Planting by Your Sign: Moon and Zodiac Gardening for Virgo


On January 17, 2023

In Gardening, Sun, Zodiac sign

Planting by Your Sign: Moon and Zodiac Gardening for Virgo

Are you a Virgo? If so, you’re in luck! Gardening by your sign is a great way to connect with nature and personalize your garden. Zodiac and lunar gardening is a fun and creative way to bring the power of the stars into your garden. Here’s what you need to know about moon and zodiac gardening for Virgo!

Moon Gardening

Moon gardening is based on the belief that the moon’s gravitational pull affects the growth of plants. According to moon gardening, when the moon is in an astrological sign, it influences the growth of plants in that sign’s area of the zodiac. For Virgo, this means that when the moon is in Virgo, it is said to bring forth growth and abundance.

Best Times for Planting for Virgo

The best time for planting for Virgo is when the moon is in the sign of Virgo. This is usually around late August to early September. During this time, it is believed that the gravitational pull of the moon will help to bring forth more growth and abundance.

Zodiac Gardening

Zodiac gardening is based on the belief that the planets and stars have an influence on the growth of plants. According to zodiac gardening, each sign has its own set of attributes and characteristics that affect the growth of plants. For Virgo, it is believed that the sign of Virgo is associated with fertility and abundance. Plants planted when the moon is in Virgo are said to be more fruitful and abundant.

Best Plants for Virgo

The best plants for Virgo are those that are associated with fertility and abundance. Some of the best plants for Virgo include corn, squash, beans, and root vegetables. These plants are said to be especially fruitful and abundant when planted during the moon’s presence in Virgo. Happy gardening!

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