Weekly Horoscope: Eclipse Season Has Arrived

By Horoscope.com

On December 22, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Eclipse Season Has Arrived

December 23 – December 29, 2019

This week, we’ll see a dynamic solar eclipse in Capricorn on December 25, making this a very meaningful day. Change is definitely in the air, but how soon those changes will make themselves known is TBD. It could happen soon or some time over the coming six months.

With the sun (planet of self) now in a prominent sector aligning with Uranus (planet of change), there might be an opportunity to explore lucrative ideas, and these could come out of the blue. With a new moon and solar eclipse on Wednesday, and a link between Jupiter (planet of abundance) and electric Uranus, this could be a time when opportunities come out of nowhere. And they might even prove to be just what you need. It might even be the perfect, hoped-for present.

As Mercury (planet of communication) moves into Capricorn on Saturday, it encourages planning and organization. Making a list of intentions and getting priorities in order this week can be helpful for kick-starting the New Year.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign


Being an Aries, you’re naturally impulsive. But this week, you’re more than ready to make changes. With a focus on the goals sector of your chart, putting the spotlight on you at work is a main concern. That eclipse, lining up with Jupiter and Uranus, is a perfect time to make that move. Plus, with Venus at play in your social zones, this is the best time for you to enjoy the holidays.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Get ready for a busy week coming up, Taurus! There is an attachment to faraway cultures for you around this time, whether that be because you’re traveling or because faraway relatives are at play this Christmas. You’ve had an idea for quite some time, but now that it’s had time to muster in your mind, you’re finally ready to make moves on it.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The opportunity to change the things that you aren’t happy with is right around the corner this week, Gemini. When the solar eclipse hits midweek in your shared resources section, the way you work with your relationships is highlighted. And with the eclipse setting motion in this sector, you might be inspired to make a move.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


This week, you should see a lot of social action (calls, texts, invites). But make sure you’re taking time to recharge, Cancer. This is the moment to relax. With the eclipse coming up, you might come across someone who has a seriously positive impact on your life. Mercury’s move into Capricorn will help you take dreams to the next level.

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Jupiter’s presence in your lifestyle zone is going to bring great opportunities for you, Leo! The solar eclipse is going to be about what your future holds. It’ll seem like basically anything is possible. For that reason, it’s a great time to make a career or personal move in your life. And once Mercury enters Cap on Saturday, you’ll feel even more empowered to make those moves.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Organizing holiday events and having the most precise and beautiful Christmas décor is kind of a Virgo specialty. But this year especially, it’s the best time to think outside-the-box when it comes to decoration and tradition. Use your creativity to come up with some new, fun activities. Don’t worry, the solar eclipse will help with this.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Being a Libra, you never miss an opportunity to sparkle around the holidays. And with the sun in your domestic sector—bringing in Uranus and Jupiter energies—the holidays this year are going to be super fun and full of surprises. This might include a relative who gives you a sweet opportunity or special gift that opens your eyes to new possibilities.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


While many things are opening up to you, there’s a lot going on these days, Scorpio. You might want to use this time to plow through your holiday list; this should help you feel more on track. With the solar eclipse happening in your lifestyle sector, you may be surprised with a fun encounter during a daily routine that could change everything.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Let’s be real: The holidays are your Sagittarius jam. Parties, gatherings, and social events galore are down the pipe for you. But as Mars moves through your spirituality zones, you may also be more inclined to taking time to think about what you want to do in the New Year. Lastly, we’ll see Mercury move into your money zone this weekend. Time for finances to get some attention!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


The holidays are a great time for you to sit back and relax (well, as much as your workhorse temper allows you to). Thankfully, due to the solar eclipse in your sign, good things are definitely happening for you. Due to a burst of optimism, you may actually get what you’ve been dreaming about within the next six months.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Venus is moving through Aquarius, which makes you feel extra lively this week. On the other hand, there’s a focus on your spiritual side this week too. Bigger questions may be arising for you at this time, and the solar eclipse is here to enhance all of it. You’ll see things in a new perspective this Christmas. Additionally, the eclipse might also bring a hot encounter with a partner.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’re about to be super busy, Pisces. And you know what that means… time to make sure you’re giving yourself some love, too. Because you’re so keen to opening up your energy to others, you may risk burn out this week if you’re not careful. The solar eclipse on Wednesday will bring about an entirely new perspective on something that leads you to success later on.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @rachday_

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