Weekly Horoscope for April 8 to April 15: Fortune Favors the Bold

By Horoscope.com

On April 8, 2018

In Aspect, Astrology, Date

Weekly Horoscope for April 8 to April 15: Fortune Favors the Bold

This looks like a busy week that includes some interesting astrological events. On Tuesday, the sun in Aries angles toward fervent Pluto in Capricorn, hinting at a clash with authority. On the same day, lovely Venus aligns with dynamic Mars, so you could impress someone who has the ability to influence your life. On Thursday, Venus makes a harmonious angle with ethereal Neptune, which might encourage you to indulge your dreams and fantasies. It can also be an excellent time for a romantic date or other special occasion. Saturday brings a tie between jovial Jupiter and Pluto, taking you closer to reaching a goal. Finally, chatty Mercury turns direct on Sunday. Also that day, a new moon in Aries can help bring about a new beginning. In fact, this could be a dynamic start that propels you into a new league by encouraging you to move outside your comfort zone. Here, your weekly horoscope for April 8 to April 15. 

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Aries Weekly Horoscope 
Although a part of you may feel like rebelling against authority, the stellar landscape suggests it would be just as easy to work with such people. The Aries sun angles toward passionate Pluto on Tuesday, which could coincide with a difference of opinion with a superior. However, a positive tie between easygoing Venus and feisty Mars could help you see the benefits of cooperating – and there may be many. Sweet Venus and fiery Mars angle toward nebulous Neptune, so it could be easier to think about things than do them, and this might be something to watch for. On Saturday, a positive tie between upbeat Jupiter and intense Pluto could be very fruitful if it encourages you to review and act on an idea. Finally, chatty Mercury turns direct on Sunday, and with a lovely new moon in your sign hinting at a fresh start, things could go from strength to strength.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  
You could experience a crisis of belief early this week, which could inspire you to let go of a limiting mindset and adopt a more expansive outlook. Pay attention to your instincts regarding this. If something feels good, you will likely feel it deep down. If it doesn’t, your body will let you know in no uncertain terms. All you need to do is listen to its messages. However, you might find it helpful to discuss this issue with friends or others on your wavelength. Someone may have suggestions that open a whole new world to you. With a major focus on your spiritual sector, the coming weekend could see positive shifts taking place as lively Mercury turns direct in this zone, allowing you to feel more in control. Finally, a new moon in this sector could encourage you to take up a spiritual practice that benefits you greatly.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    
You could be at odds with a friend who may not take your issues seriously enough. Don’t let this get in the way of your relationship. This person may not understand what you’re going through. With a potent focus on an intensive sector of your chart, you could be working through things on a very deep level, and it may not be easy to explain this to others. If you discuss it with someone who can relate to what you’re saying, you could benefit from such a healing conversation. Meanwhile, with lively Jupiter making a positive tie to potent Pluto, it could be worthwhile to pool your resources with another to turn an idea into reality. Finally, if you have had misunderstandings with friends, these could clear up over the weekend as thoughtful Mercury turns direct. On Sunday, a lovely new moon in your social sector could encourage new beginnings.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Others could be demanding at the start of this week, so it might be helpful to say no to anything you can’t manage. You have enough on your plate already without other people adding more. But unless you’re firm, they may continue in the same vein. With expressive Mercury preparing to turn direct over the weekend, be particularly careful when signing contracts or purchasing big-ticket items. Also be alert to snafus that can often accompany Mercury’s change of direction. There could be one project that you’re eager to embrace wholeheartedly. With upbeat Jupiter making a positive tie to fervent Pluto, you might want to team up with someone who shares your enthusiasm for it. Mercury turns direct over the weekend, which could see you pushing ahead with career and business affairs. At the same time, the new moon in this zone could coincide with an opportunity that’s too good to pass up.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Thoughts of journeying to exotic places could clash with your workload, and this could be a source of tension at the start of this week. Nevertheless, the presence of delightful Venus in your sector of goals and career can add a steadying note to this situation. Her influence can encourage you to successfully delegate certain tasks and find help in other ways. With just a little charm, life could be much easier for you. Ties to dreamy Neptune indicate that you could be inspired by an imaginative idea. If you can get others on board, this could turn into a fruitful project. A fabulous link between positive Jupiter and passionate Pluto on Saturday suggests that a lifestyle change will work out well for you and your family. Finally, the new moon in your sector of far horizons could see you booking a special trip or studying for a degree, certification, or for fun.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 
A decision made at the start of the week could see you getting more or perhaps less involved in a creative project. The presence of the sun in your sector of shared resources suggests that it might be worthwhile to continue for the experience you’ll gain as a result. On another note, an upbeat tie between harmonious Venus and dynamic Mars hints at a reunion with someone you don’t see very often. If you go ahead, this can be a wonderful and memorable occasion. From Saturday, a positive tie between jovial Jupiter and potent Pluto could see you collaborating on an idea that had fallen by the wayside. Injecting energy into it can bring a fruitful outcome. Finally, as Mercury turns direct in your sector of shared resources on Sunday, financial matters can begin to improve. A new moon in this same zone hints at the option of a fresh start.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 
Relationships continue to be edgy, particularly if the perspective of a friend or loved one differs from that of your family. You’ll need to be the go-between and compromiser here. It is possible to find shared values in this situation, and this can make it easier to resolve an issue or reach an agreement. With lovely Venus, your guide planet, linking to Neptune in your lifestyle sector, it might be easier to give in to temptation than resist. This could be one of those times when indulging in a few treats is very good for you. If you’ve been through an intense time, it can feel good to do something nice for yourself. Regarding your relationships, things can improve this weekend when lively Mercury turns direct after its retrograde phase. Finally, with a new moon in this sector on Sunday, it might be time to take a key relationship to a new level.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 
Ongoing partnerships and friendships seem upbeat and positive with lovely Venus in your relationship zone. However, a budding romance could be perplexing this week. You might wonder if you’ve lost your ability to make an impression. Rest assured that you haven’t. Issues regarding your health and well-being seem upbeat, too. If you’ve experienced delays at work, these should begin to improve as of the weekend. Lively Jupiter in your sign suggests you might want to invest in items that give you a new lease on life, such as exercise equipment or more nutritious food. If you’re purchasing any big-ticket items, it might be best to wait until after thoughtful Mercury turns direct on Sunday. You’ll have a much better shopping experience. The new moon in your lifestyle sector, also on Sunday, can be a call to upgrade your diet or exercise routine, as well as make it more enjoyable.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Try not to let your friends rain on your parade or dampen your spirits. With chatty Mercury retrograde in your social zone until the weekend, they could criticize your latest sweetheart or cramp your creative style with their comments. If what you’re doing feels good, carry on and ignore them. They could just be jealous. New friendships materialize when you’re having the most fun, and they’ll reflect your latest interests and moods. Mercury turns direct in your leisure sector on Sunday, which can bring an end to any misunderstandings and see you pushing forward to success. Also on that day, the new moon in this same zone could encourage you to connect with a hobby or pastime that channels your vivacious energy. This could be a competitive sport that allows you to socialize at the same time. Finally, this new moon could also encourage a budding romance to progress to the next level.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 
Progress may have been difficult lately with lively Mercury retrograde. Making headway on domestic projects may have seemed like an uphill struggle. But being who you are, quitting isn’t likely an option. The good news is that chatty Mercury turns direct over the weekend, so things should get much easier in this area. At the same time, family arrangements could clash with your plans and projects and take up time you can’t spare. However, family members might be upset if you don’t join in, so a compromise may be necessary. Solo? A meeting could leave you feeling rather tender toward someone, but will you take it further? Once again, it all depends on whether you can make time for love and the things you enjoy most. Finally, the new moon in your home zone on Sunday could ring in some changes on the domestic front.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 
It’s important that you not doubt yourself this week, especially if you have an idea that could be worth its weight in gold. At least talk it over with friends and get some feedback. Expressive Mercury turns direct in your communication sector later this week, which is good news if you have suffered delays and general frustration in this area. Try not to sign important documents for another week or so because there could still be room for confusion. If you must go ahead, read the fine print. In addition, check the reviews first if you’re considering purchasing an item for the home. You could end up with something that looks nice but doesn’t work. Regarding an important goal or work project, listening to your intuitive guidance can help you make the most of it. Finally, the new moon in your communication zone on Sunday can be excellent for seizing an opportunity and enhancing social connections.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 
You could get a brilliant idea from a magazine or the Internet that inspires you to redecorate your home. In fact, the week ahead could see you investing in paper, paint, or furnishings. You could also be moved to help someone who is going through a difficult time. With lovely Venus in your communication sector aligning with compassionate Neptune in your sign, you might be genuinely touched by their plight and eager to assist where possible. Your ideas and values could clash with those of your friends, and this could come to a head early in the week. The cosmos encourages you to stand your ground. Certain friends may have been a powerful and even dominating force in your life, but it’s time to stand up for what you believe. The new moon in your money zone on Sunday can be an opportunity to get organized and begin to feel more in control.

Make 2018 your year! Here’s how!

Read last week’s horoscope here

Read April’s horoscope here

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