Weekly Horoscope: February 20–26, 2023

Early this week, you’ll still feel the double gut punch from the new moon (the cosmic indicator of how we react to our surroundings) on Sunday and romantic Venus (the planetary goddess of responses) in the aggressive Ram. Winning is all you want, and you’re willing to play dirty to get that number one spot. However, once you get a reputation as a bad sport, it’s hard to shake.
Creative use of words is your literal love language during the harmonious air trine between witty Mercury (the cosmic ruler of communication) in Aquarius and passionate Mars (the sex god of the universe) in Gemini on Wednesday, so your flirting skills are on point. You know what to say and when to say it to get the exact reaction you’re looking for. If there was ever a time you could get away with reciting lyrics or poetry without being cringe, this is it.
The moon is a heavy daily influence, and as the steady, success-driven Taurus moon sextiles the confident sun (our universal authority figure) on Friday, shared goals are your focus. You realize now that you can get a lot more done if you set your ego aside and work as part of a team, especially with like-minded individuals. This isn’t the time to be stubborn.
Emotional vibrations shift slightly on Sunday as Luna, now in curious Gemini, trines transformative Pluto (the planetary rep of psychological depth), bringing up buried subconscious desires. It’s okay to explore the darker areas of your psyche as long as you don’t dwell too long on negative feelings. Unloading hidden secrets now can be cathartic but can also cause others pain. Confess to a priest or talk to a counselor instead of unburdening yourself to your lover or BFF.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
If you can find a way to harness the hot-blooded fire energy from early in the week and let it fuel your fire without being a jerk about it, you’ll be good to go. And if you can’t manage to keep that massive ego in check, you’ll find out quickly that nobody likes a winner who shoves it in their face any more than they like a sore loser. And goodness knows you have the capability to be both.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Maintaining the power surge you feel early in the week might be a struggle but if you can do it, you’ll finish the week out strongly and successfully. Your patient sign has an earthy influence later in the week, so don’t be in too much of a hurry to get your point across. Your way with words will impress the right people and get your projects seen by VIPs who can help you develop them and take them to the next level.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
You’re not the pushy type, so a lot of the aggressive energy early in the week may be lost on you. You thrive later when air dominates the planetary movements, and you can persuade people with your impressive words and ideas. Working as part of a team is the highlight of your week, especially if you find people with opinions and theories different than your own. You love a good debate!
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
There isn’t a lot of watery energy around you this week, Cancer, so you might not feel like anyone truly gets you. Having a hard time expressing your feelings is nothing new, but the week’s cosmic events might make it particularly difficult for you to open up. Wait until the weekend to really pour your heart out, and make sure you’re venting to the right person. The wrong person won’t protect your well-guarded secrets the way they deserve to be protected.
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
With one of the biggest egos in the zodiac, Leo, it’s a little more difficult for you to put yours away sometimes. If you don’t manage to keep it under wraps this week, you could suffer some serious consequences. Your individual contributions matter when you’re working as part of a group late in the week, but you aren’t the only one with great ideas. Share the spotlight.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
A lot of the planetary energy for the week asks you to lighten up and go with the flow, Virgo, especially when it comes to love and business. We all know you can become very set in your ways, but sometimes it pays to mix up your routine and do things a little differently. You have a lot to add to the group talks later in the week, but you gain just as much from listening to other people’s opinions and perspectives.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
A lot of casual airiness surrounds you this week and lets you come to your own conclusions, Libra. You get plenty of input from outside sources, but your fair-minded, nonjudgmental way of listening has people feeling at ease long enough for them to want to stick around and listen to what you have to say as well. Having good conversations with all types of people is the highlight of your week.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Although you’re all fired up to start a new week, Scorpio, the flame that burns bright often goes out quickly. If you find that you lose a lot of your enthusiasm and excitement as the week continues, you have your inner sense of determination to fall back on. You’re someone who doesn’t always have to have their efforts recognized by the masses, so you’re happy working on a smaller scale now. Celebrate your success with a small group of true friends this weekend.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
Gain the competitive edge early in the week and hang onto it as long as possible, Sagittarius. If you have people coming after your job or something else you’ve worked hard for, you’re not in the mood to give it up without a fight. Late in the week, your emotions will be fueled by others working alongside you to reach the same goals you’ve set for yourself. Accepting them as your teammates means you have to be willing to trust them. Can you do that?
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
You’re a “steady as it goes” sign, for the most part, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get caught up in the excitement early in the week and use it to propel you toward a meteoric rise. If you can harness the energy carried over from the weekend, you can reach the level of success you desire, especially when it comes to convincing people what you’re capable of. We’re not saying your stellar performance is all smoke and mirrors, but we also wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t have a trick or two up your sleeve, Capricorn!
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
You don’t get wound up very easily, so any internal fires left burning early in the week from this past weekend’s inception of some heavy Aries energy fizzle out quickly, Aquarius. You’re happy to take on a much more grounded, logical perspective on life from Tuesday on — except for some heavy flirt sessions that call on you to be casual and witty on Wednesday. Reasoning with yourself over the weekend can prevent you from getting stuck in a heavy emotional storm that most other signs can’t escape.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Your aggression early in the week will catch some people off guard. However, let’s be real, Pisces — not always being the nice one works in your favor more than you’d like to admit. You can find power in stepping up instead of hanging in the background. And although this isn’t likely the personality you’ll adopt the whole week, coming out of the gate, fighting reminds your haters and competitors that you have a whole other side to you that they probably shouldn’t mess with.