Weekly Horoscope: April 25 to May 1, 2022

By Horoscope.com

On April 25, 2022

In Astrology, Weekly horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: April 25 to May 1, 2022

It’s not always that the weekend is the most astrologically jam-packed part of the week, but stranger things have happened. Friday sees Mercury’s return home to Gemini. As a sign of the planet’s rulership, the next few weeks will be extra Mercurial with a focus on learning and trying new things.

Conversely, this also means that the retrograde starting on May 10 will be particularly disorienting. Speaking of retrogrades, Pluto (the planet of transformation) in Capricorn begins its own on Friday, which will last for the next five months. It will offer the collective an opportunity to reevaluate your power dynamics and boundaries, so take advantage of it!

Finally, the new moon in Taurus will be upon us on Saturday, bringing with it dreams of luxury and comfort. As always, treat the new moon as a prelude to the rest of the season and therefore an excellent opportunity to plan for it. However, this Taurus new moon offers a rare treat —  it falls during a partial solar eclipse, which superpowers the existing energy. Big changes are afoot, so hold on!

Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope

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People expect fire signs to be the confident kings and queens of the zodiac. But we’re all human at the end of the day, Aries. On that note, this week’s Taurus new moon and eclipse have you meditating on self-esteem due to its placement in your value zone. You’re a notorious go-getter, but it’s time to think about how you can pursue your satisfaction like you do your projects.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


You’re the star this season, Taurus — whether you like it or not. The very Taurean energy this week is swirling around in your zone of self and appearance. So, if you’re feeling a little touchy in that regard, it’s totally natural. Blame the stars, but also take some time to contemplate your course in life — or at least for the next few months. Are you your ideal self? If not, draft a roadmap to reach it.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope. 


While the other signs (rightfully) focus on the upcoming new moon/solar eclipse hybrid, you’re prepping for the excitement that is Mercury in your sign. Fortunately, Saturday ends this wait, and you’re sure to be feeling (impossibly) chattier and more curious than usual. Take advantage of this intellectual energy while you can — read a book, start a short course, or even talk through some problem that’s been plaguing you. But remember to take a breath between ramblings.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Who are you surrounding yourself with, Cancer? Due to this week’s Taurean energy sitting in your connections zone, you may experience a change in a particular friendship or a shift regarding how you’ve approached making connections in the past. Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but you’ll begin to see real movement where your network is concerned. 

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


Big things are afoot at work this week, Leo! That potent new moon-solar eclipse combo lands in your career and legacy zone. What do you want to be known for? You’re hardly an unambitious person, but have you ever taken the time to plan out your professional dreams? Do so this week and watch the seeds grow!

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


You’re gearing up for quite the romance ride, Virgo. The planets of love and action have dipped into your relationship sector. Paired with the sun in sweet Taurus, your head is sure to be in the clouds. Additionally, with Pisces’ platonic focus, watch out for rose-colored glasses in your own life over the next few weeks. As beautiful as life may appear, everything is not what it seems with Venus in this sign.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes. 


Good vibes are afoot this week, Libra. The two Lover planets, Venus and Mars, continue their stay in Pisces and your routine sector. What does your average day look like? Pisces is notorious for bad habits, so have you picked up any over the last few weeks? If so, fear not! This energy is priming you to focus on your day-to-day. But don’t sweat it if organizing seems a little more difficult. That’s simply the Piscean energy at play.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


With the partial solar eclipse and new moon rumbling about in your partnership zone, you can expect some shakeups in the relationship department, Scorpio. New moons are generally pretty refreshing, but the eclipse is sure to bring some intensity to the table. Of course, change isn’t always bad. Often, it’s a necessary part of growth, but I’m sure you know that on some level. 

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


I know this concept can be a little frightening for you Archers, but do you have a routine, Sagittarius? “Vibing” is great and all, but this eclipse season may force a little more action, and you’ll definitely be better prepared for it if you have your day-to-day together. Given the presence of Taurean energy there, no one’s telling you to go all-out. However, it may be helpful to get it together.

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


To preface, no one is expecting you to become a party animal overnight, Capricorn. But with the sun and new moon in your pleasure zone, it might be a good idea to enjoy yourself a little more. Yes, achievements are important, but what is life if it’s spent in on office? Contemplate that this week.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


Home is where the heart is, Aquarius. And for the next few weeks, your home will figure heavily on your mental, especially with the sun and the potent new moon in your domestic zone. With those (mostly) chill vibes, familial disagreements shouldn’t be on the table, but important conversations may be. This energy might also be best spent renovating or redecorating your home.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


Amid the potent astrological energy afoot this week, there’s also an exact conjunction between Venus and Jupiter in your sign, Pisces, which is sure to breed some whimsical energy as well as a little delusion. Try to use the Taurean energy to ground yourself if you can. The conjunction’s creativity can be great for your exploits, but it’s useless if you spend it with your head in the clouds!

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

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