Today's Horoscope for Wednesday, October 25: Are You Ready to Get Lucky?


On October 25, 2017

In Aspect, Astrology, Horoscope

Today's Horoscope for Wednesday, October 25: Are You Ready to Get Lucky?

As the Sun and Jupiter are moving toward each other for a connection tomorrow, all signs are feeling some lucky vibrations. Want to buy a lottery ticket? Reach out to someone over email? Ask someone out? Today and tomorrow are great days to do so. Today, with the moon in Capricorn, you may be feeling like your heart and head are finally aligned for once. You’re inspired to do things today—ride this wave wherever it takes you and enjoy your mid-week momentum. You’re going to slay this Wednesday! 

Aries Daily Horoscope
Rams are all in today. You’re passionate about your life, and today isn’t a day to be shy. Speak up, make connections, and make your voice heard. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and once other people see just how emotionally invested you are, they’ll want to get on board. 

Taurus Daily Horoscope 
Your social life if shifting, and even though it may initially feel disconcerting, it’s a good thing, Bulls. But in order to confidently move forward, you may need to acknowledge the past. No ghosting! If someone in your life isn’t working, or you’ve decided to pursue another opportunity, you’ve got to make that known. 

Gemini Daily Horoscope      
With the moon in your sector of connection, you’re getting deep with a significant other or newish date. Sometimes intimacy can be scary for you, but lean into it. The more you can share your vulnerabilities, the closer and more connected you’ll feel. 

Cancer Daily Horoscope
In your shell? Not really! The moon is pushing you to connect, and the alignment of the sun and Jupiter is adding an ease to your interactions. You’re intrigued by social invites. Don’t overthink them. Just say yes and go. And remember: A conversation is not a marriage proposal! Take things as they come and try not to overthink, Crabs! 

What color is your aura, and where is it leading you? Ask the Chakra Tarot….

Leo Daily Horoscope
You’ve been dealing with some family issues, and as you’ve learned, ducking, hiding, and avoiding just aren’t working. Today is a day to be forthright and talk through your problems (and yes, talk, no email or text!) It may feel tricky, but if you listen, let the other person speak first, and empathize with their experience, you may be very happy with how things are resolved. 

Virgo Daily Horoscope
You’re feeling a deep connection with your past, and this can help inspire your future. Feeling like you want to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in ages? Feeling compelled to read your old journal? Follow that urge—you’ll be surprised where it leads you in your present. 

Need an instant answer to a tough question? This Tarot deck has it.

Libra Daily Horoscope
The moon is suggesting to stay close to home today, Libra. You’ve been doing a lot of socializing, but today, you may have second thoughts about a social obligation. It’s okay to bow out. Spending some solo time focusing inward can put you in prime position to take advantage of tomorrow’s Sun and Jupiter connection

Scorpio Daily Horoscope
This is your month, and after a rocky beginning of the week, you’re finally ready for action! The Sun and Jupiter connection is poised to directly affect your sign even more than most, and you may feel pretty unstoppable and confident today. Enjoy it and use that attitude—after all, you’ve worked hard enough. Now’s the time to let the world know what you’re up to and what you have to offer. 

Learn about your animal sign with the wisdom of Chinese astrology.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
Today is a red letter day for Sags! You’ve been buried in work and practical issues; now is a day to chill out, relax, and celebrate. You’re also feeling lucky, and getting returns on requests you may have put out to the universe ages ago! Enjoy it. 

Capricorn Daily Horoscope
Today is a day to dream big, Caps! You’ve gone through a long cycle of just getting sh*t done and crossing it off the to-do list. Now, the universe is asking you to take a step back and think big picture. It’s a day to go with the flow, skip inessential tasks, and break some rules. It’s your life. Own it

Where is your love life headed? Get two valuable perspectives.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope 
Your intuition is so on point today, Aquarians! Your inner voice may be giving you some direction that stands at odds from what you feel you “should” be doing. Follow it where it leads—you truly cannot go wrong if you put your gut in the drivers seat today. 

Pisces Daily Horoscope
The moon is telling you to do you, Pisces! You’ve spent a fair part of the year trying to make others happy, but as the year winds down, the moon is pushing you to listen to and honor your inner voice. Your social circle is especially interesting today, and if you’re single, you may find someone could be more than a friend

Want more info to tap into the power of your zodiac sign today? Try these articles!
When Jupiter Moves Into Scorpio, Every Sign Wins. Here’s Why! 
Seeking Answers? An Oracle Deck May Be the Key! 
Want to Heal Yourself With Herbs? Here’s How 
Your Sign’s Biggest Weakness (And How to Fix It!)

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