Weekly Horoscope for April 30 to May 6: How Will Your Social Life Respond to Venus in Gemini?

By Horoscope.com

On April 29, 2018

In Astrology

Weekly Horoscope for April 30 to May 6: How Will Your Social Life Respond to Venus in Gemini?

After last week’s rather intense influences, the week ahead seems quiet, astrologically speaking. The sun continues its journey through earthy Taurus, helping everyone connect to their bodies and learn how to nurture themselves in the best way possible. Lovely Venus moves more deeply into Gemini, and this can be excellent for enjoying all kinds of social occasions, making new friends, and expanding contacts and connections. The potent tie between dynamic Mars and powerful Pluto has already begun to ease, making the days ahead more relaxed. Chatty Mercury continues its forward motion in Aries, which can encourage spontaneity in expression, as well as innovation in thinking. On Sunday, the sun aligns with dreamy Neptune, which might make people more sensitive to others’ feelings. You might be ready to reach out and help anyone who needs assistance if you can. Your weekly horoscope for April 30 to May 6. 

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Aries Weekly Horoscope 

Whatever drama took place last week seems to be largely resolved this week. The overall focus in your chart is quite grounded and earthy, with a powerful dose of ambition. With upbeat Jupiter continuing to link to powerful Pluto, you might continue to pursue an idea or project that promises great results over the long term. Jupiter provides emotional enthusiasm while disciplined Capricorn encourages you to be practical and determined. With both sobering Saturn and potent Pluto now retrograde in your career sector, the coming days, weeks, and months could see you thinking deeply about your present situation and wondering if it’s time for a change. On a lighter note, lovely Venus in your communication zone can support social events and make each day more fun and upbeat. This is an excellent time to make new connections or advertise your goods and services.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope  

Any plans you’ve launched recently may already be bearing fruit. With a powerful focus on your adventure sector, the present alignment actively encourages you to grab any new opportunities. With cautious Saturn and fervent Pluto now retrograde in this sector, you could have deeper reasons for wanting aspects of your life to change. Your ideas and beliefs could shift over the coming weeks and months. You might realize that you’ve arranged your life according to other people’s expectations and that this has held you back. This can be a time to understand which beliefs are authentically yours and which may be parental or belong to the past. On a lighter note, delightful Venus in your money zone can make shopping a sheer delight, so enjoy. Over the weekend, listening to a friend’s troubles can help them immensely. You might also enjoy attending a movie or concert with friends.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope    

With delightful Venus now moving more deeply into your personal sector, the desire to make new friends could increase. You might be more inclined to compromise and seek solutions that are a win/win for everyone involved. Another side to this can be a desire to change your image, perhaps by purchasing new clothes, getting a new hairstyle, or even opting for a tattoo of something that is deeply meaningful to you. This desire for a change in appearance could link to a deeper transformation that is going on within you. With both solemn Saturn and intense Pluto retrograde in your psychological sector, you could be ready to shed all that no longer serves you, rather like a snake shedding its skin. In fact, the coming years can be a time of renewal and rebirth. This weekend, meditation or yoga with friends can help you feel calmer and more at ease.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

With the sun in your social sector, this can be a good time to enjoy the support of friends. However, with a major focus on your sector of relating, it seems that your associations are going through some major changes now and in the months to come. With both cautious Saturn and radical Pluto now retrograde in this zone, you could be seeing certain bonds in a new light, which is a good thing. Distinguishing between those that are good for you and those that aren’t can lead to some radical decisions. None of this will happen overnight. It will be more of a gradual realization. The presence of delightful Venus in your spiritual sector offers a chance to improve your relationship with yourself, which can be very important. This weekend, you may be asked to help at a charity bash or other event. Doing so should be very enjoyable.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

With the sun in the topmost sector of your chart, this is your chance to make progress in your career or business. Taking every opportunity to show off your skills and let others know about you can help you advance in the way you desire and deserve. If you get a chance to give a presentation or talk informally with movers and shakers, taking it can give you more exposure. The reality of all of this is that you’ll also need to put in a lot of hard work. Last week may have seen you making heroic efforts to prove yourself, and hopefully you’re benefiting from this. Even so, with teacher planet Saturn and transformative Pluto retrograde in your lifestyle sector, a part of you may be wondering if there isn’t more to life. Finding your real passion could become very important to you over the weeks and months ahead.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope 

Lovely Venus moving more deeply into your career sector heightens your ability to connect with important people, and this could see you making significant progress over the coming weeks. At the same time, there are some powerful forces at work in your sector of creativity and romance. While it seems that your relationships with the people you see daily are generally good, relations with a long-term partner or new romance could be very intense and quite demanding. The same goes for creative plans, which can make for an intense process from start to finish. With both practical Saturn and radical Pluto now retrograde in this sector, deep-seated changes could be slowly taking place. Blocks to creativity and the flow of emotions may be gradually eliminated over time. This weekend, the sun’s link with dreamy Neptune suggests that a new spiritual program or philosophy could attract your attention.

Libra Weekly Horoscope 

With the sun now moving through a deeper sector of your chart, you could be looking at ways to address emotional issues that have been going on for some time. This could be echoed on the home front with prudent Saturn and dynamic Pluto both retrograde and encouraging you to delve into past experiences and locate any emotional blockages. You could find that memories come to the surface over the coming weeks. Discussing them with someone you trust can be a way to help process and release them. This will continue in the weeks and months ahead. With lovely Venus now moving through your sector of travel and far horizons, don’t begrudge yourself a chance to take a healing trip or vacation or just get away to a different environment. This weekend, you may feel duty-bound to help another, but there is no need to go to extremes.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

With jovial Jupiter in your sign linking to potent Pluto in your sector of mind and communication, your thoughts may still be on a project that is important to you. However, this can be a time of research and consolidation. By making sure the foundation is secure, future success is almost guaranteed. Don’t neglect the details. They could be crucial to the outcome. At the same time, with practical Saturn and powerful Pluto retrograde in your sector of talk and thought, you could be moving through a process that helps change your mindset. There may be several techniques to do so, but trust your instincts and you’ll find the right one for you. Over this weekend, the sun makes a positive link to ethereal Neptune in your romance sector, suggesting that an encounter could encourage you to want to know someone better. Take your time. There’s no rush!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

With chatty Mercury forging ahead in your sector of leisure and fun, this can be the ideal time to connect with others who share your interests. Its presence here can also encourage you to learn a craft or sport that requires skill and dexterity. You may thrive on the challenge and the chance to compete with others. A focus on your sector of values suggests that there may be changes occurring in your perspective on money, material goods, and how you earn your keep. These could take time, but they can lead to positive developments that allow you to make the most of your skills, abilities, money, and resources. Delightful Venus in your relationship sector suggests that other people could be very supportive and helpful over coming weeks. And social events could be an excellent way to increase your circle of friends or find that special companion if you’re looking for love.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope 

Your social life could be a lot of fun. It’s also necessary for your health and well-being. The chance to relax in good company may be just what you need to counteract all the hard work you’re doing. In addition, sensuous Venus in your lifestyle sector encourages you to nurture your body by giving it enough rest, good food, and exercise. There can be a tendency to neglect all these things in your desire to get ahead. If last week’s intense focus left you feeling a little drained, consider getting a massage or other treatment that will help ease away tension and revitalize you this week. The sun’s presence in your sector of creativity can be a call to turn your hand to hobbies or crafts that you enjoy, as this can also be therapeutic. The more time you take to nourish yourself and replenish your energy, the easier your progress can be.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

The presence of Venus in your leisure sector can give you opportunities to enjoy exhibitions, concerts, movies, or anything else that inspires you and touches your heart. This is also the ideal time to indulge in your favorite hobbies or go on outings with family. The more time you make for your inner child to have fun, the happier you will be. It’s important to mix with people who help you feel positive and upbeat, and this is because of the changes taking place within you. You’re busy letting go of old stories and old ways of being and embracing new beliefs and patterns. While these are forming, make sure the company you keep feels good and is positive and uplifting. The sun’s presence in your home zone encourages you to do homey things, as well as make more time for you. You’ll truly feel the benefits if you do.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

You continue to be busy with your social life, community plans, and various groups and clubs. Nevertheless, delectable Venus in your home zone could draw your attention to domestic chores that need to be done, especially those that help keep your place happy and harmonious. With so much going on in your social world, you might enjoy entertaining people in your home. If you do, it should go very well. You’ll certainly impress them! However, you might need to draw the line and say no to too many requests for help. This weekend could see you reaching out yet again to assist another when you might be better off taking a long rest. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t help at all, just that you might need to set some limits. If someone else can step in and take your place, so much the better.

Read last week’s horoscope here

Read April’s horoscope here

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