Weekend Love Horoscope for March 30 to April 1: A Lovely Libra Moon Bring Balance to Relationships

By Virginia Mason

On March 30, 2018

In Aspect, Date, Sex

Weekend Love Horoscope for March 30 to April 1: A Lovely Libra Moon Bring Balance to Relationships

Mercury is still retrograde, and this weekend it conjuncts the sun as Venus conjuncts Uranus and Mars conjuncts Saturn and Neptune conjuncts Juno and Venus moves into Taurus and there’s a full moon in Libra! Did you catch all that?

Okay, let’s break it down: A LOT IS HAPPENING. And it’s all about love (see Venus, Mars, Juno, and Libra). And it’s all about you (see the sun, Aries, and Uranus). In short, it’s all about balance. The balance between you as an individual human and you as one part of a twosome. Because that’s what love comes down to—two wholes coming together to form…a larger whole. That’s right, no partner will complete you. You complete yourself. They complete themselves. You come together because life is just better together.

Maybe that doesn’t make sense right now. Maybe you think that all that’s missing is the perfect person to complete you, but you, my love, are that perfect person. And this full moon will help you see this. And when you realize you don’t need the person you’re with, will you still choose them?

There will be tension between your ego and your desire for partnership. This puts the brakes on your sex life—unless you can get over yourself and out of your head long enough to enjoy the fact that this is actually an opportunity to experience whole new levels of compassion and connection. To realize how your relationship is rooted in want, not need.

In short, expect your love life to be rocked! Take care of yourself through this and have patience. As Venus moves deeper into Taurus, you’ll find new levels of stability.

What does your future hold? Find out with a premium horoscope. 

Aries Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Friday is the last day of Venus in Aries, so enjoy it! It may be tough with the looming full moon. You may want to spend more time on your own than with your lover, but Pluto is challenging you to find the balance, so see if you can create space for both.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars squares the sun and Mercury. Insecurity runs out of control. Don’t let the not-good-enoughs win. Rest and let this one pass.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I am enough. I don’t have anything to prove. 

Passion Prediction:                                           
Taurus Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Venus moves into Taurus! Love becomes far more grounded. People are more likely to settle down. You’re building the foundations for real partnership now—even if you’re starting construction all on your own.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Patience! Don’t let all the Libra love energy consume you. There’s time for all of that. It’s okay to be alone right now. It’s all part of the big picture. Keep perspective.
This Weekend’s Mantra: This is all part of the plan. 

Passion Prediction:                              
Gemini Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: The Libra full moon inspires romance. The best way for you to enjoy this is to give yourself plenty of time for play. Get creative, and feel free. Love may just sneak up on you.
This Weekend’s Mystery: The sun conjuncts Mercury in Aries. This can bring tremendous clarity, but it can also bring arrogance. Watch how you judge others and be careful not to condescend.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Romance is fun!

Passion Prediction:                            
Cancer Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Saturday’s Libra full moon pushes you to ditch whatever keeps you from fully being yourself. Show up in your relationship just as you are. Don’t hold back. You don’t have to be the perfect little partner for anyone. You don’t have to be so agreeable. Just be you!
This Weekend’s Mystery:  When you do this, you’ll learn whether the person you’re with is really your person. If you aren’t free to express yourself, then what’s the point? You deserve to be free! Don’t let the person you love hold you back. They should be the one encouraging you to show up.
This Weekend’s Mantra: Every part of me is lovable. 

Passion Prediction:            
Leo Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: The Libra full moon opposes the sun and allows you to be extra honest with your partner and yourself about what you need. Don’t let nerves hold you back. This is an opportunity to come together! (Or break apart…depending on how they respond.)
This Weekend’s Mystery: The sun conjuncts Mercury! This can bring great clarity and make your prideful. Slow down and check in with how you really feel. Remember that you don’t know everything.
This Weekend’s Mantra: It’s okay if everything doesn’t work out exactly as I want it to. 

Passion Prediction:                     
Virgo Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: The sun, Mercury, and the karmic north node help you see your future clearly. You know what you want. Take this full moon to release whatever – and whoever – isn’t helping you get there.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Slow down! Mercury squares Mars and Saturn. Things go haywire, and plans do not pan out as expected. Allow extra time for getting anywhere, and think twice before sending that text.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I release everything that doesn’t serve my vision. 

Passion Prediction:     
Libra Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: A Libra full moon brings true harmony back into your life, but this is just the start of a 15 day cycle toward increased balance. Set the intention to attract this harmony now and take care of yourself.
This Weekend’s Mystery:Aries and Libra are at odds, and in order to find the harmony you seek, you have to be honest with yourself about your worth and what you want. Stop selling yourself short.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I release everything that comes between me and my bliss. 

Passion Prediction:      
Scorpio Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s MagicJupiter, Neptune, and Pluto are keeping you on track to fulfill your life’s purpose. Everything else that’s happening now is tiny compared to the big picture at work. Keep perspective.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars conjuncts Saturn, and you feel restricted. Things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like. Your ambitions – romantically and professionally – feel thwarted right now. But it’s just time to slow down and check in and process this moon. Let yourself chill.
This Weekend’s Mantra:  I am connected to heaven and earth, myself and others. 

Passion Prediction:                
Sagittarius Weekend Love Horoscope

This Weekend’s Magic: Jupiter trines Chiron. You experience a major, final push in your latest cycle of spiritual growth! The more you invest in yourself and your personal healing, the more you open yourself to love, and the full moon allows you to understand the connection between yourself and romance in a whole new way.
This Weekend’s Mystery:The more you surrender to life’s great mystery, the easier it can be to lose yourself. Don’t. Uranus reminds you to stay true. Find your sense of self even as your ego softens. You’ll need this to experience loving partnership.
This Weekend’s Mantra:  I am both separate and connected.

Passion Prediction:       
Capricorn Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: Mars trines Venus in Taurus. Love helps you navigate this weekend’s rocky waters. Turn to the rock in your life for support, and if you don’t have that, set the intention to bring it into your life now.
This Weekend’s Mystery: Mars conjuncts Saturn! This feels like a tight squeeze from the universe and not in the welcome hug kind of a way. Be careful not to lash out. You’re prone to angry outbursts, sexual frustration, and general depression right now. Take care of yourself!
This Weekend’s Mantra: This too shall pass. 

Passion Prediction:    
Aquarius Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: This Friday, Venus conjuncts Uranus and trines Mars. This is an incredible time for love and sex! And it’s all on your terms. You set the boundaries. You call the shots. Enjoy!
This Weekend’s Mystery: The Libra moon forces you to look beyond yourself and consider your partner’s interests. At the same time, you’re keenly aware of what you want. If these aren’t the same, you’re going to have to find a way to make it work or let it go.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I don’t always have to be in charge. 

Passion Prediction:           
Pisces  Weekend Love Horoscope 

This Weekend’s Magic: As Venus moves into Taurus, you feel increasingly grounded. Love can provide tremendous security right now…or at least in the near future. Don’t sell any partner short. Sometimes loyal and steadfast is exactly what you need.
This Weekend’s Mystery: You get through this full moon with relative ease, but everyone around you is a bit of a mess, and you are feeling what they’re feeling. Watch your boundaries. Don’t absorb other people’s stuff, but if you feel like you can, then be there for the ones you love. This full moon allows you to shine in all partnerships.
This Weekend’s Mantra: I respect my boundaries and act with integrity. 

Passion Prediction: 

Virginia teaches you how to harness your intuitive powers, choose your most purposeful work, create nourishing boundaries, and attract your ideal partner. She utilizes tools and techniques acquired over years of working with energy, science, astrology, tarot, yoga, meditation, and more! She helps you remember just how free and powerful you really are. Are you ready for you most magical, meaningful life? Connect with Virginia now and discover more!

Read last week’s love horoscope here!

Read your March love horoscope here!

Manifest love in the new year with your exclusive 2018 horoscope. 

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