Want Big, Bright, Beautiful Love? Call in Eclipse Energy to Find It!

Want to summon love into your life? Here’s how to do it—just in time for Valentine’s Day. Angie Banicki, a tarot reader, intuitive, and Horoscope.com’s newest columnist shares what’s going on cosmically this week—and how to make the most of it. For best results, read Angie’s words as you follow along with her Spotify picks—links to songs appear, and changing it up and listening as you read can help
Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!
Another Valentine’s Day! I know, I know. If you’re feeling the way I usually do it’s, ugh I have no-one to celebrate with or please just make it go away or I’m going to pretend it’s not happening.
Well this year I’ve decided to put some intention around the holiday since it just so happens to fall the day before the first solar eclipse of 2018! Oh and just 2 days before the Chinese New Year!
Listen to: How’d You Like That – The Kooks
(I mean come on! Listen to these lyrics to get inspired for your best V-Day yet!)
Part One: Thursday’s Solar Eclipse
Listen To: Young Love (feat. Laura Marling) – Mystery Jets
February’s eclipse has a major focus on communication and ideas because it is closely aligned with Mercury!
Coupled with the lunar eclipse prior, it signifies changes for woman in particular—with a new awareness and independence around choices in relationship! It urges those in relationship to discuss shared responsibility and your needs in the relationship. And for those who are single, the eclipse helps to seek the right kind of partner—not an unrealistic ideal.
Part Two: The Beginning of the Year of the Earth Dog
Listen to: Toot It And Boot It – YG
The year of the dog is all about grounding and stability! Dogs are loyal and independent. This points our cupid arrows very specifically toward the one our heart desires. There is no frivolous dating and jumping from partner to partner in a Dog year. This is about getting serious!
Part Three: Let’s Meld All These Delicious Natural Energies For Big, Real, Authentic Love!
Listen to: The Soul Serene – Villagers
All of this astrological evidence points to this being the year of big love! If your intention is to get the person meant for you, you can in 2018! If you want your relationship to blossom in ways you’d not imagined, 2018 is the year to flower!
For my fabulous single friends out there looking to call in some big lovin’ this year: This is your year to find a great love. Or lock a big one down.
And coupled hotties – time to get clear about the direction of your relationship! Does he make you feel supported? Is she showing you she’s willing to adventure with you?
Listen to: Turnaround – Hans Zimmer, Camille
So how do you set yourself up to maximize what the planets have in store for you? A moon ceremony—either on your own, or with your partner—can clue you into the rhythm and intentions of the universe, ensuring you’re open and willing to truly see and partake in what the universe has to offer. While these ceremonies may not produce immediate results (although they certainly can) what they do is shift your perspective, as they rebalance your left anr right brain, and help you tune into the empathetic, intuitive, knowing part of yourself.
Another note: If you’re coupled up, you can of course invite your SO into the ceremony. But you don’t have to! Do what’s right for you, and it’s totally okay to spend some solo time manifesting love for the both of you!
Listen to: Lovers Friends – Möwe, Daniel Nitt
The partial solar eclipse occurs at 1:55pm EST on February 15, but the whole day is swirling with turbocharged energies, so you can truly do this ritual whenever you have a moment, but it may be most potent in the morning. Wake up 20 minutes earlier, and head outdoors, sitting or standing in nature. If that’s not possible, go to a room in your home that feels open, expansive, and where you either receive sunlight or have a view of the outdoors. Light some incense, place essential oils on your temples, run a diffuser—a different scent can shift the energy of the room and help you focus.
Listen to: Harvest Moon – Poolside
Sit. Breathe. Focus. Remember. Recreate. This is different than meditation—think back to some of your happiest moments, where you were surrounded by love. This doesn’t have to be romantic love. You could imagine yourself in the embrace of your grandma or your mom; cuddled up with your pup, or giggling in your sleeping bag at a pre-teen sleepover. Think of first kisses, first touches, the way you felt when you clinked glasses with someone you really liked. No matter your relationship status, remember: Love is all around and you have been touched by love, so many times. Attached? Recall your partner. Think of the first time you saw each other, the first time you kissed, the reassuring hug the first time you had a fight. Wrap all those memories into a warm, cozy blanket.
Then, think about the past two weeks. What stands out? Notice your energy. Notice the colors that come up in your mind. Notice the way your body feels. How do you feel? What do you want to change?
This is a simple flow. You will automatically know what’s been showing up for you, and the universe will show you the steps you need to take to shift to the path of pure, essential love. This isn’t a deep dive, this isn’t “magic.” It’s celestial cinema, where the energies of the planets acknowledge you tuning into them, and in turn, give you the roadmap to where you want to be. The universe is guiding you this month – presenting what you need to live a better life. All you need to do is acknowledge and accept.
Listen to: Breathe And Stop – Q-Tip
When you’re ready, and to close your eclipse love ritual, just say thank you! Conclude in gratitude. And remember: It’s the first day of the rest of your life! Go big, and feel free to return to this ritual whenever you feel you need a celestial redirect.
Angie Banicki high-profile entertainment publicist turned tarot card reader to the stars. What started as a hobby is now a full time job and lifestyle that is all about living with awareness and intention.
Want 2018 to be the best year ever? Start prepping now with your 2018 horoscope!
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