Weekly Horoscope: April 20 – April 26, 2020

By Horoscope.com

On April 19, 2020

In Astrology, Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: April 20 – April 26, 2020

This week, the sun (planet of ego) continues its journey through Taurus—so there’s an overall emphasis on security, good living, and self-indulgence. The astro weather starts us off on Tuesday, when the sun angles toward Saturn (planet of foundation) in Aquarius, which could foster a feeling of being pressured by friends or a social group to go somewhere or do something. The event could still be beneficial, even if it turns out to be somewhat tedious.

On Wednesday, new moon in Taurus brings an opportunity for a new beginning. In this practical sign, it might revolve around the handling of finances. Adopting healthy habits in this regard can bring some good results.

Pluto (planet of transformation) turns retrograde in Capricorn on Saturday, which can encourage everyone to dig deep. By doing so, we might tap into our reserves for strength and insight. Also, over the weekend, Mercury (planet of communication) angles toward Jupiter (planet of abundance), which can assist in making a social occasion even more eventful.

Finally, as the sun aligns with electric Uranus (planet of surprises) on Sunday, expect the unexpected.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

new moon taurus 2020

Courtesy of @dorianlegret


We know you’re more of a “think now, act later” kind of person, Aries, but you may want to hold on to your spending this week. As the new moon hits your finances, you’ll be able to take those new spending habits and really shift your bank account around. Lastly, watch out on Sunday as Uranus could bring a surprise invitation or gift your way.

Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.


It’s time to be a little more understanding with someone who may rub you the wrong way. Wednesday, with the new moon in your sign, is a great time to start as it brings opportunities to initiate new plans, habits, or relationships. With Mercury and Jupiter colliding over the weekend, you might get a great option to tell someone how you feel.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


With Venus still moving through Gemini, you’re having a grand old time this week. But this feel-good energy might be stalled a little on Tuesday with the sun’s connection to Saturn. Your dreams might have gotten a little too big for your own good and now you’re questioning yourself.

Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.


Thanks to the sun moving through your social zone, this week could be a great time to stop binge-watching Netflix series and reach out to a friend. Just know that Tuesday might not be the best day for you, confidence-wise. The new moon on Wednesday is a great time to feel renewed and reconnect with who you want to be. You’ve got so much to show off, Cancer!

Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.


You’re not one to doubt yourself… unless, someone starts being a little critical. Let’s be real, Leo: You area bit sensitive. As the new moon travels through your goals sector, try to redefine who you are in a way that you’re excited to share. That will clear up any uncertainty.

Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.


Thanks to the sun in your travel zone, you’re feeling majorly cramped while in quarantine. But remember that you do still have the chance to get away… even if it’s just on a walk or in a car. Challenge yourself to think bigger this week, Virgo. Pluto turning retrograde over the weekend in your creative zone is a nice moment to seize.

Read your full Virgo weekly horoscope.


Have the past couple weeks been tough, Libra? It’s no wonder why! The sun has been traveling through an intense zone in your chart—and may bring up some issues with a friend over this week. But by Wednesday, the new moon brings you a new start. This is the best time to launch that new idea you’ve been mulling over your head the past month.

Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.


Your relationships continue to be the center of your attention this week, Scorpio. That doesn’t just include your love life, though. This also includes the new moon on Wednesday, rolling through your partnership zone. Getting together with a business prospect to talk out your ideas is a good idea today. You’ve got the charm!

Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.


The sun’s moving through your lifestyle zones, so don’t be alarmed if you feeling like you’re getting nothing done these days. Your productivity is taking a hit, your finances are a bit all over the place, and suddenly: you want a new start. That’s what the Taurus new moon is here for. Take advantage of this reboot, Sagittarius!

Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.


You don’t usually do things on a whim. But with the sun-Saturn angle happening early this week, you’ll be even more hesitant to dive into some new hobby. Why not try it out? As Pluto turns retrograde in your sign over the weekend, this could ask you to make some pretty big changes around what you want in your life.

Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.


The sun’s moving through your home zone right now, making you pretty chill with staying at home all day. This week might inspire you to do a little self-care or cooking on your own—and take that new moon into it! Is it time to bring a fresh start to your home life? Over the weekend, Pluto retrogrades in a spiritual zone—giving your dreams an extra intuitive lift.

Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.


The sun moves through your communication zones, Pisces—and this is great for you! You’re usually one to go off the map. But if we take that sun energy and combine it with the fresh start of the new moon, it might be time to reconnect with a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Lastly, the weekend could bring a merry social event (even if it’s just over FaceTime).

Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @dorianlegret

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