Weekly Horoscope: December 20-26, 2021

By Horoscope.com

On December 19, 2021

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: December 20-26, 2021

Can you guys hear that? Those sleigh bells jingling? ‘Tis the season — and still Sagittarius season for a day more — so savor the chaos before Capricorn comes and lays waste to the fun. But even after the season changes — both the Capricorn and winter — consider giving yourself the gift of rest and release this Christmas — whether or not you celebrate.

In addition to marking the first day of Capricorn season, December 21 is also the shortest day of the year, so try to maximize your sunlight today and for the next few months. A vitamin D deficiency is the last thing you need this season. 

While you all partake in the festivities, do consider that Venus (planet of love) conjoins Pluto (planet of transformation) in Capricorn on Christmas Day, bringing some intensity to an otherwise light day. Otherwise, feel free to heave a sigh of relief at the last full week of 2021. Here’s to hoping that 2022 is a little kinder!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


The solar spotlight is turning to your career and public persona, Aries. While the winter holiday and vacation may approach, there’s no better time than the present to reflect on your professional machinations over the last year. What has and hasn’t worked? Regarding the former, be sure to give yourself a pat on the back! As a cardinal sign, you tend to keep your eyes on the horizon, but a positive retrospective might do you some good!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


Adventure typically isn’t associated with the Taurus personality — unless, of course, it involves a trip to the grocery store to procure your favorite foods. However, as the sun in Capricorn shifts in your exploratory zone on Tuesday, it may be time to consider living a little. But don’t freak out! Capricorn brings more tempered energy, so no one is expecting an Indiana Jones-esque escapade. Simply aim to do one or two things that you haven’t before.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


Where you may have been relishing the unchained energy of your sister sign’s season, now’s the time to buckle down, Gemini. The sun marches into Capricorn and your transformation sector on Tuesday, bringing with it a more psychological focus. Mercury’s, Venus’, and even Pluto’s presences have been prepping you for this moment, but this season is the one where you’ll actually have to face the music. Your mental hang-ups are holding you back. Free yourself.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Our sister sign’s season isn’t always the most comfortable, Cancer, and yours begins on Tuesday. However, it’d be best to take the struggle in stride. This one in particular offers a valuable lesson, especially with retrograde Venus in Capricorn dancing through your relationship zone. How to your approach romance? Do you find yourself compromising your emotions for relationships? Contemplate these questions throughout Capricorn season and make the necessary changes. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


As the Lion of the zodiac, you tend to spend most of your time in pursuit of the next big thing, Leo. However, Capricorn season is asking that you turn your attention to the day-to-day. With Venus in Capricorn sitting in your habit zone, now would be the ideal time to reconsider your routines and body. Are you taking care of yourself? Given the approaching new year, you may even want to contemplate a couple self-care-oriented resolutions.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


The Virgo lifestyle highlights productivity, but when is the last time that you let your hair down, Virgo? It’s true that Capricorn isn’t a sign known for partying. But with the wealth of planets — Mercury, Venus, Pluto, and now, the sun — dipping into your pleasure and creativity zone, it may be time to recalibrate your work-life balance. When is the last time that you guiltlessly had a good time? If it took you more than a moment to answer, you’re definitely in need of some fun.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


You’re a sucker for your loved ones, Libra. And the gaggle of planets hanging in your domestic zone is asking that you pay a little more attention to what’s going on at home. Now, there’s no need to worry. Capricorn brings very no-nonsense energy, so a family cry sesh probably isn’t in your immediate future. However, the next month may find you engaging in some more serious conversations with your nearest and dearest. Despite the discomfort, you may find that you come out the other side with strengthened ties.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


You aren’t known for your verbal excess, Scorpio. But with the sun joins Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in your communication zone, you have a lot to say this season. But there’s some potentially inclement astro-weather in the forecast this week. On Christmas, Venus conjoins Pluto, creating some powerful or hurtful situations if we aren’t careful. You’re the Scorpion of the zodiac, but don’t wield your stinger carelessly.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


All good things must come to an end, dear Sagittarius. But don’t fret, pet. If you’ve been meaning to get your finances in order — especially after the holiday overspending that you’re sure to have done — you’re being given the opportunity to do so on a silver platter as the sun slides into your money zone. Your zodiacal neighbor is a serious sign, so it’ll definitely encourage a little temperance when it comes to your credit card usage. 

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


Happy (early) birthday, Capricorn! The Sagittarian energy of the last few weeks may not have been to your taste. Now, you’re not exactly one for the spotlight, but the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are shining on your zone of self and appearance. So, prepare yourself for a little more attention and a little less self-loathing. Regarding the latter two planets, be sure to keep your eyes open! They form an intense conjunction on Christmas Day that could quickly get out of hand if you’re not careful.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


For the last few weeks, you’ve been a little in your head due to the major focus on your unconscious zone, Aquarius. The introspection may come to a head on Christmas Day when Venus conjoins Pluto fir the third and final time this year, bringing with it a painful but necessary realization. Growth is meant to be uncomfortable. Take a note from your so is all successor and go with the flow.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


You’ve been quite the social butterfly over the last few weeks; haven’t you, Pisces? The slew of planets in Capricorn have landed in your network sector, emphasizing your friendship and acquaintances. Your personalized theme for Capricorn season is reciprocity. Are others doing unto you as you would to them? Your heart and intentions are pure, but this may not be the case for others. Remember that it’s a privilege to belong to your circle. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photos are courtesy of Brigitte Tohm and Daniel Frank on Pexels.

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