Weekly Horoscope: Here Comes Pisces Season

By Horoscope.com

On February 16, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Here Comes Pisces Season

February 17 – February 23, 2020

The week begins on Tuesday when the sun moves into Pisces for a four-week stay. This starts a phase in which it’s good to take time out to reflect, tie up loose ends, and find closure on any issues.

On Thursday, Jupiter (planet of abundance) aligns with Neptune (planet of illusion), making it a good opportunity to use imagination to enhance a project, business plan, or formal event. Dream big here—but it helps to be practical, too.

Friday and Saturday have a more restless quality as Mars (planet of aggression) and the sun angle toward Uranus (planet of change). Expect the unexpected—and embrace it—because it could open new doors.

Sunday’s new moon in Pisces can be an opportunity for a fresh start, particularly if spiritual matters are concerned. For instance, learning meditation or yoga could help bring peace of mind.

Finally, on Sunday, a delightful tie between Venus (planet of love) and expansive Jupiter can be excellent for all kinds of events. Encounters can be fortuitous in many ways here.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


Courtesy of @b.vannevel


With Mercury linking together with Neptune on Tuesday in your career zone, it can be a powerful time to fix issues at work and reflect on where you want to go next. Over the weekend, you may see money opportunities coming your way. Lastly, that new moon is making it the perfect weekend for a getaway, Aries. Get out there!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


This is a pretty spiritual week for you, Taurus, as the sun makes its way into Pisces. You could be drawn to a spiritual advisor that helps you see life from a new perspective. Over the weekend, getting together with friends is a great idea, as Jupiter brings some surprise encounters.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The sun moves into your sector of goals, so get ready for career to get a boost over the next four weeks. As Jupiter and Neptune align on Thursday, you could feel a little more “holistic” than normal, engaging with more humanitarian projects. Get into the details of a new project this weekend, Gemini.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The sun is moving into your travel zone, Cancer! It’s time to go on trips or, at the very least, start planning a trip in the future. Neptune and Jupiter make ties together which could bring an unexpected opportunity to travel with a friend.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Time to get your finances in order as the sun moves into your money zone over the next four weeks. Remember that Mercury retrograde is also happening in this area, so it’s best to avoid making big purchases. Though you think that yoga class is reasonable now, Leo, you won’t later.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Mercury retrograde is moving through your chart’s zone that deals with teamwork with others. While there may be issues going on with people around you, you may also be meeting people from the past. This weekend, Mars and Uranus is bringing some interesting news your way. Lastly, take your relationship to the next level this week, Virgo.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Routines and daily mantras are being highlighted this week, Libra. Mercury retrograde is hovering over this area as well though, so make sure that when you’re changing up daily routines, they don’t involve signing contracts. This weekend might see you blowing money on something insignificant. Be careful out there!

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Mars is still moving through your communication zones, Scorpio, while now the sun moves into your leisure zone. So, you’re much more likely to grab on a creative project and network around to make moves on it. This week could see you getting together with someone new.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Being a Sagittarius, you’re the sign most likely to be jet-setting to somewhere new. But with the sun’s movement into your home zone this week, you’ll embrace an unusual homebody vibe. This works well with the Jupiter-Neptune tie asking you to get creative and artistic. Finally, Sunday’s new moon is inspiring you to start a new project.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Mars is in Capricornnow, making you feel completely empowered to take action on any of your dreams. The sun moves into your communication zone on Tuesday, but… with Mercury retrograde happening, take your time speaking or engaging with others. Finally, the new moon on Sunday would be the best day to plan out a campaign for yourself.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The sun is leaving Aquarius and enters your money zone for the rest of the month. Finances are going to be highlighted here­—especially with Mercury retrograde happening. It would be wiser to look to methods of the past (what’s worked, what hasn’t) as opposed to spending more money in the future. The new moon happening is an opportunity for a fresh start in your finance habits.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


As the sun enters your sign, you’ll feel completely rejuvenated. The Jupiter-Neptune tie asks you to collaborate on a projects. The Uranus-Mars tie brings a cool opportunity your way. And finally, with the new moon in your sign, you’ll have the power and inspiration to initiate moves toward what you want. It’ll be a powerful week for you!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of Chevanon Photography + Oleg Magni via Pexels

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