Is Virgo Season Cursed? 6 Eerie Events That Occurred During Virgo Season

By Brooke Kottmann

On September 21, 2022

In Astrology, Virgo

Is Virgo Season Cursed? 6 Eerie Events That Occurred During Virgo Season

Have you noticed news can be particularly grim this time of year? 

Historically during the late summer months, there have been notable celebrity deaths (most recently Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll) and cataclysmic tragedies (think: 9/11). The one thing they all have in common: They occurred while the sun was in Virgo. 

We wanted to know whether Virgo season is truly cursed, so we asked astrologer Maisy Bristol for some insight. Here’s what she had to say.

Virgo Season’s Vibe

To know if there really is something spooky about Virgo season (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22), we first need to understand the general vibe and energy that this earth sign brings.

Virgo rules the 6th house of health, routine, work and service. “When the planet of identity and self (the sun) is highlighted during Virgo season,” Maisy says, “we are much more inclined to think through the lens of these themes.

But every zodiac sign also has a “shadow side,” too, when its traits are taken to the extreme and, therefore, become categorically darker. As for Virgo’s shadow side? “Virgo tends to become overly health conscious, obsessive, perfectionistic, and boundaryless,” she says, which can summon bouts of fear, confusion and anxiety.

Tragic Events That Happened During Virgo Season

While the concept of death is emblematic of the 8th or 12th houses, ruled by Scorpio and Pisces, respectively, we can’t ignore the fact that many of the people on this list were considered people of service—which is more Virgo than anything.

Also eerie: “Regarding the natural disasters and warfare, all of them affected the daily routine of almost every American thereafter—another Virgoean theme.”

READ MORE: The Difference Between August and September Virgos

Queen Elizabeth ll’s Death (Sept. 8, 2022)

In the afternoon hours on Sept. 8, Queen Elizabeth ll “died peacefully” at her beloved Balmoral Estate in Scotland, according to Buckingham Palace. The Queen, who was only 25 when she ascended the throne, just months earlier celebrated her Platinum Jubilee in commemoration of her 70 years of service. As the longest-reigning monarch in British history, she was the epitome of duty. She was widely devoted to her subjects (including holding weekly audiences with her prime ministers, of which there were a record-breaking 15) and credited with ushering the Commonwealth into the modern age (her coronation in 1953, the first to ever be televised, was broadcast to over half a million people worldwide, and her Christmas day speeches aired yearly starting in 1957). 

“It only makes sense for her to leave us,” Maisy says, “just as Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, is about to turn retrograde (along with the five other planets that are currently retrograde)—because her absence after so many decades will definitely be felt.” Arguably, around the globe. 

Hurricane Katrina (Aug. 23, 2005)

By the time Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana on Aug. 29, 2005, the 400-mile-wide cyclone was the third-strongest in history. Katrina’s storm surge and wind gusts up to 175 mph breached New Orleans’ levees, plunging the city under 20 feet of water. The next day, 80 percent of New Orleans was submerged. Extensive flooding persisted throughout the state and in Alabama and Mississippi. Over 60 tornadoes spawned from the storm in eight states. To date, the hurricane is also the costliest (racking up over $100 billion in damages) natural disaster in history. 

Maisy looks to the sky on Aug. 23, several days prior, when Katrina was first spotted as a tropical depression 200 miles from the Bahamas. On this day, the sun was at 0 degrees, which initiated potent Virgo (routine) energy—or, in this case, a lack thereof. “Mars, the planet of war, was making a square to Neptune, the planet of illusion or haziness,” she says. “So, the planet that represents war, movement and, sometimes, destruction meshed with the Piscean water planet of disarray.” And what do you get? A massive tropical hurricane.

9/11 Attacks (Sept. 11, 2001)

At 8:46 a.m., hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center (home to the Port Authority of New York at the time) in New York City. Nearly 20 minutes later, a second plane struck the adjacent South Tower. By 10:30 a.m., both Twin Towers had collapsed, killing almost 3,000 people. In total, nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists abducted four U.S. commercial planes (one of which crashed into the Pentagon and another into an empty field in Pennsylvania) and subsequently orchestrated the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil. 

READ MORE: 6 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Virgo Risings

A lot was happening in the sky on Sept. 11, 2001. Maisy says Saturn (planet of foundation and rules) made a direct trine to Mercury—meaning that strong messages would be received. Additionally, Saturn was in close opposition to the planet of destruction and death: Pluto. “There was bound to be some level of ending certain routines, power struggles, and emphasis on communicating that message,” she says.

Mother Teresa Dies (Sept. 5, 1997)

Mother Teresa, a Virgo, was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu to an Albanian family in North Macedonia on Aug. 26, 1910—though, she considered the following day, when she was baptized, her “true birthday.” As a teenager, she joined a convent and then, at 20, took her first religious vows. She was named after Thérèse de Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries and embarked on a perennial religious pilgrimage. She relocated to Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India, where she dedicated her life to reviving and caring for the homeless, destitute and dying. Mother Teresa founded several charities (including the Missionaries of Charity in 1950) and hospices (like the City of Peace that cared for those plagued with leprosy). In 1979, she was a Nobel Peace prize recipient

She died on Sept. 5, 1997 at age 87. Maisy says the astrology for this day wasn’t as intense as some of the other events in this list. However, “Mother Teresa was a true embodiment of Virgo energy: the counselor, the healer, the giver.” Her miracles occurred posthumously: An Indian woman with stomach cancer and a Brazilian man with a brain tumor were both cured of their maladies, in 2002 and 2015, respectively, and credited Mother Teresa as their remedy. At the Vatican, on Sept. 4, 2016 (Virgo season!) Pope Francis canonized her as “Saint Mother Teresa.”

Diana, Princess of Wales’ Death (Aug. 31, 1997)

Lady Diana Frances Spencer, 19, stepped into the spotlight—and where she virtually remained—when she married Charles, Prince of Wales, heir apparent to the British throne, on July 29, 1981, while 750 million tuned in. Princess Diana’s legacy is that of compassion, empathy and humility. She leveraged her celebrity to destigmatize many illnesses, including mental-health issues and HIV/AIDS, and was often photographed smiling, hugging and shaking hands with patients. She held over 100 charity patronages. Following the dissolution of her marriage in 1996, Princess Diana continued her humanitarian work. After walking through an Angola landmine field with minimal protective gear in ’97, she ardently called for banning the weapon. In Paris, just after midnight on Aug. 31, 1997, Princess Diana, 36, and her partner Dodi Fayed were involved in a high-speed car crash. They sat in the backseat when their driver, Henri Paul, trying to evade pursuing paparazzi, entered the narrow Pont de l’Alma tunnel and lost control of the vehicle. Paul and Fayed were killed instantly, and Princess Diana died hours later at a local hospital.

The astrology was ominous on Aug. 31, 1997 when Princess Diana died. The moon (planet of emotions), in stubborn Taurus, Maisy says was practically opposite Mars in spiteful Scorpio. “This was a clash of determined and vengeful energy within the planet of passion and war.” Of course, fervent mourning commenced far and wide. In a poignant speech after her death, Tony Blair, the UK prime minister at the time, dubbed Princess Diana the “people’s princess,” of which she is still affectionately known. 

READ MORE: What It’s Like to Date a Virgo Man

World War ll Begins (Sept. 1, 1939)

In 1919, after Germany’s World War l defeat, Allied powers restored Poland’s independence after returning land along its western border that Germany had previously seized. Hoping to reoccupy Poland, before dawn on Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler ordered the battleship Schleswig-Holstein to open fire on a Polish fortress along the Baltic Sea. Simultaneously, 1.5 million troops and over 2,000 tanks invaded Poland by land in a demobilizing Blitzkrieg (meaning “lightning war”) attack, an offensive ambush consisting of rapid, belligerent bombings, followed by an influx of mechanized infantry and foot soldiers. Within hours, the Polish capital Warsaw was under German military occupation. Two days later, Britain and France declared war against Germany, and World War ll had officially begun. Hitler effectively altered the course of modern warfare with weapons of mass destruction. And, by the time the war ended in 1945, over 50,000,000 died in battle, air raids and Nazi concentration camps.

The morning of the invasion, Maisy says, Saturn (also the planet of hierarchy and structure) began a new era as it had just entered 0 degrees Taurus. “Not only does that bode well for a new ‘restructuring,’ but Saturn also made a tight square to Pluto,” she says. This, simply, suggests widespread change via death or power.

Is Virgo Season Really Cursed?

Okay, so we can definitely see given these tragic events that Virgo season could be cursed. But is it really?

“If Virgo season is cursed, then every other zodiac season must be cursed, too!” Maisy says. “‘Bad’ things happen during every part of the year. What’s most important is to take note of the energy of the season you’re in so that you might have some understanding of what’s to come.”

Maisy has a point. She looks to World War ll as an example. While the invasion might have erupted in Europe during Virgo season, the U.S. declared war amid Sagittarius season two years later after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941. 

Well, there you have it.

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