Your September 2019 Horoscope: Back to the Boss Life


On September 3, 2019

In Astrology, Horoscope

Your September 2019 Horoscope: Back to the Boss Life

Ah, September… the very last month of summer (if you can even stretch as far to say that). As we bid farewell to Virgo season and welcome more vibrant Libra season, we’ll get a sweet mix of Virgo’s romance and Libra’s partnership-loving notes. (Checking out your September love horoscope is the best way to figure out how this love energy will affect you!)

What makes September 2019 different though, is the ridiculous number of planets traveling through Virgo this month—Mercury, Venus, and Mars—which, together, will bring about some serious “let’s get down to business” vibe. This attitude will touch all aspects from your life from career to money to home to emotional progress.

It all starts off on August 30, with a potentially traumatic new moon in Virgo. The theme behind this lunation is to openly discuss old emotional wounds with others. (And honestly, you’ll have no choice.)

On September 13, a full moon in Pisces brings focus too lifestyle—ushering us to pick up the loose ends of our life and get our wellness and self-care routines going.

On September 18, Saturn will turn direct after going retrograde back in April.

Mid-month, on September 23, the sun enters Libra as we welcome lovely Libra season! This is also the day of the fall equinox—the very first day of the fall season.

That same week, we’ll see a new moon in Libra on September 28. This moon will ask us to reconsider bringing fresh starts to our relationships. 

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Your Zodiac Sign’s September 2019 Horoscope

palm tree

Courtesy of @dorianlegret


After recent events that left you feeling burnt out, your health is important right now. Pay attention to your day-to-day routines and habits this month, Aries. Are you eating well? Do you feel centered? That mid-month Pisces full moon is asking to stop and reflect on life right now. Recharge and then approach your new path with a plan of action. Toward the end of the month, the new moon will help you look at a relationship in a new light.

Read your full Aries monthly horoscope.


The Virgo new moon at the beginning of the month occurs when Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all in Virgo in a more sentimental part of your chart. So get ready, Taurus: You’re about to tap into childhood memories. The mid-month full moon is going to give you some sense as to how you want a relationship to grow. With some illusions tugging at you, avoid falling into patterns of projection. Focus on how you feel, and the truth will follow.

Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.


The Virgo planets are all falling in your house of family and home, so you should start to feel some energy around getting these things in place. This month, lots of things will take place at your home, Gemini. You might be throwing parties, buying or selling homes, or redecorating. Your home isn’t the only thing that’s highlighted this month, though. The Pisces full moon could also bring new career opportunities to you. If it has something to do with a new creative project, the Libra new moon at the end of the month is a perfect time to capitalize on it!

Read your full Gemini monthly horoscope.


After a whirlwind couple months regarding finances and perhaps your career as well, know that September will be a month of stabilization for you (huzzah!). The three planets in Virgo (Venus, Mars, and Mercury) are traveling through your communication zone, allowing you to have important conversations this month. As you wrap up the past couple weeks of growth, the Pisces full moon will be about seeing the bigger picture—what’s next for you, Cancer? As we fall into Libra season, your attention will be drawn to family matters, which may ask you to resolve old issues.

Read your full Cancer monthly horoscope.


This month is about seeing growth in your self-worth and stability for the future. The first opportunity here will be the Pisces full moon, which ask you to release superficial illusions that you’ve been relying on. Do you really need these things to be happy? Your perceptions are revisited again during the new moon in Libra at the end of the month. However, this moon you’re asked to develop your methods of communication. Overall, September looks to be a transformative month for you, Leo.

Read your full Leo monthly horoscope.


With so many planets in your sign this month, expect to feel super powerful. You’ll feel this energy—and an intense understanding of what you truly want—particularly surrounding your relationships. As Saturn turns direct mid-month, you’ll feel an overwhelming sense of confidence after months of personal development. As the month closes, you’ll find that an interesting aspect between Venus and Mercury could have you evaluating what “worth” means to you in both your relationships and finances.

Read your full Virgo monthly horoscope.


Get ready. The first half of the month will ask you to do some intense retrospection. Now isn’t the time to be super social, as you’ll need time away from others to identify with your core self. Starting with the Pisces full moon, you may realize something you’ve been “missing.” An interesting aspect with Jupiter and Neptune on September 21 will mark a huge turning point in your spiritual journey, getting you completely ready for the Libra season spotlight to hit two days later.

Read your full Libra monthly horoscope.


Mid-month, as Mercury and Venus enter Libra, you may start to feel a little more intimate with a friend. On September 21, as Jupiter and Neptune square, you may feel inclined to take a big leap of faith. Know that you can trust yourself in this decision Scorpio, even though it may be a little “out there.” Lastly, the Libra new moon will help you meditate on your desires so that you can start October feeling much more centered.

Read your full Scorpio monthly horoscope.


The full moon on September 13 is focusing on your home life, Sagittarius. Now is about sharing with the people who matter most in your life. Saturn turning direct might bring stabilization to a financial issue that has been in upheaval for a while. As we head into Libra season and the new moon, you’ll be inundated with social events and invites. This is a great time to connect with others; there may be someone you meet who can help you achieve a goal.

Read your full Sagittarius monthly horoscope.


The month starts for you with the Pisces full moon, bringing new possibilities to light in your career. Being a career-oriented Capricorn, this is going to be a powerful part of the month for you—with a goal clearly in sight! This focus on career only intensifies later in the month as we enter Libra season into your professional sector. This is the moment to let go of any inhibitions. Let in the idea that you aresuccessful, and it’ll make it that much easier to achieve your goals.

Read your full Capricorn monthly horoscope.


With all these planets in Virgo, this month is really targeting all that is core to you: relationships, values, family, and more. It may feel like a lot all at once but remember that the universe is stabilizing your life for you right now. As the full moon takes the sky, it will shed light on your finances and self-esteem. Make sure you’re spending your money wisely, Aquarius. The Jupiter/Neptune square brings about old friends. And finally, the new moon in Libra is pushing you to expand yourself spiritually.

Read your full Aquarius monthly horoscope.


You’ll start to see plenty of opportunity in love and finances during September, and it all starts with the full moon in your sign. Here, it’s best to be open and honest with your feelings. If you do that, your relationships could take a major leap forward. As the sun enters Libra, you’ll become aware of the tipping scales in a certain situation of your life. A relationship or career situation may be putting you in a power struggle that this season (and the new moon) want you to rectify.

Read your full Pisces monthly horoscope.

Lead photo courtesy of @dorianlegret

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