actually may reach your goal faster if you do so. On Friday, a tie between Venus and Jupiter makes it a prime weekend for socializing. And watch out for Thursday’s full moon—since you’re already so full on, this full moon may exhaust you. Make sure you add plenty of self care opportunities over the week—you can’t work 24/7.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Venus and Pluto may pull a relationship to a new level, and you’re feeling the pressure, especially as Thursday’s full moon occurs in your sign. You may be tempted to push a relationship, or talk about a big conflict or issue, but the stars say it might be best to wait and let things unfold. If it’s a newish relationship, you may want to focus more on the superficial—trust that the big talks will come. Impulsive moves are not in your best interest, Virgo. This weekend, jovial Jupiter pushes you to enjoy socializing; it may be best to expand your plans to include a large group rather than just one person.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
Venus in your wellness sector is pushing you to make a health change, and Mercury gives you the motivation to do so. One tip: Tell as many people as possible about your commitment, you may need their support more than you think. Pluto suggests that the first step is to transform your physical space: Giving time to clearing clutter (as well as your schedule) can help you succeed. Friday is a lovely day; consider new ways to celebrate—a yoga class could be just as satisfying as a night out.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Ties to passionate Pluto start the week with a bang. If you’re single, someone new in your life could prove especially intriguing. Attached? The stars signal a friend romance, where you want to know everything about a newish person in your life. On Thursday, a full moon encourages socializing—it may be better to widen your group, as too much intensity may cause this friendship to fizzle before it even starts. Friday is an excellent day for pretty much everything in your life—you’re at your peak. Focus on the good and focus on your goals, and enjoy how the weekend unfolds.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Money is on your mind, and you may be overspending. You have justifications for why you need what you’re buying, but the stars suggest that you should hold back. Better deals may unveil themselves later in the week. Thursday’s full moon shines a spotlight in your career sector; this is a prime day to showcase your skills. You may need to step out of your comfort zone, and it may be smart to get the attention of your boss by outlining the actions you took to bring you where you are. It’s okay to toot your own horn!
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
This week is all about hurrying up and waiting. You may jump on a romantic or career opportunity, and the first step you take could be successful. But in the week ahead, it may be best to hold back and allow things to work out in their own time. You already turned on the engine; now it’s just cruise control. On Friday, an aspect between luscious Venus and Jupiter is the ideal time to plan a romantic date. Here’s the thing, Capricorn: You can absolutely plan dates and activities, but you can’t plan conversations. Remember that!
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Feisty Mars journeys through your social zone, and life is busy. But with Mercury in your money zone, you may be concerned with how much your social life costs. The concern is valid; you can try to mitigate the expenses by figuring out a financial plan, or taking charge of planning activities that aren’t expensive. You also may find some lucky money news later this week—a bonus or project may be coming your way. Bottom line: The more you become familiar with your money, the more pleasant surprises may occur.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
A Thursday full moon in your relationships zone could allow magic to happen. Be ready for anything. But this week may be stressful. You’re feeling pulled in all directions and may feel the people in your life don’t “get” you. Remember, that you’re a responsible party too. You may be holding back too much in friendships. Take note of the way you’re behaving in relationships, and don’t expect other people to be able to read your mind. A friend may be pushing you—before you get resentful, figure out their reasons behind it. They may truly want the best for you.
Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!
Read last week’s horoscope here!
Image from Dorian Legret. Find the artist’s work on Society6.
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