Weekly Horoscope: December 18–24, 2023

By Mary Bergner

On December 17, 2023

In Astrology, Horoscope, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: December 18–24, 2023

There’s a relatively restless start to the week. It’ll be hard to focus on just one thing, and willpower and self-discipline (especially when it comes to your deepest desires) are hard to come by. If you aren’t careful, you can let destructive behavior ruin your recent progress.

On Thursday, though, the powerful sun (the cosmic body in charge of how we present ourselves) partners with rule-following, ambitious Capricorn, giving you a dose of much-needed determination. Set some serious goals now that will help you overcome whatever unhealthy habits and temptations you’ve had the hardest time giving in to lately. Believing you can do it is half the battle.

Fast-moving Mercury (the planetary traveler) is retrograde this week. As it backs up into adventurous wanderer Sagittarius on Friday, your holiday plans may hit a serious snag. This is an unfortunate time of year for this cosmic combo, as it can adversely affect planes, trains, automobiles, and any other possible way you have of getting anywhere to see loved ones. Be sure you have a Plan B — and C, D, and E — in case things go sideways!  

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope


With a lot of direct sunlight in your career ambitions zone this week, Aries, you can’t afford to sit back and take it easy. While everyone else is on holiday (either actually or just mentally), you’ve got to step it up. Even if that means checking in from a remote location, get it done!

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


The sun is targeting your expansion zone this week, Taurus, offering you the chance to grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You’re known for your traditional values and ideas. However, this transit pushes you out of your comfort zone and into some real-life adventure. A wider perspective is the greatest holiday gift you can give yourself.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


This week screams transformation, Gemini. If you’ve been stuck on the Naughty List these past few years, it’s time to do whatever you must to get your name switched over to the Nice side. No one said making major life changes was easy, but the payoff is much greater than the sacrifice. 

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


The people you love are the focus of your week, which isn’t a huge shocker. As the holidays continue, Cancer, you love finding the perfect gift for each person on your list and making your space an inviting place for gatherings big and small. If you’re having a party this week, double-check your to-do list. Forgetting even one tiny detail can throw everything off. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


With a lot of energy in your sixth house of order and organization, it’s almost like you’re obsessed with the details. Unfortunately, though, Leo, the more you fight to gain control over the little things, the more the big things get out of hand. Decide ahead of time what you want to worry about and what you can let slide. Your holiday plate is full enough without adding an extra helping of anxiety to it!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Let yourself breathe a little sigh of relief this week, Virgo. You did all of the things you were supposed to do took care of all of your responsibilities, and now it’s time to relax. Have some fun and let yourself go. Maybe no one predicted that you’d be the life of the party, but with the sun in your fun zone this week, miracles happen!

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Home is truly where your heart is this week, Libra. If you’re fortunate enough to spend time with family and close friends, count your lucky stars. If you aren’t able to be where you want to be, close your eyes and make a wish. You might not get exactly what you want, but you never know. This is the one time of year when wishes really do come true.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


With your communication zone getting a lot of heavy traffic this week, Scorpio, it’s easy to get your signals crossed. Forgetting to bring a white elephant gift to a work party or showing up at the wrong spot/time for a merry dinner with friends is easy to do when you have so much on your mind. Set lots of alarms and notifications to remind you of the most important events.

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


Don’t get the meaning of this time of year confused with materialism, Sagittarius. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the cost of presents you give and receive, but is that what really matters? The true meaning of wealth is different for everyone. And with the sun’s energy targeting your house of self-worth and possessions this holiday, it’s time to figure out exactly what being rich means to you.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You’re a little self-involved and preoccupied with your own needs while your first house gets the sun’s attention this week, but who can blame you? As the end of the year finish line is in sight, you have a lot to be proud of. You really have so much to brag about at your holiday gatherings (which should make a younger sibling or cousin quite jealous)!

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


There’s a meditative, peace-seeking energy surrounding you this week that makes you want to be away from the spotlight to spend some time reflecting on the past year. Your self-awareness zone is active now, Aquarius, encouraging you to engage in activities that help you get in touch with your spiritual side. For once, you’re not into the hustle and bustle of the holidays nearly as much as you are just giving thanks for what you’ve already been blessed with.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Perhaps the biggest Zodiac news is that you, Pisces, are ready to come out of your comfy introverted cocoon and spend time socializing this week! With the sun in your public eleventh house, you’re ready to enjoy holiday parties with friends/coworkers and festive family gatherings. Maybe you’ll leave early, but the fact that you’re ready to go to these types of functions without anyone dragging you there is truly a holiday miracle!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Photo Courtesy of Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.

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