Your Weekly Horoscope for July 2–9: Stay Open, Starbabe!

Life feels sunny for all signs this week. But don’t shy away from serious conversations—as Venus moves into the communicative sign of Gemini, discussion and negotiations can go well. It’s also time to think long term: As the full moon comes to fruition on July 8, tensions may arise concerning work/life balance. It’s up to you to make things work; don’t wait for your boss to notice that you’re overwhelmed.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
There have been a few tensions in your home sector these fast few weeks; this is a good time to hash out the issues. Share what you really feel on July 8, when the full moon suggests that it’s prime time to clear the air. And definitely make sure to schedule some time with friends, which can help ease the tension you may feel at home. Finally, give yourself some TLC. Even 15 minutes in the shower with aromatherapy can make all the difference.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Always forthright, it may be time for Bulls to tame their opinions this week, when the stars say that diplomacy is required, especially when it comes to controversial topics. Try to see the other side and engage with tact, and someone important may shift their opinion to your side. As the sun makes potent ties later in the week, you may be tempted to say yes to everything, leading to unnecessary pressure later this month. Motto of the week: I’ll think about it.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Checking your bank account balance on the regular? Money situations are front and center in your mind, and ignoring things won’t work. Be proactive and make time to sort out a budget strategy—it’ll set you on a path toward abundance. As Venus moves into Gemini on July 4, your negotiation tactics get a major boost. Work it. But resist the urge to overspend, especially around the July 8 full moon. Pulling back now will pay off in a big way later.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
You know that side text conversation you’ve been carrying on about someone in your life? Time to take that conversation direct to the source, or else tensions will escalate. If you’re annoyed at someone, tell them—not everyone else. On the full moon of July 8, the things you say could surprise the people around you. This isn’t bad, but since your emotions are so close to the surface this week, it’s smart to take a breather if you feel yourself getting too caught up in the moment. And make time for fun. A night of laughing with friends you trust can go a long way toward smoothing out your somewhat erratic moods.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
It feels like your life is a Netflix drama, right? The cure for that feeling that life is happening to you: Take some solo time to reflect on what you really want. The more you can sharpen the shape of your dreams, the more likely they are to manifest. Take off every to-do on your list besides the most essential, and leave room for random get togethers and last-minute invites. By following your intuition and doing what you want, you’ll manifest a sweeter, happier summer.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
You and a good friend have been locking horns over an issue that’s bigger than both of you. Decide proactively how you want to handle it—before the July 8 full moon forces the issue. Your vulnerable side is close to the surface, which isn’t a bad thing. Stop pushing down your emotions and talk them through, a one-on-one conversation is what’s needed to determine next steps.
Libra Weekly Horoscope
You’ve been super stressed, but ask yourself: Where is that pressure coming from? It may be all internal. That’s not a bad thing, but be sure you’re passionate about your agenda before pushing yourself to the max. Your work will only produce impressive results if you believe in it. And start thinking about delegation. Doing everything by yourself will only exhaust you. And with lovely Venus in your travel sector, the next few weeks are a prime time to get away, especially if you take along someone you love.
Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
You’ve been seeing raised eyebrows a lot. Your impulsive actions have been impressive to others, but it’s time for an internal check-in. Sure, spontaneity is awesome, but make sure you’re not avoiding something that needs attention. On July 8, the full moon enhances your need to try something new. Go for it, but proceed with caution. In other words, book that trip you’ve been craving, but make sure you have something—or someone—stable to return to.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
It’s all about the money this week. The stars say that other people’s opinions matter in this regard. A frank heart-to-heart about how to get your finances in the best shape possible may be in order. As Venus moves into your communication sector, your natural diplomacy is at its peak, and you may be able to help those close to you reach an agreement. On the July 8 full moon, you’re feeling an urge to splurge. Make sure your financial affairs are in order before you commit.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
People around you driving you crazy? Take a step back. Trying to control their actions (or gossiping about them) will only stress you out. Meanwhile, talk through some of your own problems with a few trusted friends—you’ll find that the outside opinions can help you home in on a solution you hadn’t thought of before. And triple-check your emails on the full moon on July 8, when ultimate tact is needed.
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Crying during your commute? The stars say you’re ultra-emotional this week. Lightening your schedule and delegating tasks can help you suss out the culprit. Realizing you don’t have to do it all yourself is key to feeling less overwhelmed. Stay low-key at work. Avoiding big decisions—while staying open to new possibilities—is wise this week. You’ll get new information in the weeks ahead that will clarify the best path forward.
Pisces Weekly Horoscope
All eyes are on you this week—and someone in your social circle is not happy about your spotlight. Scheduling a one-on-one with this person (if you want!) will actually bring you closer and will nip weird vibes in the bud. Meanwhile, a lovely astral aspect makes you feel ultra-social. Invite acquaintances to a social gathering; expanding your intimate circle in the days leading up to and including July 8 will have far-reaching, possibly life-changing, impact. If you’re single and looking to meet someone, this is a golden moment.
Feature art by Dorian Legret.
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